New Beginnings: Tricking out a rough Grow-Room.

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Is your 240 V single Phase? I think not but is it?
It's interesting to learn about other cultures.
its one phase... we only have 240v monophase and 380v 3-phase... we use RCD switch instead of gfci and afci, its enough to protect from both arcs and ground faults, and it is installed in panel boxes before all breakers, so its also used as main switch, we measure wire thickness in mm2, starting from usually 0.5 mm2 to lets say 6 mm2, which is equivalent in american 16 awg to 8 awg, and we use concrete to build houses, rarely or almost never wood, so also, construction-wise, we do things differently...

thats why i have no clue about your way of doing and need to research, a lot, because i cannot tell something before i check if its inside your electrical standards, some things really make no sense to me, and its exausting to convert everything (we use metric system, thats enough for me to get lost in rabbit hole)... :)
our instalation in homes always go on walls, inside flexible pvc tubes that are later covered with glazure that we cover all our walls with, and usually we put single wires, so you pull 3 single wires, brown, blue and yellow/green (phase, neutral, ground) from panel to junction box, from there to outlet, and to other junction box, again to another outlet or light, thats how we make electrical circuits, usually up to 10 amperes, sometimes 16, anything above goes on new circuit, so 1 circuit can have 3 outlets, 1 light, it all goes trough 3 wires from panel to junction boxes, it all depends on devices you have...
Oh yeah things are different between where you are and here.
I doubt there is a clear winner so celebrate the differences. I think the differences were about patents in the way back.
It's okay my friend. I do believe I have the basic information and in truth, I am designing for a bit of over kill here.
The main thing here is to not load up the circuit more than 80% when continuous use is expected.
80% of rated will be fine.

No hurry. Think Twice pay once. That sort of thing.
Oh yeah things are different between where you are and here.
I doubt there is a clear winner so celebrate the differences. I think the differences were about patents in the way back.
It's okay my friend. I do believe I have the basic information and in truth, I am designing for a bit of over kill here.
The main thing here is to not load up the circuit more than 80% when continuous use is expected.
80% of rated will be fine.

No hurry. Think Twice pay once. That sort of thing.
yes, if you keep at 80% you wont have any problems for many years... its cheaper to make new circuit, put new wires and conduits now, then later, or when it catches on fire... not worth of cheaping out... about differences, there is no winner and loser, we both have standards that keep us safe, thats a win for us both, but it makes things more complicated, example: whatever you ask me to install or not, im not of much use :) and i feel like im hijacking your thread, its so funny you bought house with grow room, such a luck, i cant wait to see how you prepared your growing oasis, and how your girls will turn out... ❤️
yes, if you keep at 80% you wont have any problems for many years... its cheaper to make new circuit, put new wires and conduits now, then later, or when it catches on fire... not worth of cheaping out... about differences, there is no winner and loser, we both have standards that keep us safe, thats a win for us both, but it makes things more complicated, example: whatever you ask me to install or not, im not of much use :) and i feel like im hijacking your thread, its so funny you bought house with grow room, such a luck, i cant wait to see how you prepared your growing oasis, and how your girls will turn out... ❤

On Grow-Room...
I didn't know until I arrived.
Someone started it and did a great job on the wall-partition but little else.
Then again I lived in California and grew my own so I have a clue. Perhaps whoever started it never made it to growing in a serious way.

As for the thread. It's not to make me a "Made-Man" on RIU it's just friendly sharing and caring.
After all someone will be interested in the Electrical differences between the U.S. and You in the future. You provided content. Well done.

On those plants. I still can't tell if I have a Boy. I need a Boy otherwise I will be using an S1. I am hoping I have a Male in one of those two that do not look like a feminized . I hope for a stash of regular seeds ( male and female). Two are Feminized that I am sure of. Two are not and that I am sure of. I grew out at least 24 of the feminized so I have a fair idea of what they do. Not all the same as Feminized are not "Clones."

If all are female then I'll do what I can but all is not lost after a decade in a jar. Not bad for seeds.

Yeah so there is nothing going on here at the moment except the fixer-upper work.

On Grow-Room...
I didn't know until I arrived.
Someone started it and did a great job on the wall-partition but little else.
Then again I lived in California and grew my own so I have a clue. Perhaps whoever started it never made it to growing in a serious way.

