Newbie Grower and 1st Hydro Grow


Hello everyone. I have decided to start growing for medical reasons. I am a caregiver for a disabled vet. I am growing in the Superponics 16 setup. I have spent numerous hours and probably days doing research. I am posting in an attempt to possibly gain some advice and/or constructive criticism from you experienced growers here. Here is a basic breakdown of where I'm at now.

Seedling or clones: started from seedlings

Grow media: 1.5" rockwool starter cubes surrounded by hydroton and in 3" netpots

Grow Type: Top Feed DWC aka Bubbleponics.

Light: ViparSpectra 1200w LED

Tent: 4x8x7

Avg temps: 62 res temp, 77 room temp

Avg RH: 50%

Photoperiod: 18/6

Ventilation:6 in. Carbon filter and inline fan that vents outside.

Nutrient line: Fox Farm "currently only using Grow Big & Big Bloom due to age and size of plants"

Additional Nutes: Great White Mycos

Avg PH: 5.7

Current avg TDS concentration: approximately 900-1000 ppm

Seedlings were started using the paper towel method and when taprrots were shown they were moved into rockwool cubes and placed in propogation tray with heat mat and thermostat and T5 fluorescent lighting also on the 18/6 photoperiod after seedlings sprouted. They then remained in the propogation tray for about 11 days until roots were showing. They were then placed in the netpots with hydroton. I believe I transplanted too early and did not let the plants develop enough roots outside of the starter cube. This resulted in what I tour to be overwatering issues but hey rookie mistakes. Luckily most plants seemed to rebound and develop nicely. Seedlings have been in hydro setup for about 15 days now. I am using the Fox Farm feeding guide but only as a maximum reccomendation. I have gradually increased nutes over time to avoid nutrient burn and all spears well so far. Some plants seem to look bumpy so to speak like a weird texture. No discoloration of any kind. I have had some problems with temp and RH fluctuations with the light on but nothing ever over 85 and that was for a very short period of time. That's probably my only problem. I expect to make a few mistakes being a rookie but with proper preparation and research most problems have been avoidable.

So there it is. Please let me know what you think and if you have any thoughts or advice. Thanks everyone.



Update: Things are going well plants look very healthy aside from one that seems a little shriveled but otherwise green and healthy. The only other concerns I have is now they are growing so fast that I want to start doing some light stress training or other similar method as well as "just potentially" some very minor defoliation in order to get an even canopy. I will also be using the SCROG method. Again this is to keep as even a canopy as realistically possible without any negative side effects from doing so. Any advice on using these methods would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance good vibes to all.



Well-Known Member
What kind of lighting? How far away is the lighting? Those poor things need a lot more light. They are about 4-5 times as tall as they should be for that amount of growth.


It's a viparspectra 1200watt led with bloom and veg switches. I have it any 30" above the plants "not the top of the res". How much should I lower the light?


Well-Known Member
I've never used that light or led's in general, so I cannot say for sure. But a helluva lot closer, that for sure. I use t8 fluorescents for vegging and keep the light 2-4 inches away at most. You may want to turn off the bloom switch and just use the veg light also, but again no experience with those led's so I cannot say for sure.


Okay, thanks for the help. I'm just going to go with a 10" height for now. With so much information for new growers I forgot to look at this in depth. I'm currently looking into what PAR and Moles are and how exactly they play factor so I will have a greater understanding on the subject.
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Update: Got a lil bit of what seemed to be nute burn. Had some burnt looking leaf tips. It seemed to be a very small amount and not anything detrimental. I changed 1/3rd of the nutrient solution out with fresh phd water as a fix. Seems to have done the trick so far. I have put up a trellis net and done some "FIM"ming and "LST"ing to try and train the largest plants to grow away from the res and the smaller plants to spread out in the middle so I could utilize more grow space. Please let me know what you think .

