Newbie(Old guy) needs advise

I agree it's not worth arguing over. However you seem to be confusing the definitions of "alternating nodes" and "opposing nodes".
to me, alternating internodes means a set of leaves coming off of the main stem. early on, they're straight across from each other. to me, staggered internodes means the set of leaves aren't directly across from each other, coming off of the main stem. this is the first i've heard of "opposing nodes." i've never seen a young seedling with internodes (a set of leaves, coming off of the main stem) that weren't directly across from each other, have you? it seems that they stagger once they get older.
Good luck with your grow and getting off of the Oxy. I'm a chronic pain patient and was on that crap mixed with some morphine for over 8 years ( All prescribed by my pain management physician) and getting off of it is the worst. It worse than the pain that it is prescribed for. The MJ helped me with the withdrawl and helps more with pain and sleepless nights than the Oxy or Morphine ever did.
I'm glad to see that you beat the big C. You'll get as much advice on RIU as you'll ever need and then some. These guys are very experienced and know just about everything about growing your MMJ. Again, good luck with your grow and everything else!

Thanks for your thoughts and concern.
Things seem to be going well with the 2 plants, just put them into the Flowering cycle a couple days ago.
I have met several really nice people in this forum who are more than willing to share some of their knowledge
and help me be successful. I knew nothing before and I am now gaining confidence that I can do this.
I have been told by others that it is really tough getting off the Oxy. and I have talked with some who still use
some Oxy. but have been able to cut way back with the use fo MJ.

I am glad to hear thet the MJ has helped you get off the Oxy, are you using any Oxy. at all?
I think I am going to have to wean myself off of it, I haven't talked with many who can just quit cold turkey!

Anyway thanks for the Thoughts and good health to you!!!
No, I'm completely off of it. I was prescribed 120mg of Oxy per day (40mg 3x/day) and 120mg of Morphine per day (60mg 2x/day) and Percocet instant release for breakthrough pain. When I realized that my dad, who had pancreatic cancer, was only prescribed 30mg of Percocet per day I decided that my chronic back and neck pain didn't warrant all of that pain medication. I weaned myself off of it slowly by taking one less pill every 2 weeks or so and when I was down to 1 pill, I cut it in half and so on. It was a long slow process.. but I feel better being completely off of it.
There was a point at which I was forced to go cold turkey for a few days and it was one of the worst experiences of my whole life. My prescription ran out and my doctor was on vacation. The other doctors in the office refused to refill my prescription for some reason.. probably due to liability or something. I can say that was 3 days of pure hell and another reason that I decided that I didn't want to take it anymore.
With the MMJ, I don't have to worry about running out and it does wonders for the pain (5 herniated discs and chronic sprained muscles in my neck and back) and anxiety.. not to mention pretty much curing my insomnia.
Now if we could only pass a medical marijuana bill in my state, I'd be set.
No, I'm completely off of it. I was prescribed 120mg of Oxy per day (40mg 3x/day) and 120mg of Morphine per day (60mg 2x/day) and Percocet instant release for breakthrough pain. When I realized that my dad, who had pancreatic cancer, was only prescribed 30mg of Percocet per day I decided that my chronic back and neck pain didn't warrant all of that pain medication. I weaned myself off of it slowly by taking one less pill every 2 weeks or so and when I was down to 1 pill, I cut it in half and so on. It was a long slow process.. but I feel better being completely off of it.
There was a point at which I was forced to go cold turkey for a few days and it was one of the worst experiences of my whole life. My prescription ran out and my doctor was on vacation. The other doctors in the office refused to refill my prescription for some reason.. probably due to liability or something. I can say that was 3 days of pure hell and another reason that I decided that I didn't want to take it anymore.
With the MMJ, I don't have to worry about running out and it does wonders for the pain (5 herniated discs and chronic sprained muscles in my neck and back) and anxiety.. not to mention pretty much curing my insomnia.
Now if we could only pass a medical marijuana bill in my state, I'd be set.

Man you were on some heavy meds, I take about half what you were taking although it is getting to a point where
my doc is going to have to up the dosage. Our bodies seem to build up an immunity to the Oxy..
I really comend you, some people are just not strong enough to completely break away from the meds.

I have some really miserable days & sleepless nights, especially first thing in the morning, takes at least an hour
to get my body functioning. I am hoping to be where your at in about 3 months.
Thanks, wvblazint
Awesome thread Goatman.

