New to indoor grow Journal

congrats on becoming a bubble head...what setup did you buy? Stealth Hydroponics? Well, keep us posted, and glad i could help you...

No proble Bro. much thanks smoke a bong for me! I got the SH bubleponics pro expandable kit I thought I would start with a small system and work my way up as I learn the in's and out's of bubleponics and canadd on to that, I wouldn't mind getting to the Ebb & Flow system for large plants.

Anyhow keep in touch any help is welcome.

Germinated sunday, sprouted in 2 days put in soil on the 3rd day, all bout 1 of 5 have sprouted out of the soil in about 2 days. 1 is looking real healthy but the others are hard to tell yet! haven't got completely out of the soild, 1 seems like it does not have any top to it? may be a bad seed lol?? or to much heat not sure.

There they are though!

The clones UK cheese is still with me so far, and the M.Skunk is doing good.

Can't wait till i get the bubleponics system in to use the other seeds in the system see some real growth A!

:joint::peace: NP


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Today I was at Lowes picking up some supplies I toke a walk through the lighting area, I found that lowes and most likely home depot has a 400wtt and smaller HPS light bubles for around $19.95 an under, and $84.97 for a 150 watt HPS light for commercial bulding use, it has the everything you would need, you would just have to build a reflector system for it and a DIY cool tube. (google)

I had a look at the 400 watt buble it looks the same as the buble that came with the 400 watt system I bought from

It's looks like with $84 bucks and a little conversion a guy could make his own HPS lighting system.

So the question: Can you use this lighting system (look it up on lowes website), from Lowes or Home depot meant for commercial use, and build a grow lighting system with it, they have 65wtt, 70wtt, 150wtt light systems and just the 400 watt buble replacement and I mean the 400wtt looks the same as the one I have.

This light is what you find outside of commercial buildings and in the parking lots and it looks the same as what I grow with.

So is there anyone out in RIU who has the smarts that can answer this question, my bet is there is, remember with the right answer the lighting game we all play can became less expensive.

So please give me your answers on this I am really considering trying and bulding a grow lamp with this it can cut about $200 bucks out.

If it is okay I will get one and build a HPS lighting system and put the plans on RIU for everone to use, I got Idea's and love to build things.

Hit me babe hit me.

White Rino just love it, puff puff feelin better alreadyeeeha.

Looken foreword to you input.
Journal entry 10/01/09 Tent, lighting, soil at the ready.

Okay yes! I am a newbe to the indoor grow, have done outdoor grows years ago and played with indoor an in the closet but gotta say never liked! I have been reading listening and learning from some of the best grows right here at RIU.

But gotta say it looks great here is the setup so far just need the product to grow now.

The tent toke me alone alst night about 2 hours to setup, I have the lights, a 400 wtt HPS and a some CLF's that should work together.

I powered each light and had a looked at the electric meter, timing it on it's spin for normual house hold use, is at about 26 seconds, and with cfl's alone about 23 seconds, add the 400 wtt 19 seconds, I'll have to look at some other appliances that can be discounted to help keep the bill low.

I have the tote with all the parts but the inline fan for the 4 day dryer will build the dryer after fan arrives so I can try it with some of the outdoor plant that I will harvest soon.

Soil Supersoil and Organic and 6 planter pots for now! seeds arrived 20 free not sure if there skunk also? from my purchase of 10 seeds of Moroccan Skunk, time to check out threads on the best ways of germinating but! probadly doesn't matter?anybody have any thoughts ?.

Added a little more CFL lighting have a HPS 400wtt that I am trying my own experiment by having the HPS set with timer to come on for about 6 to 7 hours daily and cfl's on 24/0.

I built this CFL strip from a power strip, light bulb plug-ins then light bulb Y's, used Zip locks to hold in plugs and Y's locking them in by using an X, so they wouldn't fall out next I have to make a reflector, I have the cfl's altrenating, also the strip has room for more cfl's call it a lighting bank, seems to be working great so far.


