New tent 4x2 one light and carbon filter setup questions


Just got a new tent also a new grower how do I set up my carbon filter and ducting? Now I am not exhausting to the outdoors so should the fan be close to the light and duct from the top of the tent to the carbon filter outside?

any tips or suggestions are appreciated!!!
Carbon filter to the light, light to the fan, then duct outside the tent. The carbon filter should be placed as high as possible in the tent so it can grab hot air. You can place the fan outside of the tent if you need to.
You may need to air condition the "lung room" the tent is exhausting to and pulling from. Otherwise temps will creep up.
You may need to air condition the "lung room" the tent is exhausting to and pulling from. Otherwise temps will creep up.
Okay awesome thanks for the help man! is there a refrence guide for ideal temps for stages of growth and then may I ask is there a referecne for how close the light should be for stages of growth?