new grower with big plants


Active Member
i was given plants that are pretty far along. i know little about growing, and am counting on you guys to ensure these plants stay healthy until harvest instead of die, because it would be a tragedy since these are months old. i have searched and read through the site, but would like a basic overview of what i should do to keep these going. all i know is that the old cultivator used monster bloom, and had an indoor/outdoor cycle going with the plants. some stems have already been cut for clones. basically, i just want to know how i can keep these things alive, a list of every nutrient i need to buy and when/how to use it, what fertilizer to use and how to mix it, what lights, when should they be inside/outside, anything i need to buy at all, the water cycle and all that shit. thanks in advance.


Active Member
yes i can, but for today i need to know what plant food to buy and how to feed it before it dies on me


Well-Known Member
its gonna b a lil hard,its like calling the doctor,telling him what u think,and him going on what u said,and hes thinking something else.then he sends u to the would help,trust me we feel ur pain!


Active Member
okay, well there are a few yellow plants so until i can get pictures up i'm going to go to the store for fertilizer. should i continue with the monster bloom, and when looking for fertilizer should 5-50-17, 10-20-10 or 15-30-15 be what i'm looking for? thanks


Active Member
flowering, and i looked up the NPK for flowering but i know he was using monster bloom which is something like 0-50-30, and the plants seem to be doing well. should i continue with this, or use a different one? also, how should i mix the solution and how often should i apply it. thanks again

ps - just found "bloom plus" thats 10-60-10, would that be suitable for flowering state, better than monster bloom, or should i get a new one all together?


Active Member
i now have the plants under one fluorescent tube light, is that enough or does it need more? i water them every day or two, and lightly sprayed them with a fertilizer solution. the plants are about to bud, can somebody tell me what cycle i should have them under (how many hours under light, how many hours in darkness)? thanks


Well-Known Member
if your planning on doing multiple grows one after another ..... then read this : its what i read before i even posted anything on this site ..... then when there was stuff i didnt understand i posted a new thread .... how tall are the plants ? how old are they ? ( a close to exact would be good cause that will help you determine when to harvest as well as what the buds look like) if your going to flower these with flourescents then go out and by more ... youll need like 10 id say ....... depending on the height of the plants and how many you have ???? heres an example .... 4 foot tall plant ... id put 2 lights on each side of the plant and 2 up top ...... so 6 lights on 1 plant ..... especially with CFL cause there way weaker then HPS which is probably what the previous Dad or mom was using ... also feed it nutes every few days i would say but be careful and dont spray the leaves or plant at all ... itll hurt or kill it ......1 or 2 weeks prior to harvest ... use only PH'd water to clear out the nutes ( from what ive been told and read this gives it a better taste and helps it burn properly when being smoked )


Well-Known Member
also in flowering .... it needs 12hours light .... 12 hours of for sure complete darkness no light whatsoever


Active Member
leaves turning yellow, two of three plants drooping pretty bad .. any ideas?

they're watered often, haven't had nutes for a couple weeks .. want to save them before harvest


Well-Known Member
Its way past time for you to purchase a moisture meter. And do some research, you know, reading and studying, kinda on your own. YOu should be giving the plants nutrients every time they need water. You don't know when they need it or that plant wouldn't look like that. So what you have been doing insted is giving them nutrients and then flushing the nutrients out. Seems wrong to me. VV


New Member
Hi there. It really is hard to try and help without any pictures but if your plants are yellow, that's not good. If you have very large plants and only one flourescent light, I really doubt that is going to be enough. :shock:
Regarding fertilizer, it usually says on the package how to feed BUT it also depends on what type on soil you have them in, as it could also contain fertilizer so you don't want to over fed them. Most products say to feed every 2nd watering. If you already have fertilizer in the soil I would reduce the amount by 50%.
Good luck with your plants.:weed:


New Member
I'm sorry. I did not see the 2nd page. Somebody has answered your questions already. I agree with feeding every 2nd watering.
My guess is that they just aren't getting enough light.