New CFL 2nd grow using Scott's Hyponex Potting Soil in 6" pots


Well-Known Member
they look good though despite the browning goin on...comin along well is it me or is the pink hairs lasting alot longer than the last grow?


Active Member
yeah, but theres still a lot of white hairs and pink too???

thanks, it seems like evrything is taking longer with these girls, i guess because there clones???
I doubt the clone thing would be a factor unless it was far enough off from the mother to start having a genetic breakdown. Maybe whatever is causing the angry growth is slowing down your flower process? I remember once I had a strain of bag seed I grew when I was younger and the miracle grow crap I was using was deficient in potassium I believe it was a bit baked and realllllly tired long day so it may have been something else... but anyways back to the point potassium deficiency caused a severe purpling of the stem and then the leaf during flower I in turned thought to myself "wow this reefer didn't have any purp up in it, and it's not cold enough in here to shock it purp... wow must be some chronic" and I continued the regimen as such and finally harvested myself some better than market at the time but still not something to write home about grade chronic... well I had the foresight to take a few clones of that ol' lady before she went too far into flower. Before I flowered those clones at some point I was studying alternative medicine as I did quite often back still do obviously to this day then I suddenly realized as severe potassium deficiency could turn the water leaf of the bud and then possibly the bud itself purple and it was in fact not another environmental or genetic condition. To prove my theory I got a new neut fed 1 clone old MG style neut and 1 the new stuff continued MG style crap through the whole process on #1 and she ended up taking a whole 3 1/2 weeks longer to harvest bring her from an 8 week to a 11-1/2 weeker...

holy crap long story short maybe it's the issue that we can't pin down that is messing with speed of flower on your growth. But I doubt it's just cause they are clones.

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
it just seems to be taking longer than the plant they came from, but they did have to reveg also.

its day 106 and nothing has changed, i was just looking at the trichs and they are still clear to clouldy. im really not sure when to pick these girls to get the best smoke from them. the pics are with my cell phone and 2 10x loops taped together, LoL. its all i have right now, still need the get a real scope.


Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
yeah huh, and that sucks, LoL. im just not sure what i want the trichs to be this time?? heres from my notes on molly. so it was about 60 days, im at day 58, so right about the time i cut molly down.

6-29/9 pm, day 35, its been 1 week since they all showed sex and started with pre-flowering.

8-23/4 pm, its day 90 and now im really confused, 2 of molly's main buds have a lot of new growth with new white hairs coming out but all the leaves are dead, dam i'll be glad when shes done.

i cut molly down on day 91.

now this from the clones,

9-4/7 pm, its day 48 for the girls and there doing great, lots of new growth and bright green. i made a milder strenght nute mix this time for them so we'll see if that helps this strain out. the bud really is getting better as it ages. im guessing about 50 to 60 more days to get buds on these girls harvest them from how long molly took to flower and pick. the 2 girls i have going right now are 2 clones that i had to reveg from about 3 weeks of flowering. they are getting nice and bushy tho and i just put them into 12/12 starting last night.

so its been 58 days of flowering today. so if i go 2 more weeks any ways, thats gotta be better than before?


Well-Known Member
if they were mine i would wait for milky then chop. they are beautiful plants btw. if i ever do soil i will copy your methods. keep up the great grow.



Well-Known Member
i let mine go mostly amber then when i think there done i wate def does a special thing with the smoke! theres many ppl who would agree but true fact is when its cloudy its at its higest level of thc but its a mostly cerebral high...i like that smoke and cant do shit high so i let em go pretty much untill the hairs start to receed...i think u should do a staggerd harvest...take a lower bud wen its cloudy dry it out and smoke it...see how it is...then take another bud thats mostly cloudy some amber dry it out smoke it then wait untill the tree is mostly amber and hairs receeding and try it...u will def. kno for ur next real deal grow how u like the high and when u like to harvest

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
hey thanks jp, with it being a mostly stavia strain, i would want milky right? i think about 2 weeks should be good then. how did you like the blue smurf bud, was it any good? do you have anything going on now? my new beans should be ready to go into the soil tomorrow, i hope. check it out when you get a chance, not much to look at now, but should be soon, LoL.


