I went to orange county to score a sweet deal on an 8 bulb 4' fixture. one of the ballasts is bad, so the guy sold it for $120. I thought the ballast was going to run me about $50-60, but i found 2 for $60. so now i have a new/refurbished fixture for $180 with bulbs. its a sun system tek light, and it runs $450 out of the sunlight supply catalog
Im even using the exact same ballasts that it came with. ebay and craigslist together make a wicked combo.
now for the bummer...as things have gone with this room, space is an issue. the 3x3 table doesnt fit throught the door into the top shelf
however my old 3 1/2x2 table does fit...soooooo i need to get two more 2x4 tables. but my old table will suffice for now. I will have this thing as close to finished as i can get it tommorow morning. between this and my *flower room* i have been learning alot of stupid lessons. the type of lessons you shouldnt learn...you should just KNOW!