NEW Closet Set Up for L.E.D. Stealth Grow

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Well-Known Member
I use jiffy 7's, soak in hp 6 with some rooting gel mixed in with Liquid Karma. I place on heating mat for 1 to 2 hours than start. Get my scissors, I can hear the howling start. I use the small Fiskers they cost 11 to 15$, I get an alcohol pad, get then at the drug store, clean the blades and start cutting, stick in gel don't need to much and push to bottom of medium. I have done this with rock wool, and oasis cubes and cups with dirt and I have a 99.9% success rate. I put 31 pucks in a tray and when done cover with dome, put on mat 9 to 12 days later ready to transplant. Water as needed, about every 3 to 4 days I put enough water to almost cover the ridges in the bottom for the tray. Have the holes open to max on top of domes and small fan blowing across the tops of the domes.

I was taught to use a razor blade or scalpel and do it under water or might get an air embolism, bla bla bla Now it takes me 45 min to do 31 great clones. I don't disinfect the room, some times I wash my hands, the alcohol pad does clean me up a bit.

O ya I also give every clone a hair cut, kind of like a flat top, I cut the tips off, as that's where mold starts 90% of the time.



Well-Known Member
I use jiffy 7's, soak in hp 6 with some rooting gel mixed in with Liquid Karma. I place on heating mat for 1 to 2 hours than start. Get my scissors, I can hear the howling start. I use the small Fiskers they cost 11 to 15$, I get an alcohol pad, get then at the drug store, clean the blades and start cutting, stick in gel don't need to much and push to bottom of medium. I have done this with rock wool, and oasis cubes and cups with dirt and I have a 99.9% success rate. I put 31 pucks in a tray and when done cover with dome, put on mat 9 to 12 days later ready to transplant. Water as needed, about every 3 to 4 days I put enough water to almost cover the ridges in the bottom for the tray. Have the holes open to max on top of domes and small fan blowing across the tops of the domes.

I was taught to use a razor blade or scalpel and do it under water or might get an air embolism, bla bla bla Now it takes me 45 min to do 31 great clones. I don't disinfect the room, some times I wash my hands, the alcohol pad does clean me up a bit.

O ya I also give every clone a hair cut, kind of like a flat top, I cut the tips off, as that's where mold starts 90% of the time.

Awesome tips. I have the exact same scissors, sharp as hell and highly recommended for trimming bud. They take great clean cuttings too. +rep for the mention of my fave scissors!


Active Member
I saw this method on a thread a few months back and made a few mods, but here goes the basics. Take the cotton off of the ends of a few cotton swabs. stretch it out to make a thin layer of cotton about the size of a nickel/quarter. make as many of these as you plan to have cuttings. Before each cutting, dip one of the peices of cotton in some cloning gel and turn until covering the cotton, then flatten the cotton out again. Take about a 3-4" cutting from the plant at a 45 degree angle. This cut can be anywhere, no need to be close to nodes as some other methods state. Wrap the cotton around the bottom of the cutting so that the end is covered and then move up the stem as far as the cotton reaches. Insert into rockwool that has presoaked in 6ph water for 24+ hours. I then put onto a tray and cover with a dome. Under the tray I place a heat pad set to low for 15 mins every hour. Spray the dome as needed to keep the humidity up. I can see roots in 10-14 days without fail.

The basic idea of this is the cotton keeps the cloning gel applied to the stem more effectively. It is very little work, but is well worth it I think. Hope this will be helpful to at least someone! :)


Sector 5 Moderator
I've successfully done several LED grows. They are great because they don't use much energy; they don't have much of a heat signature and they are awesome for vegging but you're going to be very disappointed when it comes to flowering. You'll be lucky to get 1/4 oz from your grow.


Well-Known Member
I've successfully done several LED grows. They are great because they don't use much energy; they don't have much of a heat signature and they are awesome for vegging but you're going to be very disappointed when it comes to flowering. You'll be lucky to get 1/4 oz from your grow.
Are you up for a bet?


Well-Known Member
Make it easy on yourself.
Sub it and we'll see. I'll post pics and dry weight scale shots... I only have 5 plants and I'm not scrogging these, because they are fem seeds and I don't fully trust them. This grow is to pick out good traits and cloning. I think I'll easily do a couple of ounces, easy...


Well-Known Member
I'm subbed. I'm expecting to get right at 10 pounds from my current grow.
I wish I had the room. I'd have to kick out my roommates if i were to attempt anything that size. I'm doing my grow stealth wize in a home I own, with two roommates living here. Both are cool, but they have no idea.


