New to outdoor growing 420

Hi I was wondering if anyone could possible help as I have just started my first 4 plants outdoors in uk and was wondering what feeds the plants needs and what kind of fertilizer and feed I should give them and when I should give them any advice would much appreciate thanks and I will doing this on very low budget so preferably cheap or cheapest feeds and fertilizers where to buy them from thanks alot again.
When you say more detail what kind as am new to all this and would like to learn alot and would take it all in thanks. Just as I say in post in top am new to all this smoked it for years but dont have clue but no it can go very wrong with the littlest of things.

ganga gurl420

Well-Known Member
Well to be honest its organic compost and this is first time for me in all categories being new to start to grow so any help would be grateful thank.
Well that is good.... I would mix a dry fert pre blend in the soil...or top dress with it. Something similar to Jobes or espoma. Bulb food is great too
Then all you have to do is water. Getting one that is geared towards tomatoes is a good idea because of the higher calcium content. Then all you have to do is water with Epsom salts and molasses every two weeks.
The pre blended dry nutes are very inexpensive. If you are wanting to stay organic ...stay away from the bottled nutes like calmag etc.

ganga gurl420

Well-Known Member
To know whether something is "organic" or not, you had better check if is Omri listed or not. I use omri listed coco/perlite. However, Cal mag, when sourced from somewhere natural, can get a Omri identifier. Meaning it is organic. Read up on the stuff, just because it's not "organic" doesn't mean it's going to kill you lol, poison is organic, bacteria is organic, etc.
The stuff you listed is not for organic growing..nor is it needed in most cases unless you are growing in coco. It is beyond ridiculous to find an organic source of calmag.
I know it wont kill the plant..but it is not needed
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ganga gurl420

Well-Known Member
Uhh coco is definitely organic and so is perlite. Finding a organic source of cal/mag is not hard at all, it's whether or not you take the word of the company or if you can find one that is omri listed (you can actually use the website to look up products). And their have been a number of peer reviewed studies that suggest that the plant does not know the molecular difference between synthetic vs natural fertilizer, and the same group of studies found no change in microbial life from either fert being applied.
Right on dude... not getting in an organic debate with you. Was just simply explaining that in SOIL you dont need it.


Well-Known Member
So you don't need to use perlite in soil even though it is included in most soils? You don't need cal-mag even though it is a common defiency after the nutes get washed out from watering? Do you really think your levels of calcium found in tap water are adequate for plants? You might need to touch up on your knowledge of the subject and stop huffing fungal spores.
Cant tell if you serious or just suffering from a case of duning kruger.
Perlite serves no function other than aeration. You can achieve aeration from a number of other items rice hulls, lava rock, etc.
There are other sources of calcium and magnesium outside of the bottled version known as Cal-mag.

You might need to touch up on your knowledge of things yourself.


Well-Known Member
Everyone already knows their are sources outside of bottled calmag but they aren't user friendly unless someone is ok with mixing it by hand every feeding rather than just putting it in the water... Can't get much easier then using a tbsp or a ml syringe to extract nutes and just mixing it with water.
Mixing in dry amendments once before planting and using plain water is easier than mixing nutrients every time you water.

ganga gurl420

Well-Known Member
My point was the bottled calmag is a man made manufactured source. Never once said that there is enough calcium in water! This is why I didnt want to argue because this poor guy is asking for help and now the thread is hijacked with an argument over this.

If you would have read what I wrote to him to begin with... I stated that one should use a tomato fert because of the high calcium content then just add some epsom salts when you water. Boom ...all the calcium and mag you will need for your grow. And btw... the dry ferts I use ask you to top dress once a month.

You stated that the nutes do not last and that you have to keep on adding them the way I do it. Umm so you only add calmag from the bottle once to your coco?

I never once said anything about perlite. I don't use it ... I dont need it. All soils are different.

So once again my point is... if you are using an organic compost and want to add dry nutes to it just water with Epsom salts (magnesium and sulfer) which a bag of it is cheap as could be and will last for many many grows. And as far as organic growing goes.. hard core organic growers stay away from bottled nutes like that. We are more tempted to use things like lime and Epsom salts before we go grab a bottle of liquid. Soil doesnt have the issues that coco does. That is why I wont grow in it.

The proof is in the pudding buddy... no perlite (tho I dont know why you even brought it up) and actually nothing added for drainage for that matter
And not once was calmag used. Not deficient on anything so please before you tell me to brush up on my knowledge... you should see my original post and why I said what I did.

And btw this next pic here is a plant I let go natural in my soil mix... the soil had not been amended or touched in over a yr. I did not feed or water it not once the whole season and the top cola was a q.p. showing no signs of deficiency.
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Where to begin lads haha am lost abit now lol use all carm now it's the weekend come on lads let all get along haha so would I be best with tomato feed or what ?
So where would I be able to get these from and how much and not wrong when u say that like what is more practical and when you say amendments ? Thanks alot for all ur help to mate.
Well to be honest I wasnt planning on spend any where nesr that much on fertilizers or feed especially on first outdoor grow as some one mentioned in post about tomato fertilizers and stick to the basics what iv been acknowledged and told but great advice from alot and great debates haha thank for everythink if u think could help possible any more feel free and kindnug what tip can u give me or advice thanks.

ganga gurl420

Well-Known Member
Well you seen my plants right? So a small bag of dry amendments is about 20 bucks. The epsom salts and molasses is another 10. I'm a big believer in doing it cheap and keeping it as easy as possible. And btw there is a set amount of dry amendments you mix into the isnt just dump and hope for the best.
I wish you luck on however you decide to grow... just do as much reading as possible and there are lots of threads with amazing grows to learn from here with some amazing experienced growers.

ganga gurl420

Well-Known Member
I brought up perlite because you said something extremely ignorant by labeling EVERYTHING (Not just bottled calcium) as inorganic. Your own words, "None of those things are organic." even though my perlite and coco are omri listed. Maybe you should be a little more specific? What I said was that it is easier for a noob to measure things out via syringe/tbsp rather than mixing in a unknown about of amendments into a soil and then hoping it's the right ratio. I really wouldn't be proud of those plants either, going to have a lot of junk buds on the bottom and probably mold issues it's pretty thick with foliage.
Thanks for the good laugh.....