New Bagseed Grow. CFL'S


Well-Known Member
Waddup people. this is my first grow. First off i'll tell you about my setup. i have a dresser. and its about 4ft. 6" mabye. tall, i cleared out the inside of it. and made 2 layers. i have 3 plants in there right now. i have 5 23 watt energysaving Cfl's. and im setting them up so theres 2 over the top about an inch and a half away. i have them set up with reflectors to direct the light, and i will have 3 different ones hanging down like 2-3 inches on 3 different sides. mabye even a little farther away. for the top and sides. im not sure. ive been trying to get this info. But the 5 lights all equal out to 8000 lumens. at 1600 a bulb. they are pretty hot to the touch. but they dont give off to much heat. but until i can get the displays for the lights, they are propped up right up into the inside of a lampshade. about an inch-inch and a half away from the bulb. the inside of the lamp is plain white and sort of shiny. should be good for reflection. The three plants that are starting to sprout are looking pretty good, one in piticular. Well. thats it for now. hopefuly tomarrow i will be sure to get some pic of them for you guys. unfortunatley i cant show you my setup. Because i only have a webcam. But. i will definatley bring them out 2 take pics. Check beck soon! i'll have more forya bye ;)


Well-Known Member
And by the way EVERYONE FEEL FREE TO POST! Please, i want to be criticised . i want the best possible results with my cheap set up.


Well-Known Member
Well, Heres a pic of one, it just came out of the ground last night. Its lookin nice and strong. small juicy little one. It looks healthy as hell to me. I dunno, what do you guys think.:joint::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
Ok, now i have gotten 1 of my light fixtures. Its an aquarium top with 2 bulb screwins. And each one has a metal reflector behind in. i broke off all the access stuff. and i tied the lights up in my dresser. about and inch away from the seedlings. and to one that is growing leaves. Does this sound good. i cant get the displays for my other 3 CFL's until tomarrow. I Have no ventilation. but my room window is open. and i open the dresser every once in a while. To let the hot air out and the cool air in. Someone tell me if there something else i should do. And no i cant get a little fan,

mr west

Well-Known Member
Well, Heres a pic of one, it just came out of the ground last night. Its lookin nice and strong. small juicy little one. It looks healthy as hell to me. I dunno, what do you guys think.:joint::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:
congratulations, its a seedling lol have a smoke to wet the babbys head lol.
What soil are you using? Have you got ur lights on a timer? Its a good time watching the seedlings grow into what we all kno and love lets hope its a girl. Best of luck with ya grow:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
My lights for now are on 24/0 and eventually its gonna change to 18/6 and then i'll go from there. There only gonna be inside for vegging. I Dont have the lumens for good flowering. But. im hopin for the best. As for the soil i got Hydronex soil which is mostly Hypnum peat. and other forest products. It was really moist and kind of mucky, i mixed that with some soil i had in my room in a pot which had alot of perlite in it. im not sure what kind of soil that was. But the mixture together made a nice soft airy soil that holds water pretty well, and definatley drains all the way through the cups that i have. So its working out well. Right now i am just feeding them plain water. Im putting in my other 3 23 watt cfls tomarrow. im putting homemade reflectors on them to increase the effiency. .


Well-Known Member
Hrm. I don't know the setup for your grow room, but if there is a floor ac duct then possibly, and I'd double check this with a more knowledgeable member, move your dresser over the vent and cut a hole in the bottom of the dresser? That would allow some air flow in there. But like I said, this is only a theoretical solution, I've never done it.


Well-Known Member
Well, we dont have any ac. We have the heating ducts. but thats no good. But, there is only a blanket infront of it, and my window is open all the way with a blanket over it but opened at the bottom a little. And every once in a while i open it and run the fan through it. im hoping this will be enough ventilation. i have a homemade co2 pump out of a bottle with 1 cup of sugar, and 1/2 tps of yeast. and the rest wth water in a 12 oz soda bottle. So i pump a bit of it in thru the cap. and then i open the front of the blanket and let the fan in for a minute .


Well-Known Member
What's going on bro? Maybe I can help out here. First off, I'm going to tell you that PH IS KEY HERE! If you don't check the PH of your water, you will kill your plants. You didn't mention that you had a PH meter or that you test it, soooo...what's the situation with that?


Well-Known Member
Well, anyone that bother to look, i will have some more pics by tomarrow. Once again feel free to comment. Actually, please do comment, i want some good solid criticism.


Subliminal messaging o0o0o0o0o0o0o. ;) im in such a good mood.


Well-Known Member
And, to answer your question, No i do not have a PH meter, i am watering them with well water, So i know its not clorinated. And i dont have the money to get a PH meter, but so far so good with the plants. The stocks of the ones that have there first leaves. are reddish, i think this is a good thing but im not sure, any idea? They look healthy and juicy as hell.


Well-Known Member
My main concern right now in ventilation, all i have is a big ass window fan and now way to get a smaller fan.


Well-Known Member
Ok, well first off they are pretty young right now, so they don't need much water. You should have watered once while they were in their soil trying to sprout and that should have been enough for awhile.

Now, a good ph to have is around 6.2. I doubt your well water is that low. It's probably pretty high and if it isn't high, it could be way to low. A ph kit that test water is fairly cheap, I'm talking like 4 or 5 bucks. Do you not have that type of money?


Well-Known Member
Well, if i can get one for that cheap then i will. Why would the ph in the well water be high? And if it is, you cant tell it aint hurtin my plants, And u never answered if the red stocks on my baby's was a good thing or not. Because they look really healthy. And there not completley red either, just tinted reddish in the middle a bit. Actually, im not even sure if i asked u that or not.