New Zealand outdoor thread 2013/14 (all kiwis post!)


Well-Known Member
Haha, Thanks. I wish it was a bit taller but oh well. If you were to pollinate another plant with the pollen from your hermie plant I think you would get seeds that would be only female however depending on why the plant hermied the offspring might be prone to also growing balls. Might be a cool experiment ;)


Yeah i went down yesterday and sprayed with yates insect gun they were covered in the bastards just more and more everytime just gota keep on top of it ay seems to last 4-5 days for me b4 they infest them again. Yeah weathers bin primo bro all mine are in full flower now im just hopeng we dont get that week of rain around begining of april again this year lol

aussie originals

Active Member
dream beaver seedlings, going to be some nice sativa goodness.

i already have these girls under 1000w of solis tek digital MH 6000K colour spectrum and it looks like its going to keep the nodes nice and tight.


Active Member
Whats up kiwis! And anyone else passing thru. Another Bay greenthumb just droppin in for a nosey. I always enjoy following local grows more so it was cool catching up on the thread.

Looks like a few nice plants around.

Crazykiwi its great to see another BOP grower, I've got a couple out by you in welcome bay maybe you can see them from space... lol.. jk... maybe nek year.

Cooper Im loving your ball removing committment, I'm sure you'll understand why people choose to just pull them instead of spending hours pulling sacs.

Aussie, always nice to have our token "mossie"... frosty little girls of yours are definitely helpin to keep us moist til harv...

The best of growing to us all... Ill be lurking and maybe ill even put up pics of what I've got so far, plants are all starting to flower with some a couple weeks in. ETA late march- early april.

Peace till then...


My comitment to pulling sacs? Yeah the thc bomb i had only grew a couple close to the end so i pulled it to get it away from the rest


Well-Known Member
Yeah i went down yesterday and sprayed with yates insect gun they were covered in the bastards just more and more everytime just gota keep on top of it ay seems to last 4-5 days for me b4 they infest them again. Yeah weathers bin primo bro all mine are in full flower now im just hopeng we dont get that week of rain around begining of april again this year lol
I grabbed a bottle of that spray safe from canadian xpress. Pricey stuff.


Yeah mate havent used that stuff howd it go? Even the incect gun an pyrethrum etc not cheap there about 15-20$ a bottl and im flying thru it


Well-Known Member
Yeah mate havent used that stuff howd it go? Even the incect gun an pyrethrum etc not cheap there about 15-20$ a bottl and im flying thru it
Spraying it now. Cost me $18 for 500ml and it's premixed. Also noticed thrips as well but i don't know if it'll work for them. Never buy the compressed 'Mr.coco' blocks from easygrow. I've never had a problem with pests until i put that crap in. I might soak the rest of it with h202 and water. Hopefully that'll kill anything in there.


Well-Known Member
Haha, Thanks. I wish it was a bit taller but oh well. If you were to pollinate another plant with the pollen from your hermie plant I think you would get seeds that would be only female however depending on why the plant hermied the offspring might be prone to also growing balls. Might be a cool experiment ;)
I was thinking about that pollen thing, I read that somewhere. Might be a good experiment indeed!


Well-Known Member
Went up to my plant today to water, feed and cut the balls off! I used a nice small peer of siccors and got probably around 90% of the balls of. Some of them are to small to get so Ill have to let the grow out a bit but Ill just cut them of once a week. It was such a pain cutting all the balls of it took about an hour and a half! A few pollen sacks had opened but nothing major. There are so many bud sights on this thing lol It been flowering female parts for not very long, just over a week Id say? Anyway heres some decent pictures of the pistols close up and the plant :-D


Active Member
Went up to my plant today to water, feed and cut the balls off! I used a nice small peer of siccors and got probably around 90% of the balls of. Some of them are to small to get so Ill have to let the grow out a bit but Ill just cut them of once a week. It was such a pain cutting all the balls of it took about an hour and a half!
Sorry Cooper i got my wires crossed it was letstrip that has the ball removing.

Letstrip -How long has your plabt got to go? Do you really wanna spend hours removing male flowers? Up to you...

Coop - Insects have definitely been in and out of my grows. i think I've actually done more damage trying to get rid of them... haha. I've settled down to a foliar spray of neem and dish soap which seems to work ok. Plus i don't have to buy too much stuff..

What precautions do u guys take to keep safe while posting pics and plans of your grows to the net? I would love to share growing with peeps but wanna keep my hands outta handcuffs...


Well-Known Member
I would just bin it but its my first and only plant lol I don't mind pulling the balls of Ive put to much effort in to let it go to waste :weed: I dunno how long its got to go bro it only started flowering a couple of weeks ago.

Would love to see your growing mate. In terms of precautions Im not sure if they'd come on here, Its a world wide forum theyd have to sift through heaps! But i dunno ae :-D


Msbop- Lol no worries mate. Yeah i no wat u mean but the amount of hoppers i have i need to keep on top off u can hardly see any of the stems theres hoppers on top of hoppers just fuking eachother leaving black shit everywere.
yeah thats a good question bro not real sure about the precautions id love to no if someone has had problems before.. Surely b a thread about it if there was..? I wasnt to worried but yeah i do hope those fukwits spending my tax money not pissing around on cannabis sites unles they have storys of there own too share lol should b algood theyv gota have better things to do than run around after ur average joe aiming for abit of personal use in there back pocket. Would love too c ur grow to mate.

letstrip- thats the one bro wat u got to lose at the least u could get a mean hash cake or suming lol


Active Member
Letstrip ~ i figured u mustve had a reason for going to all the trouble. u gotta do what u gotta do. Free seeded bud is better than none.

Cooper ~ wow hoppers on top of hoppers? I'm glad i haven't seen that. Hopefully u can get it sorted. Now that its starting to cool down insects numbers will decrease.

JTW ~ Frisian dew!!! Lets see some pics... yay!

I'm pretty sure you're right when u say that police probably aren't spending a lot of time trawling thru forums looking to bust people, well that's what i tell myself to make myself feel better. Next time I'm out ill grab some pics of the ladies... be safe growers


Well-Known Member
Letstrip ~ i figured u mustve had a reason for going to all the trouble. u gotta do what u gotta do. Free seeded bud is better than none.

I'm pretty sure you're right when u say that police probably aren't spending a lot of time trawling thru forums looking to bust people, well that's what i tell myself to make myself feel better. Next time I'm out ill grab some pics of the ladies... be safe growers
Yea agreed! Keen as to see what you got going. Not like were doing operations or anything just a few plants or whatever :-D

aussie originals

Active Member
sugartown express samples are in. i have been smoking this already and i have to say i love it.

this is the OG pheno, still smells like rocket fuel and sweet and sour candy.

^^^^^^ i dont know if this pic does them justice but the buds are simply white with resin^^^^^^^^^^^^

the smoke on this is simply amazing, there is an immediate physical effect, a strong pressure right between the eyes which quickly spreads through the body and relaxs every muscle. while the body high is immediate the head high is a real creeper, at first i thought this was going to be all body but as time progressed i got higher and higher, after half an hr i was wandering around the house dazed and confused laughing at myself for doing stupid shit. cant wait to smoke out the boys, i know this is going to be one of those smoke sessions where no one makes sense for a while but everyone is pissing themselves at the random shit coming from every ones mouths lol.

this is the second pheno, didnt smell much through the grow but the dried product has really surprised me. its super citrusy, very orange in smell.

this one is much more of a staiva effect, the flavour is surprisingly rich and the smoke on this one is very smooth with very little lung expansion, this one has a similar effect on the first hit but instead of the pressure between the eyes you get a real warm blanket feeling that starts on your forehead and sweeps over your head. the high isnt as intense on this one, not so much dazed and confused just very easy and happy with a big smile on my face the whole time. really feeling music on this one. i swear i could feel the music and i caught myself doing stupid little dances around the loungeroom while i was cleaning the house.

i really cant wait to try the sativa dom pheno, i really think its going to be very nice but so far the OG pheno is a A1 keeper. i dont think its ever leaving my garden and im going to find it hard to part with the second pheno either. in fact i think they will all get a second run and see if that helps me decide