The thing with all-in-one-kits, is that you might get one or two things that are half-way decent in the kit, but then the rest of the stuff it simply crap! Anyhow, I have found that the best way to approach the building of ones grow environment is to first think about where you will be growing because the importance of the items you will need to grow in one area of the world maybe very different than when growing in another part of the world. For example, in some places you will need a dehumidifier no matter what time of the year you might be growing indoors, then in other parts of the world you won't ever need it, so the importance of a dehumidifier may be high up one persons list, while it maybe non-existent on another persons list. And that same methodology should be used for everything you might need to buy to grow nice plants in your part of the world. But there is still more to it than just that because how you might prioritize "your things to buy list" could change simply because of things like the legality of the whole growing cannabis thing, (because where you live may, or may not be in a place that you can legally grow cannabis, or it might be legal but you still don't want others to know what you are doing. So I recommend before you buy anything, that you read a lot, and also ask a lot of questions, that way you spend only what you need to spend to grow some nice plants, and I say that for many different reasons, like, for one, it just might turn out that growing isn't your thing, or you might be on a strict budget, so making a ordered list of "importance" will help you buy only the things that are absolutely necessary to grow some nice plants, for those many different reasons...