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Finished 4 Day Dryer under 2 hours and a little blood, I ran out of wood dowel so made some modifications and used PVC for the top and added 1/2" hole to make up for air flow space, also made a small adjustment to the fan attachment, set it up so it can be dettached from the tote, added a grid to the inside of duct to catch anything that may fall to the bottom and get sucked in, I use expanable duct since already had that.

Wait for fan.

Finish built dryer just under 2 hours. What do ya think.


Where did you get this you have the link?
Where did you get this you have the link?

No prtoblem here is the link please let me you received the link if you time, You should gather all parts first lay everything, mark it where it needs to cut or drilled the guy where I got it has all you need I suggest copy and past into a word program and save this way you don't need to stay on the thread, Good luck it easy to build just take it at youir own pace.

Good and let me how it goes.

I wanted to see what the growth is for my 2 clones for a few day's so I stuck a measuring stick in the soil by each clone set to the every top of each clone.

I did not think I would really see much growth for at least a few days, yes may be a little but 1" in less than 24 hours Woah! guess I thought wrong didn't I! and that is under just 5 CFL's lights with a lum count of about 1200 at top of clones, at about 8500k using blue and red spectrums I believe it is! and a 400 watt HPS light as a
supplement for about 7 hours once a day.

If I needed proof about using CFL's I got it.
I wanted to see what the growth is for my 2 clones for a few day's so I stuck a measuring stick in the soil by each clone set to the every top of each clone.

I did not think I would really see much growth for at least a few days, yes may be a little but 1" in less than 24 hours Woah! guess I thought wrong didn't I! and that is under just 5 CFL's lights with a lum count of about 1200 at top of clones, at about 8500k using blue and red spectrums I believe it is! and a 400 watt HPS light as a
supplement for about 7 hours once a day.

If I needed proof about using CFL's I got it.

Oh and hay a question if anybody will answer, do any of you need to use sunglass's when your in your grow tent or what ever walk-in enclosure your using.
Here are updated pictures of my my set so far, 1 OG Kush 1 UK Cheese, 1 bluebarry hindo? not sure is was just marked as bluebarry forgot to ask, the spout is from a bag of free 20 so not sure on that either, I was lucky to come a cross 5 or 6 White Rino seeds so thats cool! free WR seeds hay $60 bucks or more in free seeds no problems smokey!

I am waiting on my SH system to be delivered and add in, it is due within the next week or so!

The 1" sprout popped on 10/5 6 days ago, I had 5 sprouts and 4 had problems with ph.

The 2 pictures shows the the growth with the 2 clones since Firday 10/9 4:30 pm with the zip ties sticking out the ground there first recorded level to today under cfl's, I cut out the 400 for now worried about the heat have to solve that problem.


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Well today I added a home built cool tube to my 400wtt hps light, did cool it down below it that I noticed right away back of neck didn't feel like it was being burned, well worth the $10 and 15 minutes to build and add it.

pictures below I didn't want to cut any light off so I used expanded metal! this is just a simple setup but it work's great.

Hurricane glass $8.98 and expanded, metal alread had hood and light.



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Went to DH today so cool that there is a hydroponics warehouse near by, 12.4 miles picked up a BC nutrient kit for $30, my UK Cheese and Moroccan Skunk are doing real good and if you look you'll see the zip locks I inserted to keep track of the grow on 10/9/09 2.56 inches on the one to the left! and just over 2" for the plant on the right! not sure if that's slow or a good fast, but I am starting the nutrients there should be some grow going on.! 1 babe plant is 1" 1/4" now and 3 sprouts 2 that came up after only 2 days in the soil.

