New growth on dead plant!!!


Well-Known Member
Also for that size plant and pot how much should i be watering...I don't water till it comes out the bottom cause i already flushed out the nutes and seems kinda excessive so i'm basically watering every 5 days or so with 24 oz with hydrogen peroxide mixed in about 3 cupfuls to every 24oz....


Well-Known Member
I water when the soil is bone dry. I have no experience with Hydro peroxide. If you continue to veg keep in mind that when you switch to flower it will triple or even quadruple in size so if hight is an issue bear that in mind.


Well-Known Member
Height is not an issue at all the height of the closet with a shelf is 6 feet and could be 10 if i took it out...

siLky joHNsoN

Well-Known Member
how tall is it? i have always heard flower when it gets to a foot or a foot n a half...which means you and i both have a good couple weeks ahead of us lol but it should be worth it with more yield


Well-Known Member
Yeah but i want to max it out....I kinda have a advantage now with it being as bushy as it is....I have had to adjust the light everyday for the past 3 days now....I wanna see what it does with the nutes before i put it to 12/12


Well-Known Member
Wow really i have never heard that....Snyder i didn't mean to come off sounding like a dick if that what you took it as....So if i keep veging it will put it self into flowering??? Also it's snowing at my how has been for 3 days so the temp out side has dropped the temp in the closet....It's at 80 now i just hope all these temp changes don't make it hermie along with it's rough life it's had already!!!


Well-Known Member
Not at all buddy! Its a constant 30 degrees outside here. As long as your temps stay around 70-80 degrees your quite alright. I wouldnt worry about it being hermie unless you fuck around with its environment during flowering. I didnt know where your question was coming from thats why I stated it the way I did. Damn internet not showing emotions lol.


Well-Known Member
yeah really like right now i hate you....HA I have a friend that sounds like that he is the most monotone mofo u will ever hear it's so funny when he gets pissed of...i hate you....really deep voice but no tone...But yeah it dosen't get below 70..But i heard that even if you fuck around with it in veg it can go hermie....I guess that the bad thing about RIU everyone has something to say....I will post pics tommorow...I changed to setup a bit...