Well-Known Member
not worth it to do tho
dude u dont think the CO2 is worth it?
not worth it to do tho
i dont think that it will be worth it this early in the growth. the small plants dont use that much co2 anywaysdude u dont think the CO2 is worth it?
dude u dont think the CO2 is worth it?
Im not ditching on Co2 it can do fucken wonders,
but... the only way you will see results is if the room is sealed of and no fans are pushing air in or out, otherwise its gone in two seconds,
it cannot be used at night and can actually poisen em if too much is used at night
one fan wont make any differenceI just keep my plants by my screen door getting some air from outside when im not using my fan cuz i dont wanna blow up the bills
How big or old are they?
'Can you start flowering at 6 inches. Just wont be as much bud ?
yeah man thats what i did,
but then again my plants already had 5 tops each
so fucc it im bout 2 flower my shit in aonther week
You should FIM it
might as well just top it and try it the next time
yea shud i top all of dem
hell yea do it up man
i am a strong supporter of topping an FIM