New feeding routine? Any tips of when to use each?

I guess I never ran bud blood is my point so I can't comment on it. It's possible I misunderstood your post, it happens:)

I randomly hit on a link, like I said. I knew what I'd find and it doesn't matter what the product is with these guys, it's a rip.
Thanks. I made some valid, comprehensive points in post #37. I'm a simple man....I know how this game is played.

You do most def ub! Like I said its one thing to teach and show people why or how they could improve their garden. Which I feel you do a great job of. It's another thing to just say a product sucks and leave the person who had the question like damn, why does it suck or man did I just spend a lot of money on the wrong stuff. Teach them why the product may not be safe or why it burns the plants not just product sucks and leave them in the dark.
That's because they're too busy trying to justify their choices. Sometimes I wonder who they're trying to convince - others or themselves.

The problem with most cannabis growers is they're lazy. They talk the name talk, not the mineral value. How many times has some newb complained "help, my leaves are turning yellow and have spots on them" tosses out a product name or two and when I try to make a diagnosis by requesting what's actually in it, they don't know. "Well, Joe used it. I know it works!" Soooooooooo, I do a Google and if I'm lucky I find out the actual salts and nutrient values. What's really frustrating is when you can't get the content info. I don't like government intervention, but this is one time when it makes sense to have a regulatory agency mandating that ever product sold have a complete GA, just like your McDonald's burger. AN's been busted on numerous occasions for fraud. Using ingredients that are harmful to you health. They don't give a shit. They're only in it for the money and much to the surprise of some of numb nuts, AN is not your friend.

As I've said a million times the marketing geniuses, web site designers, the graphic artists from Humboldt, AN, canna, Botanicare, Fox, etc. and the hydro store players know the mentality of our group and they play it to the nth degree with charts, over priced products and such.

Sometimes it isn't even the grower's fault that they don't know what's in their bottles as a handful of these companies pull some shady sh*t when it comes to labeling. I'm sure you already know this and it can vary from state-to-state but by law they're not allowed to sell us less of an ingredient that is listed on the bottle but they can certainly sell you more. An example of this is when I tested a two-part hydro food from House & Garden as one of the bottles was labeled (.3-0-.3) and neither had calcium listed. In addition, H&G registered these two bottles with the state or Oregon listing mineral percentages that completely differed from what my bottles said.

In the end the food wound up performing really well and was actually VERY cost-effective to use but without knowing the exact ingredients, it's hard to learn anything in regards to what mineral profiles do best in water culture.
I asked advanced about labeling on the phone one day and they told me this...there is only so much space to print on the bottle lol.
You do most def ub! Like I said its one thing to teach and show people why or how they could improve their garden. Which I feel you do a great job of. It's another thing to just say a product sucks and leave the person who had the question like damn, why does it suck or man did I just spend a lot of money on the wrong stuff. Teach them why the product may not be safe or why it burns the plants not just product sucks and leave them in the dark.

Yep, let's take that Blood Bud stuff. They hype it as being a super bloom food when in reality it will do the plant a great deal of harm unless you know what you're doing and supplement it with a high N food that has a good micro profile. The typical grower who has no foundation to pull from will fall for it and when his plants lose most of their fan leaves and the colas end up as popcorn buds they can't understand why. To protect yourself, to empower yourself, you MUST learn what makes a plant tick and why these shysters do what they do.

"Bud Blood Promotes larger, Heavier & Denser Flowers & Fruit"
The recommended dosage for flowering is 4ml/L which is close to 16mls/gal of EACH part. I've actually seen some pretty nice plants grown with the Sesni bottles at 10-12mls/gal of EACH part which still means you can't finish a flowering cycle with two gallons and two reservoirs.