As for the thread. It's not to make me a "Made-Man" on RIU it's just friendly sharing and caring.
After all someone will be interested in the Electrical differences between the U.S. and You in the future. You provided content. Well done.

On those plants. I still can't tell if I have a Boy. I need a Boy otherwise I will be using an S1. I am hoping I have a Male in one of those two that do not look like a feminized . I hope for a stash of regular seeds ( male and female). Two are Feminized that I am sure of. Two are not and that I am sure of. I grew out at least 24 of the feminized so I have a fair idea of what they do. Not all the same as Feminized are not "Clones."

If all are female then I'll do what I can but all is not lost after a decade in a jar. Not bad for seeds.

Yeah so there is nothing going on here at the moment except the fixer-upper work.

what strain do you have? how will you grow them? what is your equipment? tell us more about your setup...
hey guys just saw this thread, I am new on this site but am in the electrical/hvac trade and can help with your electrical/hvac questions. looks like you already got your cable and are choosing conduit?
Yeah I'm learning.

I associate Romex with house wiring but I see EMT and single wires are just fine for the porch/grow-room. Do you agree?

In the Kitchen area is where the washer and dryer were. I have stack-able washer and dryer to put in.
Again I would feed from the crawlspace up through the floor. THAT would be romex coming in.
Would I be right to think NM PVC is what I want for that? Can romex be inside gray NM PVC conduit?
It would be moving a 240 V 30 Amp and adding a new 120 V 20 Amp run.
This has priority. Dirty clothes await!

What do you suggest?

EMT for Grow and PVC for kitchen area pulling Romex?
what strain do you have? how will you grow them? what is your equipment? tell us more about your setup...

Right now this is a seed rescue using 10 year old seeds. The goal is more seeds.
Check out "Growing with Dick" in the organic section to see my plants and CFLs
The strain is a personal medical cross. It doesn't have a name. No-Name strain :)

No glamor this time around just seeds.

Well Setup is still in the dream stage. Nothing finalized.
I can say this! The room will have a dedicated wet/dry vacuum mounted outside the room. Just plug the hose into the wall inside the room. The hose has a remote switch on it for turning on and off.. Cool As F**K
You know the AC choice.

The rest is a Wait-N-See show. No hurry. No worry
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I don't know.
Metal Conduit seems okay but I like PVC.
I think PVC will look better.
Then the wire for the Grow-Rom would be THHN
THHN (thermoplastic high heat-resistant nylon-coated) is the best wire for pulling through PVC conduit.

Like I say "Think Twice Spend Once."
sorry have been really busy the last couple days and havent been on the computer. as far as your conduit for the wiring from subpanel to outlets, you have some options. I personally like mc, also known as flex, (the metal shielded cable) because its very easy to work with and you will not need to purchase a conduit bender like you would with emt. Emt would be my second choice and pvc last for wiring from subpanel to outlets. I say that because both flex and emt allow you to use standard metal boxes and the fittings for attaching the conduit to the boxes are cheap and easy to use. PVC is only really used for weathertight exterior wiring typically, like the entrance cable from your mast to your main breaker is probably in hard pvc, the main issue with using it indoors is that the pvc stuff uses its own weathertight pvc boxes, gland connectors at the boxes etc- and this stuff is pretty expensive. For running power to your washer and dryer some regular 10/2 romex is fine if it has a 3 prong plug like most older washer dryers, or 10/3 if it has the 4 prong plug. So to be clear you do not need to run the romex for your w/d inside conduit as long as its run in the crawlspace (or in the wall) If your going to surface mount the outlet you can encase the romex in some emt where it comes up through the floor, use a metal box for the outlet etc. one thing to look at when you go to buy this stuff is the prices. since the price of wire has gone to the moon, I have noticed that mc/flex is actually cheaper in certain sizes and lengths than romex (the mc that comes with the wires already run through it). this being the case if I had to do a project like this right now, and the flex being exposed in certain areas isnt an issue aesthetically, I would probably just buy that because you get your wire and conduit all in one, and its easy and fast to work with. I am sure this is riddled with spelling and grammatical errors cause i see alot of red underlines lol but I saw the notification and wanted to get you a reply while I had the chance
Okay. Not sure on what I will use in the grow room yet.
I think people are saying I can pull Romex through PVC. If so then I have wire already and will use that.
Naturally following code on how many can be in one PVC and such will be respected.