For the bug situation I suggest organic neem oil applications once a week, that'll keep the general bugs at bay.

Do you get Earth Juice nutrients where you live?.
Also recommend a heavy Afghanica type strain for pain(Deep Chunk,Taskenti), any middle eastern indica is really good for pain or to ease any bad side effects from meds because they usually have quite high levels of CBD. Plus you can make awesome hash out of those indicas which can really put you to sleep.
You're very welcome. I know how you feel in the mornings.. it can be rough.
Just take it slow and don't try to step down off of those meds too fast and you'll be alright.. You can do it. I recommend a heavy indica at night while weaning off. That's pretty much all that I grow because it helps with the pain and sleepless nights. I've got some sativa picked out for this year but they're mainly for close friends.
How much longer do your ladies have to flower?
Awesome thread Goatman.

For the bug situation I suggest organic neem oil applications once a week, that'll keep the general bugs at bay.

Do you get Earth Juice nutrients where you live?.
Also recommend a heavy Afghanica type strain for pain(Deep Chunk,Taskenti), any middle eastern indica is really good for pain or to ease any bad side effects from meds because they usually have quite high levels of CBD. Plus you can make awesome hash out of those indicas which can really put you to sleep.

The Neems oil is what I am using and it seems to work pretty good!
I'll check out those strains you suggested, Thanks
You're very welcome. I know how you feel in the mornings.. it can be rough.
Just take it slow and don't try to step down off of those meds too fast and you'll be alright.. You can do it. I recommend a heavy indica at night while weaning off. That's pretty much all that I grow because it helps with the pain and sleepless nights. I've got some sativa picked out for this year but they're mainly for close friends.
How much longer do your ladies have to flower?

I have an appt. with my doctor thursday, I am going to have him to up my doasge. After about 4 hrs. the pain relieving is about gone. So one every 4 hrs. or a higher mg.
I have at least another 7/8 weeks to flower. I am really so old that I don't know any younger people around here that I could get some MJ to try to see how it work for me for pain felief.

Spent all day Sun. in bed with the sciatic pain even with the meds.
So it is going to be a long at least 8 weeks untill I have an opportunity to try some.

It is because of all you Great people on this forum that I have got to the point where there is now, A small
light at the end of the Pain tunnell.

Thanks guys,
Hang in there.. You'll be alright. Honestly, Its all about quality of life. Do what you need to do to make the pain tolerable to be able to enjoy your life.
Hey guys, I need some advise.
One of my girls turned out to be a Boy about 2 weeks into flowering
I have1 plant(girl) left.
I seperated them as soon as I saw the balls, ect. and I have the girl in my workshop on 12/12 with a
300 watt led light above her and 3 200 watt CFLs shooting in from the sides. She looks healthy
but then what do I know, my first time trying to do this.
My question is, does anyone know how far from the plant the led light should be kept
and how far away the CFLs should be?
I know most of you guys use different lighting but I am hoping that someone is familiar with led's!?
I have read a lot but I am getting a ton of different answers. Some say as little as 4" up to 14" from
the plant for the led light.
Up to this point I don't have any idea about the cfls. The cfls are in the type of hood that you would use
to do car work.
The led light is one of the newest design lights that are supposed to be pretty good and it sure as hell is bright.
It uses 100- 3 watt leds, all different colors.
I can get a picture of my setup if that would help.
I really need to get this 1 plant to harvest as I am not doing well taking all this oxy that I am on.
Needless to say any good advise will be more that appreciated, I haven't been able to get my hands on any MJ
to try to see how much it will help with all the pain I put up with every day, plus being older than dirt
doesn't help either!! anyway enough about that, its my problem and I have to deal with it.
If anyone knows how I could get some mj to try I would be eternally endebted to you.
Thanks guys,
Hey goat im probably not going to be much of a help, but you can get the CFls pretty close because they dont produce alot of heat. As for the LED I wouldn't know :)
LED produces very very little heat, keep it as close as you can with a good light distribution as well, so not too close but not far away like a HPS(12"). Seedlings don't seem to elongate or go spindly if far away from the led lights(12"+), different story with CLFs.
CLFs can be almost touching the plant without problems and are good for putting in gaps to get some growth underneath the main canopy.

Are you planning on breeding with that male?. Best of luck to you mate and I hope you end up with some good medicine.
whenever I was in a new strange place I always asked a cab driver where can I get some weed? worked 99% of the time from Philadelphia to Singapore.
LED produces very very little heat, keep it as close as you can with a good light distribution as well, so not too close but not far away like a HPS(12"). Seedlings don't seem to elongate or go spindly if far away from the led lights(12"+), different story with CLFs.
CLFs can be almost touching the plant without problems and are good for putting in gaps to get some growth underneath the main canopy.