Isn't it READ YOUR PLANTS. BE ONE WITH YOUR PLANTS yet you use the argument that AN recommends 16ml/gal. I never use that much. WHat does it matter if it has an A&B ? . I get AN for 50$ gal (25$ for A , 25$ for B) shit what does the price have to do with it? I find your Dyna in bloom sub-par for me so I use Sensi. I will use it if it's triple the price of dyna. WHy? because I get better results with it. So what. You guys just have to get over this shit. It's all miniscule in the whole scope of a grow.UB mentions supps. Dyna has sups too which I find more of marketing then essential. Dyna is coming out with a whole organic line and will follow suite along with all the other rippoff companies. Like I say, look at lighting. You will find more scamming in that arena.

Whether you're in a medical state or not, walking out of your hydro shop with gallons of plant food every other month can attract unwanted attention. Order it online? Sure, now 'they' know where you live.

A grow journal is a high wire act, an opportunity to show the community what one can do when everyone is watching. Yes, I pop up in these threads warning beginners about AN, but the same pro-AN folks pop up in these threads too and I've noticed two things; none ever have any grow journals and none of them ever want to have a civil, factual conversation about AN and how it compares to other more reasonably priced plant foods.

Well "they" would certainly know just as much with me posting a journal.

If you want to have a civil conversation by all means go for it and stop your accusations that Sensi is the worst base to use. I have been trying to be civil with you guys all morning.
Homebrew your avatar just bothers me lmao!

I think it's that smirk on his face lol

i guess my whole thing is approach, I can except a line is not as good as another or lacks in certain elements ect ect. I feel we owe it to the cannabis community though, to properly educate why in a professional manner. We should be open and aware of others and the time they've spent learning. Yes it may be off from how it's supposed to be done correctly but teach that more so than just call something junk and b done with it:)

all in all fellas I'd say a good conversation took place here this morning.
......In addition, H&G registered these two bottles with the state or Oregon listing mineral percentages that completely differed from what my bottles said.

AN did the same thing and was taken to court for it. You might remember those links a member gave about a year ago. It was pretty damning for AN.

HB, have you looked at the salts used (or being claimed to include) in their Bud Blood? Holy mole', it's less than a buck's worth and they're selling it for $225 for 500 grams, not even a pound!

Well, time push away from all this stuff and take the dog for a hike and then get my fajita fix at our favorite Mexican food restaurant.

Bueno by.....
Yep, let's take that Blood Bud stuff. They hype it as being a super bloom food when in reality it will do the plant a great deal of harm unless you know what you're doing and supplement it with a high N food that has a good micro profile. The typical grower who has no foundation to pull from will fall for it and when his plants lose most of their fan leaves and the colas end up as popcorn buds they can't understand why. To protect yourself, to empower yourself, you MUST learn what makes a plant tick and why these shysters do what they do.

"Bud Blood Promotes larger, Heavier & Denser Flowers & Fruit"

see that's what I'm talking about right there!:) that post alone has the ability to help the users understand more fully why they are having a problem and how to combat it. Or ultimately to search for another line to run as I did from following your threads lol.

I ran advanced for five years, while I did enjoy the line and liked the product... I am pleased to say I have found the same or better results from other nutes. My pocket appreciates it too, even know I would get advanced nutrients for 10% above costs.
You guys are like Bill O'Reilly who blasts any opposition yet gets your trusty preaching to the choir talkies to dominate the discussion. Maybe us stupid AN users should pollute all of your Dyna threads for now on.

Readers: According to these Dyna farts: You are too stupid to know any better as to what you should buy. We will decide for you and spew propaganda to support our agenda. Sounds like the way government works UB that you so hate. Obama is just like you.
Isn't it READ YOUR PLANTS. BE ONE WITH YOUR PLANTS yet you use the argument that AN recommends 16ml/gal. I never use that much. WHat does it matter if it has an A&B ? . I get AN for 50$ gal (25$ for A , 25$ for B) shit what does the price have to do with it? I find your Dyna in bloom sub-par for me so I use Sensi. I will use it if it's triple the price of dyna. WHy? because I get better results with it. So what. You guys just have to get over this shit. It's all miniscule in the whole scope of a grow.UB mentions supps. Dyna has sups too which I find more of marketing then essential. Dyna is coming out with a whole organic line and will follow suite along with all the other rippoff companies. Like I say, look at lighting. You will find more scamming in that arena.