Washer and Dryer. Oh-Boy what a poop pile of expense.
Okay so I don't have to follow NEC 2020 here where I live BUT why not do it anyway.
I have the required breakers now and the wire.
The dryer was 10-2 but I am told that once I move that line I have to upgrade to 10-3 because that is not Grandfathered and you know what I like adding a Ground to 240V so that is happening.
Washer and Dryer need me to actually do the work now so that is a done deal on planning.

Grow Room. I like PVC. I like the gray and I like how it looks so unless I can find or am told a reason not to use the wire I already paid for well hell I am not buying any more wire!
I don't know if any of you are watching the prices but things are going up by Dollars not Cents right now and because the supply chain is dysfunctional in the USA at this time prices are going to go even higher.

So what needs to happen now is my fat arse has to go under in crawlspace and plan out the run. Fun City NOT.

I have most of everything I need so there is no excuse for not doing some work.

Co2 System

I did pick up some nice Co2 monitors and that told me I need Co2

Autopilot - Copy.jpg

For the C02 System I have decided to go with a brand name. I chose Titan Controls.
This is what I picked for C02 system. Feel free to comment after all I can return things if i have made a mistake.

Tank - Copy.jpg 50 LB because I have to drive a long way to refill.
Co2_Controler - Copy.jpg
Regulator - Copy.jpg
Rain_Tubing - Copy.jpg

So that seems to be a Co2 system.

The room will be enclosed with barrier reach so that will help with leaks. In fact I can do that work as soon as I get off my butt. LOL

Comments? Feedback?

Whatever you decide to do, get your materials at a local electric supply. Crazy savings over the big box stores.

I wish there was savings right now.
That is not what I am experiencing at the checkout.
We have major inflation on the price of things because the supply chain is not working in the USA.
sorry have been really busy the last couple days and havent been on the computer. as far as your conduit for the wiring from subpanel to outlets, you have some options. I personally like mc, also known as flex, (the metal shielded cable) because its very easy to work with and you will not need to purchase a conduit bender like you would with emt. Emt would be my second choice and pvc last for wiring from subpanel to outlets. I say that because both flex and emt allow you to use standard metal boxes and the fittings for attaching the conduit to the boxes are cheap and easy to use. PVC is only really used for weathertight exterior wiring typically, like the entrance cable from your mast to your main breaker is probably in hard pvc, the main issue with using it indoors is that the pvc stuff uses its own weathertight pvc boxes, gland connectors at the boxes etc- and this stuff is pretty expensive. For running power to your washer and dryer some regular 10/2 romex is fine if it has a 3 prong plug like most older washer dryers, or 10/3 if it has the 4 prong plug. So to be clear you do not need to run the romex for your w/d inside conduit as long as its run in the crawlspace (or in the wall) If your going to surface mount the outlet you can encase the romex in some emt where it comes up through the floor, use a metal box for the outlet etc. one thing to look at when you go to buy this stuff is the prices. since the price of wire has gone to the moon, I have noticed that mc/flex is actually cheaper in certain sizes and lengths than romex (the mc that comes with the wires already run through it). this being the case if I had to do a project like this right now, and the flex being exposed in certain areas isnt an issue aesthetically, I would probably just buy that because you get your wire and conduit all in one, and its easy and fast to work with. I am sure this is riddled with spelling and grammatical errors cause i see alot of red underlines lol but I saw the notification and wanted to get you a reply while I had the chance

Tell me about the prices of Wire now! GeeeeZeus!
I picked up 100 feet of 10-3 and reacted to the price like "Really?" Are you Serious? OMG it is expensive.
I checked prices and even though I was at a local hardware store the prices were on par with everyone else.
OMG people are being over charged so bad right now.
My only solace is that I am getting it done.

Don't even ask how much proper breakers are. I bought the wrong kind and I have been able to return all but one. That one ran me $300-ish I think Ebay is my friend.

The costs are so fricking high that I better get some damn fine smoke year after year or I will hate myself.

This makes me glad for LED lights. Having run 30 amp dedicatated line to my old grow room for a couple of 1k lights, fans, ect, Now I can run my whole room off a 20 amp breaker. easy to just drop in a breaker, run some line for a couple of plugs and done.
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