New Grow Journal, Afgan, Skunk#1, Jerry Berry, AK47

ya that sounds likely and not a bad pic either.
u should of took thepic right over the toilet bowl hole :0)
make a fake pic of a hydro grow out the toilet lol
The last i heard from him was in a pm he had a date with some gal,must be some good stuff cause i usually here from him everyday.
maybe she ate him....ya ever see that japanimation where dudes banging this chick and all of a sudden her snatch grows these huge ass fangs?
ya i hope hes okay too
i know he had a fucked up knee hope nothing else got fucked up.
if he had a date he is prolly spending more time with her then here with us lol
he forgot about us :0( lol
you need to have more than a few plants to make the news:) im pretty sure he is a very small med grower like the rest of us ;)
local news mind you, not national front page.
I don't know what its like in the states, but in the uk a small home grow wouldn't even make the local papers, prob because small grows get busted daily, and theres more important shit going on

Funny when ya think of it tho, this is the only forum where if a regular, doesn't post for a week or so, everyone assumes they are behind bars lol
i say its a medical grow because without my weed i would be a mess! its makes me feel safe to ocasionally call my grow a med op im just goofy that way ;)

my state votes today on another bill for legal meds!
i say its a medical grow because without my weed i would be a mess! its makes me feel safe to ocasionally call my grow a med op im just goofy that way ;)

my state votes today on another bill for legal meds!
we must be in the same state if your state passed with a 6 to 1 vote....we're almost there!