Buying something for $20 then selling it for $75 is not 120% markup. It's closer to 300%Every trader has to charge a premium of around 120-150% on the purchase price if he wants to pay his expenses, taxes, employees and so on. This is normal and no rip-off.
You guys need to learn how trading works.
You could also order your jeans in the Far East and get them for a fraction of the price(5-15 instead 100-200$).
Would you do that you could save much more money!?!
Yeah, I wouldn't buy the populated board from China, maybe some of COBkits or HLG's own supply, but not taking my chances with those guys again.
This is the kind of shit I have seen come out of China.
It will be covered as the traces also acts as heatsinks. There are tables and formulas that will tell you how much thermal performance at whatever copper thickness. It is how it is done for many components on a board. The motherboard has all its big jobs done in the chips with forced cooling.
@see4 Not for nothing but do you have a personal issue with HLG or the other vendors on here because every thread you have been in all you do is bash vendors do you even own any of their products have tested any of there products do you even have any experience in growing ? Seems to me no matter what thread your in all you do is disrespect people remember the golden rule if you have nothing nice to say then say nothing at all.
No, I have nothing personal with HLG. None at all. Their products seem to be great, everyone raves about them. And that's great! Which is why I sourced the parts myself for a fraction of the cost... you know... DIY.
I personally don't want to pay 300%+ markup on a "DIY kit" when I can literally "do it myself" for a third of the price.
Not sure why that's so difficult to understand.[/QUOTE
Ok then you bought the boards from China get it built and compare them with their board hopefully you won’t burn the house down with them cheap boards
He has no respect or considerationC4 makes valid points but with the diplomacy of a 23-year-old.
Life is always more complex than what we take things for.
There are many unseen things that goes into the cost of a product like this.
There is buying the design software, doing prototyping, scrapping of failed experiments and parts that did not live up to datasheet hype.
Then if like these guys this falls outside of your real field of expertise, you may still have to hire people to do the same jobs again to have it be certified as safe.
Then pay for 3rd party testing, warranty replacements ect.... I've done it as a hobby. Once you start people want answers from you, day and night.
Ok then you bought the boards from China get it built and compare them with their board hopefully you won’t burn the house down with them cheap boards
He has no respect or consideration
Right, so putting a "chinese knockoff" PCB on a heatsink that covers the entire surface area... would "have all its big jobs done in the 'chips' with forced cooling".
So then really the question comes down to are the diodes real and is the copper traces allowing for all the diodes to get a current.
Doesn’t matter where they came from what matters is your lack of respect or consideration for the work research design time testing q.c and excellent customer service . Who here or anywhere else did what they do or are doingDude, where do you think the vast majority of the HLG boards came from? I will give you a hint... China.
C4 makes valid points but with the diplomacy of a 23-year-old.
Life is always more complex than what we take things for.
There are many unseen things that goes into the cost of a product like this.
There is buying the design software, doing prototyping, scrapping of failed experiments and parts that did not live up to datasheet hype.
Then if like these guys this falls outside of your real field of expertise, you may still have to hire people to do the same jobs again to have it be certified as safe.
Then pay for 3rd party testing, warranty replacements ect.... I've done it as a hobby. Once you start people want answers from you, day and night.
For HLG and their reasarch development and hard workRespect for whom? Consideration for whom?
Doesn’t matter where they came from what matters is your lack of respect or consideration for the work research design time testing q.c and excellent customer service . Who here or anywhere else did what they do or are doing
For HLG and their reasarch development and hard work
What does that have to do with the price of apples in India?I rest my case. Do you know the story of Don Quixote ? It isn't really a story about a man attacking imaginary dragons.
But, rather a story of how a man who wants to see dragons, finds them everywhere. Your mind is a prison mate.
It draws everybody for you as adversaries, regardless if it is based in reality.