Well-Known Member
I just watched a show on the science channel all about the sun. The hypothesis, for we really don't know the exactness of the claims, was that the sun would be around pretty much its present state for another 5 billion years before it went super nova.. Also, the temperatue of the sun would remain constant untill it was almost out of hydrogen, 4-5 billion years. They tried to explain the mini ice age 15,000 years ago on a lack of sunspots, although no-one was around to observe this phenomenon in any recording capacity. But what I'm saying here is the sun is not responsible for global warming, We are. Man and his forge blindly ahead with the current consumptive energy plans, has laid waste to the environment in ways we don't even know. The Inuits, (eskimos) are filing lawsuits against the Industrial countries for the warming of the polar regions. It now rains in winter, something that hasn't happened since recorded time in the artic. the rain freezes the top of the snow pack and the cariboo can't scrape through the ice to get at the vegitation that sustains them. Also the sea ice is too thin to go hunting seals on for the Inuit, These are but a couple of examples of mans assault on mother nature. When will we pull our head out, it seems that a few on this site would blame these things on mama nature, wake the fuck up!! It's us, the ultimate parasites!
Answer me one question.
When is man as a race going to be required to commit mass suicide so that man no longer molest mother earth? Jesus, I don't want to go through that whole evolution thing again.

None of the Environmental Scientist Theories have been proven, they are just that, theory.