NEW Strains @ the Boutique.....

Dippy ellsy at 4weeks in 12/12:)
Yes indeed, there it is. 100g dried to 1 gallon of water give or take. Let steep in your kitchen for 24 hrs, then boil for 20 min, strain out vegetive matter, and let sit in a cool dark place for 2 days (garage, basement, etc). At this point you have the concentrate that you then mix with water at anywhere from 10-25% strength.

Some people will let the concentrate sit for longer than 2 days... like up to 7-10, at which point spores will start to grow on top (which are then good to mix into the tea, supposedly). This is called "fermented" tea, and supposedly works just as well, if not better.

I came across some info that said that HT tea is stronger than any chemi fungicide you can buy on the market, too, fwiw. And it works for things like athletes foot and toenail fungus on us humans. 100% safe and effective. Aren't you glad you know all this sweet info now, Westie?! lol... sorry if I just bombarded ya. Too much coffee, perhaps.

Hope everyone on that side of the pond is having a good Saturday. :peace:

I'm going to make some of this and use it on my son! He is 16 and has some gnarly re-occurring foot fungi! I usually make him soak his feet in bleach.
Lemme know how it goes. I'd put some unfiltered apple cider vinegar like bragg's in as well. Soak for 5 min each day for 10-12 days.
i need to get some pics up in here i think to bring u'all back to topic lol. Reasons i dunt take much pics is the pm tbh lol looks nasty lol
feet in bleach sounds nastier. OuouChihuahua.

i feel your pain and anger westy mate, the thrips in my flower tent are hiding in the fucking airpot holes when i spray! dirty little fecks
It's ok, Westie. You'll have that PM sorted out soon enough ;)

Don, SMASH THOSE LITTLE SHITS! That's a mean thing to do, hiding from the spray like that.
Try H202 mate, and you need to start that shit in the veg tent. You got 2 tents now so slowly shut down the one with PM and don't put anything new into it until it's gone. There is also a great Bayer product for PM, not to be used late in flower but it will get rid of your problem (not sure of the Enlighs name it's just called Schimmels over here).

Even though you cannot see it on your veg plants, spray them down good style. At least once a week until you put them in flower. And then in the 2nd week of flower spray them again.
With the H202 you could spray your infected plants, then just stick em under a shower and wash that shit of, then dry them out a bit in front of a fan. If you are running perpetual (which I think you are) you WILL NEVER get rid of PM until you lock that shit down.

If you have ANY trim around, get RID of it! PM will hang around on dead leaves and other organic materials waiting to find it's next fresh victim.

Good luck lad.

i need to get some pics up in here i think to bring u'all back to topic lol. Reasons i dunt take much pics is the pm tbh lol looks nasty lol
If you have ANY trim around, get RID of it! PM will hang around on dead leaves and other organic materials waiting to find it's next fresh victim.

This is one of the biggest problems me thinks. All them leaves hanging around in the tent. I realize it's like a circle, lots of leaves cuz of the issues, but I think the issues are made worse by all the bad leaves.

I think you can get it licked.
thanks guys, ive started cleaning up with peroxide . How much should one use per liter in water as a mist for getting rid on plants?
Jorge Cervantes has a video on it. He makes a bath, looks pretty effective. I would use a similar ratio for the spray (you probably don't need a lot).
feet in bleach sounds nastier. OuouChihuahua.

i feel your pain and anger westy mate, the thrips in my flower tent are hiding in the fucking airpot holes when i spray! dirty little fecks

my thrips seem to just keep coming back over and over. not a large amount of them, just enough to notice one here or there. they are picky about which strains they like to chomp on too, so you think they are gone until u put a plant they actually like in there for em.
yeah I'd noticed they seem to be eating the roots now I'm spraying the leaves. so I've taken to switching the fan off and using the ozone generator to finish them off but I can't lave the fan off too long in the dark cycle or the house reeks of funk lol. needs a good 24 hours really and my temps can't take no fan for that long. well maybe who knows?!
Smelly cherry x Larry og/ chem dog / sour d. I got all males and binned them in a fit of rage. Dwezelitsames cross I spluffed accidentally. Look fairly indie dom so far
Oh right so no fems yet? Sounds fire. My male k2 died a death of over watering im a bit miffed he died so easily poor bloke has only sired a few pips too not many atall. Spose i should plant something of his in memory lol.
Oh right so no fems yet? Sounds fire. My male k2 died a death of over watering im a bit miffed he died so easily poor bloke has only sired a few pips too not many atall. Spose i should plant something of his in memory lol.

no fems as yet, weren't on the cards of that though?! I do have a sweet and sour in flower i missed. it smells of lavender!?