Now that I have the nutrient kit I have a better understanding now about mixing them is all about, and picked up! a ph up, ph down, with a testing kit but will need a digital ph pen or meter with the BC you can't use a test kit because the water becomes to dark to test that way maybe test strips most likely not! but I now have a whole new understanding for the process, Cool! 10/13/09


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Now that I have the nutrient kit! I have a better understanding now about mixing them is all about, and picked up! a ph up, ph down, with a testing kit but will need a digital ph pen or meter with the BC you can't use a test kit because the water becomes to dark to test! but I now have a whole new understanding for the process, pretty cool! 10/13/09

Okay BC Nutes
The new sprouts came up fast planted them Sundat Night in soil popped out early Tuesday, there growth is even more visible since I have started using BC thrive-alive flora spray, and just a little nutes, the single sprout has been kinda slow! but since nutes start up it shows visible growth also but just not sure of sex of sprouts sometime before that comes I think.

The Leafs on the bigger plant are reflecting light there not yellow just looks that way really, I have switched lighting menus from cfl to my 400wtt hps been playing with the cfl's as supplement lighting for the side and growth under the bigger leafs since changing to the hps growth rate has been a little more speedy been reading the thread on lighting great piece good info to have would recommend any newbe to check it out and read it answered most of my questions lighting and has great info on how to calculate wattage, lums, and other asspects of lighting.

That's Dinky my little helper we adopted him about 6 months ago, he had been up for adoption for over 1/2 year at Petsmrt because his tail had to be taken off why don't know? I just couldn't let him live that way anymore caged up 24/7, so we gave him a home, he is a real good little budy and! he is a very smart cat, also he is very good at the poising thing he a ham isn't he! all I did was set the pip there no harm or smoke blown at him wouldn't do that any of my pets they get crazy with any help other than catnip.


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I wanted to know which CFL's effects the plants the most and the best, so I toke my soft white's cfl's and used just those on my small sprouts, they turned right away and started to lean to the hps light, after a short while I then changed the CFL's to the daylights cfl bubles that I have the spectrum is available on the packing, the package indicates blue marked spectrum.

As you can see on the package 100 watts 27 volts, 1400 lumens, low heat, blue spectrum, the sprouts turned back to the CFL's lights quickly and are responding great to them and have grown a little faster, so those I am using for sprout growing and use them for the leaf growth under the top leafs, but I see no reason not to use them to grow a whole plant the blue spectrum is the best of all the spectrums as I read, pruple spectrum is also good.

Check out the lable.


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Okay I didn't want to grow my White Rino spouts in soil so I went and bought the parts to build my own little hydroponics system, before the sh system I ordered arrives, as a side note to newbe's just take Rosemand advise just build your own in the long run you end up knowing exactly how verything works, check it out.

I start with a basics, smiple components I all read have the water pump and air pump an air stone, I'll add more pictures after I get it together.


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Super cool the SH system has finally arrived as far as I can tell all parts are here, but the digital thermometer/humidity turned out to be a regular glass thermometer/barometer that's bull crap, anyhow moving on! have set time aside to set it up.

Looking foreword to this.


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17 days for the UK cheese and OG Kush! I topped both to get more branching developed showing 2 tops, they look great, the bluebarry kush is looking better now but is growing a bit slow, I have 4 spouts of White Rino fem started one was in soil on the 14th and they all popped late the 16th soil one a bit small but it looks really cool.

I put 1 white rino in rw put in a drip buble bucket and the other 2 in rock wool, the rock wool was soaked in 5.8 phed water for 6 to 8 hours then the sprouts where introduced to the soaked rock wool and is now setting in phed water till I get the sh system up and running tonight for the 18 hour lighting cycle start.

I may see if I can transplant 2 of the soil sprouts in to the bubleponics system also and run only 4 plants so I can make them a bit more full by topping them a few times to get more budding action happening not much for lighting reasons
Here is what may project is looking like today from about 3 weeks ago, I am getting ready with sprouts for the BP system setup but that's in a few day's when the sprout get big enough the one thing I think I do have is plenty of room.

The buble bucket with a white rine strain is working out good also.

I rearranged the setup with the babies separated with white broads each facing to their plant, the bigger plants UK cheese and OG kush as you can see the white tab next to each that is the marker from 16 days ago I think it was.


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