New Recirculating DWC Hydro Setup with 357 Magnum Grow LEDS

Looks like liquid ladybug did the trick. Smells great and doesn't affect the plants in any way i could see. Completely organic and leaves zero residue.
this grow is going well i love reading on LEDS i just cant wait to get started with some . Keep up the good work.
here's some pics i took after the mites i forgot to post
After i first treated my plants with the safer 3 in 1 mite\fungicide, some of the bigger leaves got these spots near tips. the spots are white and from what I can see there aren't any pests on my plants anymore. Anyone have an idea of what's causing this? Maybe it was just from the spray i used...anyway here are some pics
This stuff worked great and didn't harm or bother the plants at all. they seemed to almost like it.IMAG0306.jpg
cool thanks for the reply. i adjusted my watering schedule and all seems good again. deep lush healthy green leaves. I'll take some pics tomorrow. They are growing fast.
Plant growth is speeding up. I'll take pics tomorrow. Any questions, thoughts or concerns?