New way of growing. No electricity. Stealth.


Active Member
Well i couldn't start until may 24th ish.. I guess i could build something though like a box and the roof fitted with solar bulbs.. Such an easy thing to build.. And cheap to build also


Well-Known Member
Like why not just build a greenhouse? Sound like some interesting repurposing but not a better way to grow weed.


Active Member
You're right it's only better in the sense that there is no electricity required and that it can be done stealth. And a greenhouse is pretty much what I am talking about except underground with flat roof.


Sector 5 Moderator
It's more than theory. The Wardenclyffe project was cut off of funding by J.P. Morgan because there was no way to collect on the money. Upon Tesla's death January 7th 1943 the U.S. government went to his lab and apartment (where he died alone and broke) and confiscated all his research. This includes Wardenclyffe and all the info he did on the ionsphere. The documents have never been released.
Yeah, arguably the greatest scientist of all time and he died broke and alone and the government STEALS all his research and for the last 40 years or so they have been using his research for the HAARP project to create "global warming" and all the "natural disasters" we've been seeing for years. It's not mother nature run amuck; it's the governments of the world using Tesla's work.


Active Member
I might try this with a wheelie bin. Have a plant or two in that , have a lid over it during the day time with 12 - 16 bottles and you have a 600-700w grow , small but who cares.


Well-Known Member
This is a great idea but as others stated youre going to run into ventilation issues and that will inevitably create mold. And as racerboy said on a new episode of moonshiners, that mold happened over night. Of course that was mostly enclosed. You can easily set up on both sides some sort of screen to allow air to freely pass through but that wont fix all your problems. Gonna need support for the holes wall (s) which would most likely be wood which also will get moldy etc.
You mentioned that a buncha bottles wouldn't look out of the ordinary but it would. Especially in a remote field. As seen on moonshiners on another recent episode one shiner was storing his bottles in a tobacco field. So im sure the feds are looking in areas that they normally wouldn't all thanks to that show.
If my neighbors right behind me werent married cops id try it myself.


Active Member
I understand there's some things id need to engineer. As for the bottles looking strange, I don't think it would be too hard to disguise. The bottles only stick out about 4 inches from the ground, maybe 3 inches. Tall grass would hide it easily.


Active Member
Im starting to think that it would be hard to lift the roof off the hole with a bunch of full bottles attached to it. Building a shed and fitting a bunch to the roof is a better idea

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
A 10x10 ft grid of bottles would produce the equivalent of 6000 watts.
6000 watts of what? I'm assuming they mean the power of a standard incandescent. Do the math.

100w incandescent = 1700 lumens
6000w incandescent = 102,000 lumens
in comparison 600w HPS = 95,000 lumens

102,000 lumens won't light 100 sq ft of grow space. Sorry, please try again.

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
Also, you're not accounting for the fact that if you cram a bunch of them in a small space they will block a % of the light out from each other.

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
6000 watts of what? I'm assuming they mean the power of a standard incandescent. Do the math.

100w incandescent = 1700 lumens
6000w incandescent = 102,000 lumens
in comparison 600w HPS = 95,000 lumens

102,000 lumens won't light 100 sq ft of grow space. Sorry, please try again.
Looks like you have another bite new school! Now you can boar us some more!


Active Member
Howard is the troll. 50w per square foot is ideal for flowering. 6000 divided by 100 is 60w per square foot. More then enough to cover 100 sq ft.... U