Well-Known Member
Telling ppl to so find info on youtube is the worst advice to give in a place like this.Everybody is different.
Friend could be seeing most of us as hard-core growers of the "Jar-Head Clan." <- Points for that movie reference.
I was thinking perhaps today's foolish one is tomorrow's Kind Of Cannabis. You never know. Look at Elon Musk and Twitter. Who saw that coming.
The other thing to suggest is to tell him (they) to Watch a lot of YouTube videos. Not everything is worthy of an award but it will give folks a wider general education on what people do.
Sure there are some useful videos there... but the majority of them will have you bouncing all over the place.
If the info on this sight isn't clicking.. have it read to you (Whomever it concerns)
Lastly.. I'm sticking to my original comment. There's work to be done in the OP's situation. They are going to find a hard time researching this subject like this.
Best bet is to become buddies with someone who has buddies in the game. Offer to help out in exchange for a little guidance & pick up some experience while you're at it. First hand info... not the internet where you will find information at X, as well as info at Y on the same subject that conflicts the other.
Pop a few seeds at home asap. Get acquainted with the plant. Good luck.