NEW Strains @ the Boutique.....

Jake blues got his name because i had two possible keeper males of the f1 deep blues, one was taller and one was nice and squat I aptly named them the blues brothers and thats how Jake got his name. He has been passed around a bit but I do think the cut has been lost or composted lol.
His Jizz has been cryogenically saved!!!!!!!!lol


you guys must think I am zipped up at the back,:shock: JB FTW!!!!

Jake blues got his name because i had two possible keeper males of the f1 deep blues, one was taller and one was nice and squat I aptly named them the blues brothers and thats how Jake got his name. He has been passed around a bit but I do think the cut has been lost or composted lol.
Man so far sour cherry is being my Favorited, and blue pit, but that's not out yet? Well here's a video review [video=youtube;VkYbmJdgxvY][/video]
Jake blues got his name because i had two possible keeper males of the f1 deep blues, one was taller and one was nice and squat I aptly named them the blues brothers and thats how Jake got his name. He has been passed around a bit but I do think the cut has been lost or composted lol.
thx for the explanantion west. glad to see his dna is saved tho.
i actually just decided against keeping any males this time and may have thrown out a few nice males. ugh. hard decision.
and i dont know what the fuck i did to my psycho killers, but i fucked them up pretty bad somehow. they are only really starting to come back around now finally. i had one that was very nice, and go figure it was male. but i expected that. the biggies are usually males.
seems one of the two i have left is leaning much, much more towards either the JTR or the psychosis. im not sure what the psychosis is supposed to look like tho. the other two males were very heavily urkle dom.
im still wondering if i should keep the one big one... its just sitting in my garage being sad. it prolly wants to grow up and bust one so bad...

Nice sour cherry too 209 that one does look like a keeper pheno.
well the jtr and the psychosis are very diffrent to look at the jtr has ultra tight internodes and the psycho is a leggy bitch. Hope this helps m8 >>>>>>>>>>>>:pancakes: er i mean>>:joint:
i never knew that about the jtr. i woulda guessed the opposite so thx for the info. i did know that the psychosis was a bit viney, but i had no idea what the leaves look like etc...
i suppose i could post some pics of the PK's, but im embarrassed since i messed them up a bit, not even sure what i did. and they need to be repotted, so not much to look at. one is much more sativa looking than the other tho, its nodes arent super far tho. maybe its jtr dom then? ill have to wait and see. if it turns out female im gonna clone it and keep it tho.
all four have an unusual earthy and floral scent so far, nearly identical from one to the next. i still cant make my damn mind up about the nice male. im starting to think i should keep it since it grew SO much faster and easier, among other positives about it. i could toss it in a closet i have that isnt being used with a few cfls on it. make that a male room for the time being. that would give me a chance for better male selection too.

you guys are really determined and motivated to be making these crosses and taking the time and effort to select properly. i wish i had more physical energy and resources to do the same. props to all of you!
heres a couple of psychosis leafs



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Life for us is great in one aspect its just the struggle with solo tent thats getting me down. Moneys tight at min as a result annd the gas company is being an arse and charging me phantom charges for something they wont tell me lol. The wedding is pretty much planned but not entirely paid for yet which is a bit of a stress but I bought us some rings the other day so thats one thing less to worry bout lol. Im waiting for 6 pk beans to pop but they dont seem very keen, dunno what im doing differently.
phantom charges?! i'd be telling them to stick it without an explanation mate. any room in the loft you could utilise?

chin up fella all will turn good ;)
nonsense! it's your crib man. your castle. what they frightened you'll do ffs rip it up and flog it. i bet they just haven't boarded the loft and it's not 'safe' to stand in.
I haven'y looked to be honest lol, the guy told us when we moved in not to go up there cuz there is about three feet of loft insulation and that it needs to remain sealed to stop moisture getting up there or some such horse shit lol.