New Grow Journal, Afgan, Skunk#1, Jerry Berry, AK47

Are you talking about the bill from today?? The gov. Said if it were to pass he will sign it so its only a matter of time now! Prob 1/1/10 im guessing that means they have ten monthe to have corzine sign it and send it to barak and we all know where he stands!!!1 im definatly gonna open a hydro store asap!!!

we must be in the same state if your state passed with a 6 to 1 vote....we're almost there!
Are you talking about the bill from today?? The gov. Said if it were to pass he will sign it so its only a matter of time now! Prob 1/1/10 im guessing that means they have ten monthe to have corzine sign it and send it to barak and we all know where he stands!!!1 im definatly gonna open a hydro store asap!!!
im thinking sooner than that...i bet by the end of the summer we'll be standing in line to get our cards...maybe not, but i just gots a feelin :bigjoint:...
First corzine has to sign then the assembly gets it then barack most bills come to law the first day of the following year! Plus they need time to prepare for this build med mari centers grow tons of ganga there is work to be done but keep up the positive vibes!

im thinking sooner than that...i bet by the end of the summer we'll be standing in line to get our cards...maybe not, but i just gots a feelin :bigjoint:...
I know this maybe wishfull thinking but if the majority of the states follow suit in the next 24 months do u think the uk will take notice and start a similer sceme here? Prolly not but worth a wish lol.
yeah, your right...i was pretty baked yesterday and guess i just wanted to dream, im stoked would be nice if we could have more than just a oz of useable, they say 6 plants and one zip, shit, one plant harvested gives 4 zips at once...that could get tricky...i guess if you did a perpetual grow with autos, you could control your yeild since they dont give more thatn a zip to most peeps...i know what is being cured doesnt really count as useable, or does it?...lots to learn in the next months to come..are you in the north or south of the armpit of the north? west, i think the uk is going to be slow to legalize...are they trying to crack down more on mj over there right now?
I know this maybe wishfull thinking but if the majority of the states follow suit in the next 24 months do u think the uk will take notice and start a similer sceme here? Prolly not but worth a wish lol.

I think if the States legalize, Canada will legalize, and the UK will shortly follow.
Youtube has a few of baracks speaches he is totally cool with med. Legalization and nj has the strictest bill ever so i think he will just sign it!

Nj law will be

6 plants and an oz of dry bud per patient!
Must have card from doc !
Mental health patients will have a harder time then people with phisical inpairments:) my crippleing depresion should work!

i personally dont think obama will do shit to help us out...but im hoping he does!!!
wish they would use Med where I live.. only thing that seems to take away my migraines effectively without retarded side effects lol.
Well i dont know if i qualify but.. i dont know what weed takes away for me, but after an hard days work it chills me the fuk down, i don't think i have the part in the brain that takes you from work mode to chill mode ya know, and it works the other way the same part of the brain wont take me from sleep mode to awake mode, i walk around like a zombie for the first 2 hours at work, so i suppose i got a dissorder lol, do i qualify?
Well i dont know if i qualify but.. i dont know what weed takes away for me, but after an hard days work it chills me the fuk down, i don't think i have the part in the brain that takes you from work mode to chill mode ya know, and it works the other way the same part of the brain wont take me from sleep mode to awake mode, i walk around like a zombie for the first 2 hours at work, so i suppose i got a dissorder lol, do i qualify?

sure, it's an anti-anxiety medication.. and based on how you say you sleep/wake, it sounds like you have a sleep problem.. you could say you have insomnia!
Damn man your bang on! i "used" to have insomnia, but i drink a few beers and smoke some mj every night, and im out like a light, prob why i walk around like a zombie at work lol, but i used be a lot more tired through the day before i started drinking and smoking :weed:
Damn man your bang on! i "used" to have insomnia, but i drink a few beers and smoke some mj every night, and im out like a light, prob why i walk around like a zombie at work lol, but i used be a lot more tired through the day before i started drinking and smoking :weed:

what can I say? heh.. personally I would push medical marijuana over any pharmaceutical used for sleeping problems.
you guys should post up details of illnesses accepted and such when you hear notice that would be nice to know. if that shit happens who knows maybe im into NJ now lol
Yup it simply takes your mind from 1 place to a better place, luv it n always will :weed:

pretty much. I gotta ask ya a ques, sorry for being ignorant but I don't know too much about any of the UK's legislation.. do you guys have medical weed?