DG's bloom sucks by itself, I pointed that out two weeks into my first run with their foods. It needs more N and less P and I think UB asked one of their techs about the lopsided P in that formula and their response was ''s easier to give the public what they want instead of reeducating them as to what plants actually need'. While we're on the subject, I don't understand their Magpro product. Why sell a bottle that emphasizes the 3 least important macro and secondary macro elements when their 'bases' already contain plenty? I guess it looks good on paper for the types that think bloom boosters actually boost blooms.

I'll give them this though, with as much as I don't like those two bottles, they're potent.
DG's bloom sucks by itself, I pointed that out two weeks into my first run with their foods. It needs more N and less P and I think UB asked one of their techs about the lopsided P in that formula and their response was ''s easier to give the public what they want instead of reeducating them as to what plants actually need'. While we're on the subject, I don't understand their Magpro product. Why sell a bottle that emphasizes the 3 least important macro and secondary macro elements when their 'bases' already contain plenty? I guess it looks good on paper for the types that think bloom boosters actually boost blooms.

I'll give them this though, with as much as I don't like those two bottles, they're potent.

Very true., I was referring to dyna as a brand in bloom, not dyna-bloom in particular. In fact I found my best bet in bloom is dyna-grow just for those reasons you stated. But in the end I use FP only for veg.
If you will note , the sensi actually isn't high in P either but buy the snake sups and there you go. High P. The way I see it there is only so much real estate in the root zone. Why waste it with un-needed salts. I'm with you: N and K in bloom.

All things aside. I use the Sensi because I just seem to get better responses in terms of appeal and taste as I do with other brands. It's just how I experience it. To each his own. lol
I have been using ionics for past grows and have decided to give advanced nutrients a try after a lot of good reviews has anybody used this is it any good and is it worth the price? Thankyou
Did anyone answer the OP's question? I'm thinking of switching to sensi next grow if I can find the non-perfect version.
I feel so fucking dumb, UB is 100% correct and I have been 100% wrong, homebrewer isnt a Dynagro rep at all, hes a fuckin AN rep and is pretty god damn good. I never would have bought AN had I never read the Dynagro thread(that got closed down for SOME reason)and then his dynagro vs conni thread. AN got tore apart so much in those 2 threads that I had to try it for myself(and im glad I did), this thread for instance would have been 1 page long but homebrewer has turned it into 7 and counting. I bought into the hype that homebrewer created, well played homebrewer, dont know why it took me so long to put together, Big Mike is a fuckin marketing genius
Very true., I was referring to dyna as a brand in bloom, not dyna-bloom in particular. In fact I found my best bet in bloom is dyna-grow just for those reasons you stated. But in the end I use FP only for veg.
If you will note , the sensi actually isn't high in P either but buy the snake sups and there you go. High P. The way I see it there is only so much real estate in the root zone. Why waste it with un-needed salts. I'm with you: N and K in bloom.

All things aside. I use the Sensi because I just seem to get better responses in terms of appeal and taste as I do with other brands. It's just how I experience it. To each his own. lol

I'm sure you know this but it's not the brands that make the difference, it's the composition of the salts in the bottle. A well grown plant using ABC brand plant food will produce meds equal to that of brand XYZ, as long as the plants are healthy at harvest. I'm sure my warnings about these companies get old but so do the empty recommendations of the posters in these threads who have no history or journals at this site.
I'm sure you know this but it's not the brands that make the difference, it's the composition of the salts in the bottle. A well grown plant using ABC brand plant food will produce meds equal to that of brand XYZ, as long as the plants are healthy at harvest. I'm sure my warnings about these companies get old but so do the empty recommendations of the posters in these threads who have no history or journals at this site.
I live in a non legal state, I dont produce "meds", I grow illegal plants, perhaps its paranoia but posting pics or a journal seems kinda silly when I dont ask for advice on how to grow, if I ask a question its about equipment I have little/no experience with.