NEW PC GROW CASE - 1st Time grower



Yikes!!! They are totally overgrowing my case. Cant wait for the cabinet to get here so I can move em. The hairs are starting to yellow and resinate. YUMMY!!!
Hey all~

Ive ran into a slight problem. I believe its a nitrogen defieciency. Quite a few of my lower leaves are turning yellow. Ive read that flower nutes have less nitrogen than the veg nutes. That all makes sense, but I just fed them the day before, I did a mix of veg and bloom nutes per the FF feeding schedule. Ive been using 1/2 strength nutes but Im thinkin its still not getting enough nitrogen. Im using the veg nutes (FF Grow Big) every other nute feeding, so its every 4th feeding. Maybe this isnt enough? Im pretty sure I dont have any serious probs, my plant is healthy and doin well, just gettin a little yellow underneath. Any opinions??

Step it up to 3/4 strength now, they're big enough to take 3/4 to full - just watch for the beginnings of burn. You can water in some worm castings pretty easily if you want to spend the money, won't burn them, badass nitrogen content.
Cool thanks. I hit em with a 3/4 dose of Grow Big and ill see how they look tomorrow. In the meantime, the BW plant is still holding water for an awfully long time. I watered it 4 days ago and it still is reading 9/10 on the moisture meter. Its been going about 7 days between waters. Is this normal? When I water, Im getting a good runoff so I dont think the holes are clogged. Do some plants drink less than others?

Also, Im getting ready to setup their new homes and start germing the next round. Im gonna use an Orange Bud and a Kush berry under a screen Im thinkin. I really like the yield potential of the scrog in the new cabinet. should be fun.

Oh that reminds me, is there any use in transporting the 2 I have now to bigger pots for the last 4 weeks or so? Im gonna throw them under the 250HPS but Im not sure if it would be a good idea to give them more space in bigger pots or just let them be. Im about 2 1/2 weeks into flower BTW.

Plants are looking good. I used to get a lot of early yellowing once flowering had started so I added some blue light to the mix and it definitely kept them green a lot longer, 10% blue works well. The pots look ok and the indicas don't tend to grow much rootstock during flower so you should be ok either way.
Plants are looking good. I used to get a lot of early yellowing once flowering had started so I added some blue light to the mix and it definitely kept them green a lot longer, 10% blue works well. The pots look ok and the indicas don't tend to grow much rootstock during flower so you should be ok either way.

Thanks a lot man, thats what I was lookin for. My 250w HPS will be here today, so by the weekend, they will at least be enjoying being spread out and the extra light. I guess I could put one higher spectrum CFL in there with the HPS to get my blue. maybe a 26w or so? Thatd be roughly 10%
If I had a 250w HPS then that's exactly what I'd do.
I'm surprised nobody else seems to do what you are considering, it provides a better natural balance of light and also some much needed UVB. Look forward to a nice payday TC :)
If I had a 250w HPS then that's exactly what I'd do.
I'm surprised nobody else seems to do what you are considering, it provides a better natural balance of light and also some much needed UVB. Look forward to a nice payday TC :)

I suppose it couldnt hurt. Ill throw it in there this weekend when Im putting the lights together. Thanks
Ive been doing a little more research and Ive decided I need to start paying attention to the PH of my nuted water and soil. Ive been just mixin up the nutes and throwing them in the plants. I realize I need to be checkin the PH and most likely raising it as everything Ive read says that that Tiger Bloom lowers your PH quite a bit. Im gonna pick up a test kit at the hydro shop tomorrow and see what it tells me. How accurate is runoff testing? Ive read arguments for both sides. Im also gonna be stepping my nutes up to full strength. Theyve been doin good so far and Im pretty sure they can take it.
In other news, its almost time to start germing some new seeds. Im at least gonna do 1 if not 2 of the Orange Buds under a screen. Im thinking it would be easier to put them both under the screen if they were the same strain, but I kinda wanna check out this Kushberry Ive got too. Hmmmmmm!!!!

My question is this....Ill start the seed in the plug and shot glass like I did last time. But then should I transport that to the final 2-3 gal pot when it sprouts or use an intermediate pot before I throw them in their final home?? Not sure if the potential stress to the plant is worth more than the manageable pot size.

Now Im thinkin I can do 3 Orangebuds under a rectangle screen. I can put the plants in up to 8"square pots. Thatd for sure give me enough room across the screen and in the pots. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
I went to the hydro store today and I picked up a PH kit that had a tester and some PH up and down.

Just as I suspected, the nuted water Ive been feeding the plants has a real low PH. ~4.0 Thats no good Ive been reading. I added 1tsp of PH up and it went up to a suitable 6-6.5ish range. Im gonna need to get in the habit of checkin my water before feeding.

Back to the growing!!!


I upped the nutes to full strength and I think I pissed them off. Im seeing hella signs of nute burn today so I flushed them out with PH'd water. Ive been meaning to flush so now was as good a time as any. Other than the yellow bottom leaves, everything is comin along great. Ive got buds poppin up all over the place and the hairs are starting to turn a nice amber color.

The new cabinet will be here tomorrow and I hope to have all the plants under the new light by tomorrow night.

Grizz.....besides flushing, is there anything else I need to be doing here?
That isn't nuteburn TC, it's natural discolouration as the plant takes nitrogen out of the bottom leaves to sustain the growth at the top. If the plant was still in veg it would be a sign to feed it nitrogen but in mid to late flowering it's totally normal.
Plants are looking great by the way.
Day 41 of flower:

First 3 pics are pics of the new cabinet, next 2 are the plants, last one is the new ones sprouting :)

Heres a review:

250w HPS
Windtunnel 4" fan
Blue Widow on the left, White Widow on the right.


I learned a few things the hard way so Im glad Ive got this grow under my belt. My leaves are yellowing pretty significantly and after doinga ton of reading, I realized this is caused from the nitrogen leaving the plants as v12js said. I need to do a better job recognizing what the plant needs and adjusting my nute schedule to that. I just bought a ppm tester and am looking forward to really working with the NPK levels of my nute mix. Theres an EXCELLENT article about how to avoid yellowing leaves from Uncle Ben on the forums. Helped me really put things into perspective.

All in all, Im hopin to get an ounce or so total from both plants. Im def concentrating more on my yield on my next grow. I figure the WW has 2 more weeks and prolly 3 weeks for the BW. I can really notice the buds fattening up now coming down the final stretch. Cant wait to smoke em!!