Well-Known Member
i let mine go mostly amber then when i think there done i wate def does a special thing with the smoke! theres many ppl who would agree but true fact is when its cloudy its at its higest level of thc but its a mostly cerebral high...i like that smoke and cant do shit high so i let em go pretty much untill the hairs start to receed...i think u should do a staggerd harvest...take a lower bud wen its cloudy dry it out and smoke it...see how it is...then take another bud thats mostly cloudy some amber dry it out smoke it then wait untill the tree is mostly amber and hairs receeding and try it...u will def. kno for ur next real deal grow how u like the high and when u like to harvest
I agree with this if you can stand it lol.. Shit you might be suprised at the difference if you let it mature a little longer..

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
i let mine go mostly amber then when i think there done i wate def does a special thing with the smoke! theres many ppl who would agree but true fact is when its cloudy its at its higest level of thc but its a mostly cerebral high...i like that smoke and cant do shit high so i let em go pretty much untill the hairs start to receed...i think u should do a staggerd harvest...take a lower bud wen its cloudy dry it out and smoke it...see how it is...then take another bud thats mostly cloudy some amber dry it out smoke it then wait untill the tree is mostly amber and hairs receeding and try it...u will def. kno for ur next real deal grow how u like the high and when u like to harvest
I agree with this if you can stand it lol.. Shit you might be suprised at the difference if you let it mature a little longer..
thanks guys, well i know i didnt like it the way it was so i will wait then, there were a very few amber trichs last time.


Active Member
We let ours go a little long we think last time, and we thought the High was different for sure. This time we are going to be bang on 90 days from start to finish and we are hoping the theory of cloudy is the highest level of THC is correct!! LOL The better the meds the happier the patient I always say!!


Well-Known Member
We let ours go a little long we think last time, and we thought the High was different for sure. This time we are going to be bang on 90 days from start to finish and we are hoping the theory of cloudy is the highest level of THC is correct!! LOL The better the meds the happier the patient I always say!!
it all depends on what the patients needs are...i fu have alot of pain and u wanna sleep or b numb man u gotta let them bitches get mostly amber! and then wen u think they ready wait a lil bit i used to harvest mostly cloudy somewhat amber and i will never again i love the effects of a harvest that went a lil longer!

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
day 107, its 8 1/2 weeks of flowering, i have enough nute mix left for 1 more watering and i'll give that to them tomorrow. then i guess i'll start flushing, if i go 2 1/2 more weeks, that will be 11 total. i want to get the grandma's molasses for the other grow and i figure i will use it on these girls for flushing, cant hurt?? im going to walmart tonight so i'll pick some up.

oh yeah, i want that deep body stone for sure, LoL, i dont like the heady high that much.


Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
cool, thanks man, ive been reading up on it and that seems to be the biggest problem, that you cant just keep adding as much as you want. i will go with 1 tbls per gallon for these girls during flushing.

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
this is the way ive done both the other grows. i got just over 60 grams from new bean and 27 grams from molly.

When I harvest, I will use the veg box to hang the buds in and dry. Cut the buds off, anything over one and half inches long, and manicure them right then and there. Then, using cheap masking tape, I will make rows 3 or 4 inches apart, across the box and hang them from the tape. Then run an oscillating fan on low, blowing OVER but not on them, just to keep air moving. Do not allow the buds to touch each other. By drying just the buds alone, you can dry them in 3 to 5 days. The big buds are 5 days, the small buds in 3 days, till you can snap the stems.

Then put the small popcorn buds in shoe boxes, not piled up or touching each other, and stir them around daily too. What you want to do is dry the buds first, and then CURE them, by placing them in jars, and opening the jars daily for a few minutes, to smell them, for up to 30 days. If they smell funky, take them out of the jar and dry them again two more days, then back in the jars. You have to watch those big colas close to make sure you don't get mold.