Newbie with a heat problem


Well-Known Member
To tell you the truth i dont know if ffocean forest is organic or not. The therm that you got does it have a prob or not??? You are going to have to exaust the hot air out of the room in order to get the temps right especially with three lights. start with one and see what the temp is. Do some searching and try to find one of these for exausting the hot air you can jerry rig some duct to it like you did to the ac and exaust the hot air out. remberexaust on the to p intake on the botom. I wouldnt blow the ac right onto the plants might
cause some problems.
Thanks, I know fox farm has some organic stuff so I'll check on it tommorow.

For now I'm just going to remove lights I guess. Hopefull I'll still be able to run 2.

I might have figured out a way to free up a little more money, but I wont know for sure till the end of the wk. If this works I might buy one of those A/C units made for the hoods and let it run in the closet with the ohter A/C as wwell, I'll just hang the intake up hi and the exhaust down low. But I can't wait till the end of the wk to get the plants just in case.

Ok, I guess I know what I have to do. Hopefully I'll have the clones tommorow (knock on wood)


Well-Known Member
And thanks for the info on foxfarm, the nursery I went to today has just about every fox farm product on the market. So temp tonight, dirt tommorow morn, clones tommorow afternoon. As long as my luck holds out. lol

Thanks again


Active Member
I'll just hang the intake up hi and the exhaust down low. .....Its the other way around(heat rises) if you can free up some extra $$$ get a inline fan this is the one i have. It works great. You should slow down with the clones you need to get that room to the right conditions so you dont mess your clones up . Spend 100 on a fan or lose 200 in clones.


Well-Known Member
I'll just hang the intake up hi and the exhaust down low. .....Its the other way around(heat rises) if you can free up some extra $$$ get a inline fan this is the one i have. It works great. You should slow down with the clones you need to get that room to the right conditions so you dont mess your clones up . Spend 100 on a fan or lose 200 in clones.
The last thing I have to do before I'm ready (aside from dirt) is get the temp right. I just turned off one of the HPSs and if that don't fix it I'll turn off the other HPS and just use the MH to veg.

If I free up money I'll free up about a grand so instead of the inline fan I'll probably go with the A/C for the hoods because I kinow I'm eventually going to need that anyway.

So if I have to start with 1 light then that's what I'm going to have to do. And if I get money later this week I'll add that "hood A/C" and try increasing to 2 lights & take it from there.

If I don't get money later this week I'll veg with 1 light and when thhe light goes out (18/6) I'll try to set a flower station in the bedroom closer to the A/C & get the temp right so I'll hopefully be able to use 2 lights for flower.

I appreciate the concern though, I'd love to use all 3 lights, but i got "homeless & bedridden" hanging over my head if this fails or takes too long.


Well-Known Member
Hey, with 3 lights it's 88 degrees and with 2 lights it's 82 degrees. If I go with two lights, how bad will the extra 2 degrees hurt me?


Active Member
With the two light your at a good point. 82 degrees aint to bad. What do you mean by a hood ac????pics please.


Well-Known Member
With the two light your at a good point. 82 degrees aint to bad. What do you mean by a hood ac????pics please.
I read that the optimum temp for photsynthesis is 72 to 80 degrees. This doesn't worry me, I don't think 2 degrees will mean much one way or the other with Yield. I also read that when curing you want to keep the temp under 80 and they suggest keeping it under 70. The reason given is that THC starts to break down once the temp goes over 80 (where the hayish smell comes from). So the question is, can THC start to break down while the plant is still alive? Probably not, but I'd like to double check it.

I saw the A/C in the Big Tommato while I was picking up some stuff. After doing a little research I found out that it's probably called a portable A/C, here are some examples. air conditioners&FORM=Z8RE&p1=[CommerceService+scenario="f"]&wf=Commerce
The one at the Big Tommato looked like the second one from the top, but the one at the Tommato had 2 hoses. I assumed that they were made for the hood, one hose that blows cold air and one for the return. But according to what I read those hoses are used to vent hot air while it helps you cool the room. I have to go to the Big Tommato tomorow anyway, I'll ask about it while I'm there. Maybe someone is making them a little different to work better with the light hoods.

The Big Tommato doesn't have them on their site, just an accessory you can use with it to regulate temp & humidity.

If I get money later this week I may buy one of the A/Cs and one of the cheaper temp & humidity controlers to use with the A/C just to see if they're any good.


Well-Known Member
No worries, just one source of light in the bedroom, the sliding glass doors. But that's fixed easy enough with a comforter and some nails. I can make it pitch black in there.


Active Member
This will do u just fine for all three lights(trust me).Plus it comes with a carbon filter. There is no need for a portable ac(they are not mad for your hood they are made to cool big grow rooms). Like i said use the ac that you have for to push cool air in and get the fan and filter to exaust the hot air and mount it to the ceiling in the closet. what is your humidity??between 30 and 70 is good. You probly dont need a to mess with that.

For serious growers


Well-Known Member
This will do u just fine for all three lights(trust me).Plus it comes with a carbon filter. There is no need for a portable ac(they are not mad for your hood they are made to cool big grow rooms). Like i said use the ac that you have for to push cool air in and get the fan and filter to exaust the hot air and mount it to the ceiling in the closet. what is your humidity??between 30 and 70 is good. You probly dont need a to mess with that.

For serious growers

Well the carbon filter & fan combo is cheaper and I'll probably need it before I'm going to need the portable A/C, so that's probably a better way to go right now. Thanks

Actually it's really dry here. I think the humidity is normally below 30%. It's 24% now in the closet.

Also noticed while I was checking humidity that temp went back up to 88 degrees. So I just turned off my other HPS. Don't ask my why the temp went back up, this is getting really frustrating.


Well-Known Member
just thought of another question. If you take a clone in a cube that was grown with chemical instead of organic fertilizer, can you transplant it to organic soil, or do you have to stick with chemical?


Active Member
Put a couple cups of water in the grow room should raise the humidity. Yes you can go from chem to organic. Why is it that you want to grow organic?? You mean put it into organic soil and use organic nutes i dont see why not.


I understand your frustration! I am using a 600 watt MH plus 10 26 watt cfl on a homemade rectangle hanging outside of my bat wing. my room is 56x46x60 i have a 6 inch can fan and a 33 filter exhausting into a spare room, two passive air intakes, an 8x16 soffit vent and a 6 in round. with the door shut the temps hit 85 and I have no humidity... it is something simple I know it I just can't seem to see past it lol


Active Member
I understand your frustration! I am using a 600 watt MH plus 10 26 watt cfl on a homemade rectangle hanging outside of my bat wing. my room is 56x46x60 i have a 6 inch can fan and a 33 filter exhausting into a spare room, two passive air intakes, an 8x16 soffit vent and a 6 in round. with the door shut the temps hit 85 and I have no humidity... it is something simple I know it I just can't seem to see past it lol
That is your problem those reflecter suck man. They heat up. why do you have 10 26 wat cfls for. I got to see a pic of this.


Well-Known Member
I've already spent over $50 on organic fertilizer, and you can't mix chemical fertilizers with organic. So I'm stuck with organic whether I like it or not. When clones are rooted in chemical soild you have to stick with chemical because the dirt holds them for a long time. But I wasn't sure about cubes, I figured the cubes didn't hold the fertilizers as long, just wasn't sure.

I'll try the cups of water tonight and see what happens. Shouldn't be that hard to keep it between 30% & 70%


Active Member
You can use chem and organic nutes. I do my plant get the best of both worlds.The soil is fine if its organic. I think its better to have some nutes in the soil it feeds the plant up to 4 weeks.