New growth on dead plant!!!

siLky joHNsoN

Well-Known Member
yeah how long? and it looks great IMO...but yeah i think i would go about 1/4 strength...what i do is mix at like almost regular strength...then when i water i use a shotglass to adjust strength...then u can get it perfect. i pour the shots into a bigger cup and then water from that cup...i would go 1/4th if u gonna give it like 12 oz...give it 2 shots of the full strength fertilizer with 8 shots of the regular distilled not sure about those yellow spots...since u arent using nutes i wouldnt worry about it, go ahead and add nutes... according to that grow bible IF its deficiency its N, so ur fertilizer should be rich in that, so i would go ahead and use that...dont worry bout it i know ur watchin it like ur retard baby haha but its lookin good man


Well-Known Member
LOL @ retarded baby. That shit made me laugh so hard. Yes 1/4th nuets or even 1/8th if your that paranoid about it. She does look incredibly bushy and healthy.


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys!! I think i'll start it out at 1/4 cause my friend was pretty adamant about me going 1/2 even though i told him everything i have ever read said 1/4 or 1/8 to start out...Yeah i am really protective of my baby...YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT IT FEELS LIKE TO LOSE A CHILD ONLY FOR IT TO COME BACK TO LIFE!!! HA...Anyways i planted it from germ on Oct 1st...But remember it died 2 weeks later so its about 26 days of new growth...I put pics up of it's horrible life that i have given it...They show the life and death and REBIRTH of my plant...Trying to think of a name for the strain...Kinda cheeze but JC (jesus christ)....I know really cheez but hey why not...What do u guys think about names???



Well-Known Member
Phoenix Kush i like that...Rising up from the ashes just to get turned into ashes again when she's done....My friend said he has never seen a plant like the one i have....He said when i go into flowering that i should make one of the 2 sides a main cola....That way i will have one dominate cola and not a bunch of popcorn buds....What do ya think about that???


Well-Known Member
Or how bout SiLky Phoenix?? Seeing that you were the first one to come up with the Phoenix...I actually really like that..Silky Phoenix!!! Fuck yeah hey man if its cool with you that's what i'll name it....


Well-Known Member
Yes sir!!! That's what my baby will be named....Silky Phoenix....It rose from the ashes and it's a silky smooth smoke!!! Wow thats fucking great i don't care what anyone says...I'm gonna go put a Popsicle stick in her with her name on it now an put a pic up tommorow....God i can't wait to start her one nutes....If she looks like this now with NO nutes...She's gonna FUCKING BLOW UP!!!! Thanks again dude....Maybe you can name one of your actual children after me now just think of it as returning the favor.... HAHA!!!!


Well-Known Member
Ok so a couple of leaves have some like holes in them...Not sure what it is i have never seen it....Can anyone tell me what is going on??? Also the pic with the fans leaves the ends are kinda dieing and curling up...And the far bottom growth looks like it's dieing....I havent started nutes yet i am going to tommorow i couldn't get to the hydro store....I really think it needs some N...


siLky joHNsoN

Well-Known Member
mine curled and dropped bad this morning...i think that the pot dried up for some reason...i transplanted and added some water...hopefully it'll get better in a couple of freakin makes me so mad...


Well-Known Member
Nice green growth. I hope to god its female. Something that really stands out is the growth. You have the main branch splitting into 2 right from the start. Almost like its been topped. Quite cool.


Well-Known Member
mine curled and dropped bad this morning...i think that the pot dried up for some reason...i transplanted and added some water...hopefully it'll get better in a couple of freakin makes me so mad...
Shit man i hope everything works out for ya...Did u not just check it or did you not realize it was that dry...I got a mostiure meter to take out the guess work it works really good...


Well-Known Member
Nice green growth. I hope to god its female. Something that really stands out is the growth. You have the main branch splitting into 2 right from the start. Almost like its been topped. Quite cool.

Thanks man yeah it took awhile to get here but i psyched....I can't wait to add nutes and see what it does then...They Y branch is crazy i hope to get twice the harvest LOL!!! How long does everyone think till i should switch to flowering??? I'm thinking atleast 2-3 weeks more of veg....

siLky joHNsoN

Well-Known Member
i dont have a moisture seemed alright at this morning i checked an ddi what i could...where and how much is a gauge to check that? also i posted pics post transplant


Well-Known Member
Home depot, lowes, hydro store...I got mine for 5 bucks i also picked up a PH meter wich is the same setup at the moisture meter...They have one that checks moisture, PH, and light and it's 10 bucks....It's works great cause some times when i stick my finger in in like EHHHHH...So this takes all the thinking out of it...If it's in the red i water....


Well-Known Member
How many nodes does it have and how long have you been vegging for?
Depends on what you want to count as a node..If your counting from where the plant splits into two and if your counting the new growth that hasent split yet...If your not counting those 4...If ya are 6...And new growth has been veging for 27 days tommorow will be 4 weeks....What do ya think...I went up and mesured it and it's 5.5 inches tall 11 inches the long way and 8 inches wide...