Active Member
I've successfully done several LED grows. They are great because they don't use much energy; they don't have much of a heat signature and they are awesome for vegging but you're going to be very disappointed when it comes to flowering. You'll be lucky to get 1/4 oz from your grow.
Obviously you have not researched this very much. I grew more that a 1/4 oz with just two small plants on my first try with all LED's. Each plant was under 2 feet tall and I burned the shit out of them with nutes and ph.


Active Member
I'm subbed. I'm expecting to get right at 10 pounds from my current grow.
How many lights and what wattages? How many plants and how tall are they?

I have seen grows with LED that grew several pounds, but they were using whole bedrooms or part of a garage to grow. Do enlighten us instead of just bashing (one of the OP's pet peaves)


Sector 5 Moderator
Obviously I have done my research since I've done 4 grows with LEDs. It's one thing to start out with 5 or 6 plants; it's another for them to survive til the chop. I have two sets of LED's (and these are not my first either) along with 2 T-5's (4 bulbs each, 4'), all in storage. If you want to flower with LED's, knock yourself out; I'll stick with my 1000w HID for that and I will get pounds of pot. I've got a grow journal - I even have some shots of my LED's in use there - that shows my current grow.


Well-Known Member
Obviously I have done my research since I've done 4 grows with LEDs. It's one thing to start out with 5 or 6 plants; it's another for them to survive til the chop. I have two sets of LED's (and these are not my first either) along with 2 T-5's (4 bulbs each, 4'), all in storage. If you want to flower with LED's, knock yourself out; I'll stick with my 1000w HID for that and I will get pounds of pot. I've got a grow journal - I even have some shots of my LED's in use there - that shows my current grow.
We are all proud of you. Please find another thread to brag in, you are in the wrong one. As i stated in the beginning, this is not going to be an argument about HID vs LED. You can take that shit elsewhere.


Sector 5 Moderator
Sorry, I was under the impression this was a public forum. Once again, you are putting words in my mouth. I patted you on the back, and gave you my best wishes. Then one of your friends took exception to one of my statements and accused me of not doing my research. This is not about LED vs HID; I was just trying to give you the heads up about expecting a big harvest. Truthfully, I hope you get 20 lbs but I'm just saying, from my experience, and what I've read on here, LED's will disappoint you in the flowering phase.


Well-Known Member
We all appreciate your unbiased opinion floyd, Thanks for sharing it with us again and again.

While this is a public forum, I'm politely asking you from refraining from making remarks that are derogatory about LED lighting. I'm doing a simple grow with 100% LED and sharing the results so that other's that can't afford or are thinking about LEDs can make up their own mind, without you influencing them before we even get into the flowering phase.

You do not need to reply to this. I'm simply making a humble request of you. Please keep your LED opinions to yourself or start your own derogatory thread. I have no expectations from this grow and I don't want you to feed any either.

Thanks again for sharing with us your unlimited wisdom. It is greatly appreciated, just not wanted here.


Active Member
Avoid the 3w and 5w diodes. They may sound better, however the 1w 10mm diode found in HTG lights is far superior and efficient. It hits on all spectrums needed by the plant. Good LED lighting is an investment into your business or hobby. These lights have a rating of over 100,000 hours, thats more than 10 years. By then, who knows, maybe the LED technology will have far outpaced HIDs and you'll want to buy newer ones. china has already discovered newer technologies but they are cost prohibitive right now, allowing only governments to be able to afford and experiment with them.

Watt for Watt, LEDs of today win, hands down. I'm not comparing my 320 watts of LEDs with a 1000 watt mh bulb. I'm simply stating that when you compare wattage used, LEDs produce more per actual watt. An HID bulb produces a wide spectrum of light. The plant can only use about 15% of that light, leaving 85% of the energy used to produce the light as wasted. A good LED set up will produce only light that the plant can use, wasting nothing in power consumption. The days of blinding lights and reflector hoods is coming to an end. I truly believe that, especially as society seeks green alternatives to old ways, such as ditching the incandescent light bulb.
So far thats exactly what I've been able to find concerning the 1w diodes as opposed to the 3w & 5w.

Need to start watching the HTG ebay store;-)


Sector 5 Moderator
I can't wait to see all that bud; you are the man American Gothic. I only wish I knew as much as you about growing pot. I am humbled to have found your thread. As I have said so many times, LED's are the way to go; there is nothing like them, especially for flowering and getting huge amounts of first class bud, dripping with resin. You are my new mentor.
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