Yes indeed, there it is. 100g dried to 1 gallon of water give or take. Let steep in your kitchen for 24 hrs, then boil for 20 min, strain out vegetive matter, and let sit in a cool dark place for 2 days (garage, basement, etc). At this point you have the concentrate that you then mix with water at anywhere from 10-25% strength.
Some people will let the concentrate sit for longer than 2 days... like up to 7-10, at which point spores will start to grow on top (which are then good to mix into the tea, supposedly). This is called "fermented" tea, and supposedly works just as well, if not better.
I came across some info that said that HT tea is stronger than any chemi fungicide you can buy on the market, too, fwiw. And it works for things like athletes foot and toenail fungus on us humans. 100% safe and effective. Aren't you glad you know all this sweet info now, Westie?! lol... sorry if I just bombarded ya. Too much coffee, perhaps.
Hope everyone on that side of the pond is having a good Saturday.