"Are you planning on breeding with that male?. Best of luck to you mate and I hope you end up with some good medicine.

Let me say I have absolutly No Idea how to that!!! But I would like to hear more about it>
I plan on chopping the male up tomorrow. It is about 5' tall and healthy as could be, just got
all those little Pollen Sacs covering it. What I do with those leaves? I have been reading that some say you can dry them, crumble them and smoke it in a pipe> anybody done that?

LED produces very very little heat, keep it as close as you can with a good light distribution as well, so not too close but not far away like a HPS(12"). Seedlings don't seem to elongate or go spindly if far away from the led lights(12"+), different story with CLFs.
CLFs can be almost touching the plant without problems and are good for putting in gaps to get some growth underneath the main canopy.

Are you planning on breeding with that male?. Best of luck to you mate and I hope you end up with some good medicine.
Thanks for all the info. on the LEDS
Let me say I have absolutly No Idea how to that!!! But I would like to hear more about it>
I plan on chopping the male up tomorrow. It is about 5' tall and healthy as could be, just got
all those little Pollen Sacs covering it. What I do with those leaves? I have been reading that some say you can dry them, crumble them and smoke it in a pipe> anybody done that?


You can either leave the male alive to pollinate your female plant or collect the pollen inside(put it near a window) so it doesn't pollinate the whole plant and you can just use a single branch for seeds. Na definitely don't smoke anything from a male plant, no way near enough thc content to get you high or have medicinal qualities.

Pollinating a female will lessen the trichome/resin output though so you might want to move the male inside if you want to breed and have a strong plant too. Or you could just buy seeds online lol, CBD Crew is a good one for medical strains with high CBD(cannabdiol) - more medicinal qualities.

Any updates on the plant?

!st, a lttle about myself, Cancer survior,OLD-71, On OXY for 1 1/2 yrs., want to try MJ to control immense amount of pain. Want to grow my own, got a medical MJ card here in AZ. usa.
Found Nivana and bought seeds and other things I will need. Been reading a lot about how to get started.
I have a temperature controlled greenhouse normally kept at 85 degrees Farenhite. I included some pics.
What I need help with right now is, I have 2 seedlings that a friend gave me, my stuff from Nirvana will be here in a couple weeks. These are in 4" pots with Black Gold, pic. attached.
I have no idea what strain they are. but I would like to try to grow them. Today I went to SEA OF GREEN, a shop here in Tucson. This is what I got, Ocean Forrest, Light Warrior, Perlite,
Vermiculite?, Dolomite lime,Ready grow Plugs,ect..
I will talk about what I have coming from Nirvana later but right now I need some advise on the next step with the 2 seedlings that I have right now.
I bought 2 3 gal nursery pots today and I hope t put them in those pots.
Now my questions are,
What do I do next with these 2 seedlings.
My intention is to put them in the 3 gal. pots.
Any advise will be more than greatly appreciated.
In the meantime I am going to keep reading this forum and learn as much as possible beffore I get my seeds and stuff from Nivana.
Thanks Bill
YOU guys are Great and thank god for this site!!
Get them into the bed that you have made up,yes before any one says anything by getting them in this early the roots will spread far better you could reall do with a t5 over each of them,if the days are long i would have done auto's can't you plant them out side the green house,becasue the yeild will be far greater.

You have a permit so grow trees not plants one grow should last you all year if you get them out doors,by this out side the greenhouse but buy some polli so if it looks like rain you can trow it over them.

I think if it was possible in this country then i would only need one grow a year,i pull a lb a bad one 7/9 oz in this shitty weather,so out there you should really be looking at trees watch the grow like a pro on you tube raised bed but make sure that you cage them up till they become older they are less likely to be eaten by insects the older they get so from green house harden them of then out side.Because you are growing for medi reasons then just farm yard crap will do just fine tea hessium sack full of cow shit or horse shit with added pot ash in the tub and water with this once the coulour of the water gets clear more shit added to your tanks.Take the male well away from the grow dig her out carefully or if it is in a pot just put it some where you can collect the pollan and then freeze,then next season brush the bottoms with it and bag the brushed parts that way you have seeds.You have to use seeds in out door growing they produce far better than clones
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