New CFL 2nd grow using Scott's Hyponex Potting Soil in 6" pots


Well-Known Member
Yea I was wondering the same thing, I haven't heard anything kandy like about it at all lol.. It is a great name though!

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
yeah, kush wreck would be a good name for that cross, LoL

day 88 for the girls. raven still has a bunch of brown leaves, but venus has really come back nice with just a few brown tips here and there. she looks real good with bright green leaves and her buds have nice healthy white hairs with a few that are still pink. this confuses me more now since both plants have the same soil, nutes and watering schedule. i just ph'd my new jug of rain water and its right at 6.0, so 3 drops of up and it was 6.8 and thats what i just watered them with. i need to make a new jug of nute mix and i will check that when i do.

well, some great news, i found out today i will be staying here and start work on the 24th at the dog kennel. my buddy in iowa will be coming back in a week and we will get everything setup then. its not the top kennel like before, but its up to us to try and turn it around, my buddy is a hell of a trainer. 5:30 am turnouts and picking up the dogs at night after they race, man i cant wait, i am so ready for this again after being laid up for 10 months. texas wound have been cool, but im really glad to be staying at home and working. and, this means i can keep growing!!


Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
hey thanks everyone, i cant wait. the one is looking real good, the other, i think its just the bad leaves that are left. she should come back good tho, only 4 or 5 weeks left. yep, the seeds are getting closer, LoL.


Active Member
i had a skunk #1 plant from sensi seeds that was very picky with the water ph, and hated Mg soil. and my vanilla kush and Raw diesel survived. and they all 3 were living under the same conditions. now they are beatiful after transplantng into coco.

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
yeah, im really gonna look in to that, might take a ride today over to lowes, i know i saw it there, kinda like a bale i think. do you just use it, or do you mix it with soil? it looks like that door mat stuff, LoL. i dont have the money right now to get it but ill take a pic or 2 and post when i get back. i'd like to use it for my next grow.

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
ok, its day 89 and its been 6 weeks of flowering. same on the plants though, raven, brown leaves and venus looking real good. i think about 4 more weeks, that will be 10 weeks of flowering so thats my goal. its also 3 more weeks than molly. maybe they'll turn out better this time. i did notice that i took a few hit before i went to lowes and driving along relized how good of a buzz i had, dont get that same feeling just laying around the house, LoL.

now on to lowes, they didnt have the coco coir. i know i seen it there about 6 months ago, but they said they never carried it, oh well. i did check out some soil though. the pics are of jungle growth, one is pro mix and the other is the same with moisture control. its got pine bark, canadian sphagnum peat moss, perlite, vermiculite, horticulture grade hardwood charcoal, trace elements, and natural minerals. all the good stuff for a good marijuana mix, but does have some low doses of nutes too. 0.22-0.11-0.18 on the N-P-K and also has cal, mag, zinc, and boron.

since i will be using the 4 gallon square buckets, i'll need alot of soil. the bag was 2 cubic feet and weighed 24 lbs. so thats 12 lbs per cubic foot of soil and was $6.97, pro-mix and $9.97, water control. heres a link to their web site, Jungle Growth. looks like some good shit and worth a try. i think i'll just go with the pro-mix when i get some. i have to go to work and make some money first before i start the super grow with good seeds and all the cool new shit i wanna get, LoL. anyone have any thoughts on this stuff or have tried it?



Well-Known Member
Sounds like some good ingredients! I haven't read anything about it around here yet though.. Might be worth the try!


Hey man, your plants are doing great.

I actually have one of my three in Jungle Growth and it's doing really well (I think I posted it before but other two are in Fox Farms Ocean Forest), in fact it's the best of the three. That said it was the best going in and didn't go through the shock of transplant recently like the others. Mine is the organic mix though but I bet yours will be just as good.

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
thats cool to hear, im not sure if they had the organic mix or not, i think that would be best. have to see when i go back. i think lowes is the only place to get it? glad the plants are doing good for ya.


I got mine from Lowes, haven't seen it elsewhere but haven't looked either. I think the one that died of thirst is just stunted for good. The other two growing like crazy that one staying the same. I'm going out of town for the weekend so if it's the same when I get back I'm gonna pull her and put something else in her place. It works out well that she's in her own box.


Active Member
yeah, im really gonna look in to that, might take a ride today over to lowes, i know i saw it there, kinda like a bale i think. do you just use it, or do you mix it with soil? it looks like that door mat stuff, LoL. i dont have the money right now to get it but ill take a pic or 2 and post when i get back. i'd like to use it for my next grow.
i tried going to 2 different homedepot's and they didnt have. but the weird thing is i saw they had online. but w.e i got this coco from a hydro store. its a big ass bag that looks like it can be dirt. i think its the same company who makes the sunshine pro mix #4 which i hear is was a bitch to carry out the store.


Active Member
Do you see "quicker" growth b/c of soil less and nute blast? I think i might try it. Since I want to go PRO damnit! haha
well i can only compare with MG organic choice and you really cant even compare the two. the Mg burnt the shit out of my seedlings once i transplanted into coco they completlly turned around and doubled the size in half the nute burn and easy drainage even without perlite.

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
man, i really want to find some of that stuff. i wont go to the hydro store here cause the cops have nothing better to do and sit and watch the place, total bullshit, so i cant take that chance. i could ride the bus and go that way, but im not carrying a bag like that on the bus, LoL.