New Weed That Doesn't Get You High


Well-Known Member
Honestly, if everything stayed the same about the "high" except actually being high, I think it would be nice. You could calm anxiety and stimulate your appetite while still being able to function optimally.
Or pack a mixed salad bowl of equal parts this to your favorite marijuana.


Active Member
What I am not happy about is that it is coming from Israel. The right wing nut jobs will take it as gold... I for one am not happy with that country one bit, cause they play on the gullibility of the stupid right wing nut jobs that would probably lick their behinds in order to gain favor.... (they sure do not care about other nations)


Well-Known Member
Its old news and known as HEMP .............
Hemp is entirely different, my friend. This article discusses cannabis containing high levels of Cannabidiol, and low levels of THC. Hemp barely contains any useful cannabinoids....Its main purpose and use is for its cellulose (plant matter), which can be converted into numerous things, depending on the need. CBD rich medicine is the furthest thing from hemp, actually. If you mix CBD rich medicine with a dose of THC, the effects are breathtaking, and will likely knock you out for hours. The article is misleading, because CBD is in fact psychologically benign, UNTIL THC is present. Once both chemicals are present, both the CB1 and CB2 receptors work in unison, and produce a stronger, narcotic effect.