New england outdoor summer grow


Well-Known Member
against my better judgment I have decided to try growing outdoors again. I swore I would not put myself through it again but, here we are. I live in Maine and was plagued with high humidity, frequent rains and periodic cold last year. The result, bud rot,larfy buds, bugs, tears, frustration. So why do it again? To get better at it, of course. To try and fix some of the issues I will be doing only three autos that are more inclined to handle the fickle weather of zone 5 conditions. I will be running a northern lights and jack herer from fastbuds and Brooklyn sunrise from Dutch passion. We will see how it goes. Any other new England growers on here? What strains do you all prefer to run in the outdoors?
I'll be interested in hear how that indica dominant northern lights turns out - did you choose it particularly because the indicas generally flower faster? I feel like there's been a general uptick amongst new england growers turning towards autoflowers
I chose the NL because a. Its an auto and b. Its supposed to b. Its supposed to be very resistant to PM and budrot and fluctuations in temperature. Autos seem to fair better in New England because the weather is so unpredictable in late summer/fall when photos typically transition into flower. With autos, they will be in full bloom during the best parts of our very short summer season. Thats the theory anyway. We shall see
I chose the NL because a. Its an auto and b. Its supposed to b. Its supposed to be very resistant to PM and budrot and fluctuations in temperature. Autos seem to fair better in New England because the weather is so unpredictable in late summer/fall when photos typically transition into flower. With autos, they will be in full bloom during the best parts of our very short summer season. Thats the theory anyway. We shall see
Yup thats the theory, I have seen fat buds rot in full july sun with high RH but iam trying some autos this yr in ME ya never no.
Thats what I figured. Just gonna do the three plants and hope for the best. I will keep the more cherish cultivars inside where I can keep things safe and dialed in better
I’ve had great luck with autos in 5 gallon fabric pots. Easy to move around and keep out of the rain. I am trying a full term Royal Kush this year for haha’s and also going to put out a clone of Tahoe OG also more as an experiment than anything. I’m in CT.
I live in the great north east too and last year was a bust for outside total disappointment I got a bit only because I planted so many but not what I should’ve hopefully this years a lot better
I agree the year of 2020 was a great year but all the turmoil spilt over into Mother Nature and she reeked havoc on us all last year outside lol
Outdoors is a crap shoot every year
It seems to be changing in relation to latitude as well
We get weather more like the weather used to be in southern Ohio in the mitten
I’m sure many have noticed the changes in recent years in other locals as well :peace: