New Zealand outdoor thread 2013/14 (all kiwis post!)


thanks ausi good man just wat i was lookn for. mean might do that too a cupli bottom buds then. did u ever have any truble with the pollen spreading too other bud sites


Well-Known Member
Just check them in the morning to see if any has spread. do you have a hygrometer that read humidity? anything over 70% starts to get a little risky when they're wet as. How wet are they?.
It's 80% humidity outside right now.

I reckon split the pollen into 2 even piles and put into separate plastic bags to tie onto a bud and just shake and rub the pollen into the buds. I reckon leave the bag on the bud for a few days.


Well-Known Member
Damn bud rot is a killer this year. Went shooting last night and saw the other persons guerilla and 1/5 of their plants have rotted up already, only small buds too. The only strain that didn't get any was the sativa dominant strain that smells like the Blueberry strain! might have to get some to smoke it smelt that good. I can't believe they haven't been eaten by possums when there's hundreds around. Some plants were completely dead from rotting away.

I'm real worried about the taskenti because of all the bud rot that's been happening. The nighttime temps(14-20) are too hot at the moment with high humidity(80%).


New Member
In my experience the only people who compare the very mild visual distortion that certain Sativa's can provoke
with actual hallucinations
are people who have never had real hallucinogenic's.

They also over emphasize the idea of complete breaks from reality (Dragons walking into rooms, etc_)
because they cannot relate to the changes of perception that acid causes.
Without experiencing it, you could never hope to imagine it.
LMFAO You are right on point. If you've never tried a hallucinogens then dont compare your high off of weed to em.

aussie originals

Active Member
LMFAO You are right on point. If you've never tried a hallucinogens then dont compare your high off of weed to em.
i have tried acid, 2hcb, shrooms and DMT and im telling you i have had hallucinations from weed. it was 1 time when i was still in high school, i got so stoned i couldnt sit in class anymore and had to go lie down in the nurses office. i lay there in that nurses office with my eyes closed watching colourful shapes roll around and transform into other shapes for a decent period of time.

if you havnt tried DMT then dont try and tell me that i dont know what a hallucination is.


Well-Known Member
LMFAO You are right on point. If you've never tried a hallucinogens then dont compare your high off of weed to em.
Weed wasn't compared to hallucinogens like your thinking of. It was simply stating that weed can cause mild visuals and closed eye visuals.


Well-Known Member
Yeah na tap water is shit unfortunately in a beautiful country like this, it reads 200ppm naturally which is a pain.
Yeah depending on how it finishes off it should induce atleast some auditory but should induce some visuals too. When Ace says it's the strongest they've come across, you best be believing it lol.
Try Zamaldelica (killer Malawi x Zamal reunion) if you want to scare the living shit out of yourself. If grown right it'l be too scary to smoke, that's the thing with African plants with loads of thcv - they're freakin scary!. Some of them will give you a heart attack lol. Such an undiscovered continent. I'd be happy to be poor as long as I had some good ganja like they do :mrgreen:

I think Africa has the power to change everyones perspective on 'good bud'. Thai weed back in the days was like this too, some believed it was laced wit opium but makes no sense and wpuld be a waste of money and time. Have you see underbelly: Land of the long green cloud?.
Agreed tap water here is generally crap ae. I bet you cant wait to smoke the Malawi :weed: I cant even imagine what Zamaldelica is like you should grow that next season haha Id like to go over to those country's one day and smoke some of that amazing weed. Id love to see those big fields of beautiful ganja! You should put a picture up of the Taskenti. Sucks abut peoples but rot up there, is that from high humidity and dampness? I noticed even when I went to Auckland how different the heat is compared to down here. Up there it seemed quite sticky and subtropical were as down here its more of a dry heat.


Well-Known Member
LMFAO You are right on point. If you've never tried a hallucinogens then dont compare your high off of weed to em.
How can you compare when you've never had the strongest Cannabis thcv high? hmm.. we're both right and wrong in our arguments.

And yeah I've hallucinated like a motherfucker off DMT. never have off Cannabis but I strongly believe there are strains/areas that can produce some strong hallucinations.. maybe not like salvia,DMT or datura but it is possible to get hallucinations off cannabis.

The human brain produces a natural DMT which is released when you die or have REM sleep. Naturally released DMT will fuck you up and scare the shit out of you - like dual consciousness, warping out of your body etc. Fully agree with Aussie.


Well-Known Member
Agreed tap water here is generally crap ae. I bet you cant wait to smoke the Malawi :weed: I cant even imagine what Zamaldelica is like you should grow that next season haha Id like to go over to those country's one day and smoke some of that amazing weed. Id love to see those big fields of beautiful ganja! You should put a picture up of the Taskenti. Sucks abut peoples but rot up there, is that from high humidity and dampness? I noticed even when I went to Auckland how different the heat is compared to down here. Up there it seemed quite sticky and subtropical were as down here its more of a dry heat.
Yeah man our water is ridiculous, you'd think we'd all be drinking some mountain water or some shit. I want to go to Malawi one day to experience the highest quality cobs! and I wanna go to the Kush mountains around Chitrali, ganja grows everywhere there!. I'll probably do Malawi again and do some proper Panamas next time, I might do Zamaldelica but I kinda want Zamal without Malawi in it. I'll visit the spot today, you can look in my photo gallery for a couple pics a week ago but a lot changes in a week. Yeah Taurangas in between Auckland and Masterton weather, wet as up here at night though like 86% last night.

High Kiwichick. How's your Blueberry? has it started flowering yet?. I found someone elses plot with a Blueberry sativa I think.
I'll go to my spot to check them today, I'd say easily 7ft+ by now :mrgreen:. I've got a massive fiend on for some blueberry after smelling those ones last night


Well-Known Member
Yeah man our water is ridiculous, you'd think we'd all be drinking some mountain water or some shit. I want to go to Malawi one day to experience the highest quality cobs! and I wanna go to the Kush mountains around Chitrali, ganja grows everywhere there!. I'll probably do Malawi again and do some proper Panamas next time, I might do Zamaldelica but I kinda want Zamal without Malawi in it. I'll visit the spot today, you can look in my photo gallery for a couple pics a week ago but a lot changes in a week. Yeah Taurangas in between Auckland and Masterton weather, wet as up here at night though like 86% last night.

High Kiwichick. How's your Blueberry? has it started flowering yet?. I found someone elses plot with a Blueberry sativa I think.
I'll go to my spot to check them today, I'd say easily 7ft+ by now :mrgreen:. I've got a massive fiend on for some blueberry after smelling those ones last night
Forgot to ask what is the land of the long green cloud? lol Its shit ae some people get decent water but its usually not town water. Town water is shiiiiiit! Just had a look and your Tashkenti from a week ago, looks on par with my plant although yours is a couple of weeks ahead id say bro. Wanna see those panama
How long till your sativas flower CK?

I agree with you guys that weed can and has the potential to cause mild hallucinations. Go ages without smoking, take lots of supplements and restore your tolerance and them smoke lots of really potent Ganja and you hallucinate or get insane closed eye visuals.
I did salvia a little while ago for the 4th time but this time i had the plan of getting very very high then doing salvia and the visuals were insane, I just lost it lol It was like I was in a a folding flipping book with pictures on each page.


Well-Known Member
Forgot to ask what is the land of the long green cloud? lol Its shit ae some people get decent water but its usually not town water. Town water is shiiiiiit! Just had a look and your Tashkenti from a week ago, looks on par with my plant although yours is a couple of weeks ahead id say bro. Wanna see those panama
How long till your sativas flower CK?

I agree with you guys that weed can and has the potential to cause mild hallucinations. Go ages without smoking, take lots of supplements and restore your tolerance and them smoke lots of really potent Ganja and you hallucinate or get insane closed eye visuals.
I did salvia a little while ago for the 4th time but this time i had the plan of getting very very high then doing salvia and the visuals were insane, I just lost it lol It was like I was in a a folding flipping book with pictures on each page.
Oh it's a series about NZ first drug cartel; mr asia and the exportation of the Thai weed.
Town water is Shiiiiet bro, all those treatment chemicals. I live rural too and have to use water clear to get the chlorine and what not out.

Yeah it'l be interesting to see how strong the Malawi gets, fuck smoking that after a long tolerance break!.
The Tashkenti started end of january so it's about a month or so in I think. Hopefully it hasn't rotted like the other plants in my area, I've honestly never seen budrot so bad before this early either!. Tis the season for sativas for sure. The dude I was talking to said the best Herb in africa was from the volcanic regions in Malawi; scary,trippy frightening high that only people who have smoked it can fathom the effects. Man I want this high.

Panama will probably have some proper bud sites by now and I reckon 2nd-3rd week of april of the weather is good. first week of april for the Tashkent and who knows with the Malawi.
Salvia can take you to new dimensions lol, anyone ever had Datura?! that takes some balls to take man I dunno if I could.


Well-Known Member
damn forget my memory card, sorry won't be any pic for awhile/

Panamas are not growing any taller and are still getting attacked from the vine hoppers, but it's flowering like there's no tomorrow; 2 red/pink phenos and a nice green pheno with buds rapidly forming - to any south island growers, Panama is possible imo. little vine hopper assholes sucking sap out of them.

Malawis are 7ft give or take and is still barley flowering!, gonna be gigantic. 14ft+ if I let them.

Tashkent - no rot,bugs or anything - healthy with finger sized buds. Completely different terpenes/thc profile to the indoor tashkent. such a different smell all together


haha really would they double in height? thats crazy. hopeng mine get bigger but looks like theyv prity much reached there height and just thickeng up. try get sum pics ths w.e


Well-Known Member
Yeah bro sativas easily double in height before flower, pure sativa clones put into flower straight away can get to 1.5-2m.
How big are your plants now? Malawi should get so big that it blends on with the trees and plants. the real flower season has started :mrgreen:


Active Member
After seein the budrot probs that Jtw had i decided to go have peek at the ladies.No pics but Pink indys are puttin on some weight and the sativa is barely flowering and still growing. Beautiful growing weather out there gents (and chick)...


New Member
Hey Guys.

First season for me so ive got a few questions for yall.

I have attached some pics of 1 of mine and was wondering if anyone knew what strain it could be? Pretty much collected seeds throughout the year so no idea what it was from.

Also any idea how much longer untill it will be ready to harvest?

Thanks !can.jpgphoto.jpg