It's called compensate for the power.
The best of going green is solar power connected to your home, if not to stay close to being green with the grow! unplug it!!! if you don't use it or do use it once in a while unplug it,
did you know almost all appliances have a standby which means it comes on right away when you push the button all new TV's have this and most all electronics system do with only a few exceptions, what does standby means if you don't understand the term! it means there is constant energy flow (electrical power) running in the back ground on these devices, using power, running your electric bill up with equipment just setting doing ? Nothing, if you think it's to little amount to be concerned about! thing again my friend! it add's up.
What to do! start with plugging your cable/sat box and TV plug them in directly into the electrical outlet this way they will stay on, you can uplug the TV if you want! have a home theater system? if it's worth anything it should be plugged into a really good clean power surge protection strip, if you have that setup just shot off the strip off, unplug tosters, and other appliances not needed, if you have a extra frig plugged in, in the garage and can go with out! unplug it and use a tie down strap to secure and lock the door shut so knowone can get hert, the point as you see is to do our part as growers and be green or as close to green as possible this is a hard thing to do but we must.
One more thing please pass it on! this and any tips on saving energy.
If your new to growing this is intended to help, I know I wish had paid more attention I may have saved some money here and there!
If you have any questions just ask I'd be glad to help if I can.

Peace fellow humans.