Matt Rize
AGREED. When I play music it is usually for me, I figure: If the music affects my energy (which is most certainly does), then my energy will in turn affect the plants energy. Right? Kinda like how a paranoid grower's herb makes people paranoid when they smoke it.The idea of the two ladies that sing to the plants every day is pretty cool - if I were able to be a full time grower, I might try to do something like that with energy work.
On a similar note, I'm of the opinion that something like that, with people singing in person, as opposed to a radio playing, would be far more beneficial
I used to be on this chanting OHM daily in the garden thing. If it didn't help the plants, it at least helped me.
Oh yeah, that bring me to transplanting and humming. Back in the day, when I was running a pretty strict old school routine, I used to touch the roots when transplanting to help free them up from the root ball. Now I do channeled chant at the roots to help free them up with my energy and vibes. New school? doesn't really matter. Hippy energy manipulations, mos def.