Newly acquired plants wilting!

The nasty

So let me start off by saying this is my first grow. I have two tents that are 8x4x7 and the tent walls are Mylar. In each tent I have 2 1000 watt hps, an oscillating fan, and a thermometer.

So, I got thirty clones yesterday of various strains and put around 8 under each light. They are still in their rockwool cubes. A couple hours later I check on my babies and they are falling over wilted. No signs of burn or yellowing. The cubes are still damp, so I assume it must be the lights. I raise the lights up as high as possible and see some improvement, but not much. The temp is around 90 to 95 degrees in the tent, with humidity around 16 percent. Should I purchase some humidifiers? I know the tent is too hot, and I can cool it down to around eighty with the tent doors open and the garage door open, but I can't have them open while I'm away from the house, obviously.

If not the heat, then what's wilting my Plants??

And if it is the heat, what can I do to fix this problem?

Btw, this morning I lightly misted the plants and threw some wet towels in there, trying to increase the humidity. Any suggestions are welcome, I don't want my babies to die!


Well-Known Member
have you not got an extracting fan? if not you will need one. sounds like to much heat off them 1000 watters, use a couple of cfl or T 5 until they grow abit, also it could be light shock if they've come from a few T5 to 2 x 1000


Well-Known Member
It's the heat shock more than anything else.
If the temperature was right around 70-75f where it should be, all that light would just make them grow like crazy.

You can't just pile on one aspect of your system without accounting for it properly. 2x1000w in each tent is awesome, but if you don't exhaust that heat, those lights just become plant killers.

The nasty

points taken, I definitely need to figure out a way to cool it down. What would you guys suggest? Some sort of exhaust system? What would you guess would sufficiently cool an 8x4x7 tent? I wasn't anticipating this being a problem, hence why I'm not prepared for it (noooob)


Well-Known Member
points taken, I definitely need to figure out a way to cool it down. What would you guys suggest? Some sort of exhaust system? What would you guess would sufficiently cool an 8x4x7 tent? I wasn't anticipating this being a problem, hence why I'm not prepared for it (noooob)
What do your light hoods look like? Do they have exhaust flanges (holes for fans)? You want to rig up an inline fan with ducting. It's a common sight in grow rooms.

The nasty

They are just simple gull wing hoods, so no sort of hole for fans. My tent has pre-cut holes for the exhaust and such, but I'm not exactly sure what equipment I would need for that?


Well-Known Member
Welcome to the wonderful world of grow room air movers.

Click around. Have a look:

(Note I am in no way associated with PC Hydro... just for example purposes)

So you're saying you have 2 x 1000w bare bulbs with just reflector wings in an enclosed tent? Congratulations. You have just created a very large oven.

Those bare-bulbers are intended for larger open spaces that are heavily air conditioned. For an enlosure grow like yours, first order of business should be containing and removing the heat from the bulbs. That means enclosed hoods or cool-tubes constantly being blown by powerful inline fans hooked to ducting. Thats what those holes in your tent are for... ducting exhaust / intake. Looks like you have some more spending to do if you want to make it work.

The nasty

Welcome to the wonderful world of grow room air movers.

Click around. Have a look:

(Note I am in no way associated with PC Hydro... just for example purposes)

So you're saying you have 2 x 1000w bare bulbs with just reflector wings in an enclosed tent? Congratulations. You have just created a very large oven.

Those bare-bulbers are intended for larger open spaces that are heavily air conditioned. For an enlosure grow like yours, first order of business should be containing and removing the heat from the bulbs. That means enclosed hoods or cool-tubes constantly being blown by powerful inline fans hooked to ducting. Thats what those holes in your tent are for... ducting exhaust / intake. Looks like you have some more spending to do if you want to make it work.
Thanks for all the information, I'm thinking I will try to return my reflector wings and purchase some cool tubes, in line fans, and some ducting. Appreciate it!


Well-Known Member
Thanks for all the information, I'm thinking I will try to return my reflector wings and purchase some cool tubes, in line fans, and some ducting. Appreciate it!
My pleasure. I hope you can return those reflectors, but I just gotta say, either way, if you don't get the air cooled hoods or tubes with ducting and fans, your plants will not make it.


Well-Known Member
Or the simple option (and for some reason unmentioned) would be to switch off one of the lights till the plants can take/need it? Your humidity is WAY too low aswell, those plants will be transpiring WAY more than usual.

Is it possible that the cubes are too wet maybe? This will cause them to wilt.

Getting cooltubes and fans is no use if you cant exhaust the hot air somewhere by the way, an 8inch fan with carbon filter dumping the hot air outside will kill the odour and heat, but cooltubes dumping the air back into the room they're in wont help you at all.

You figured out a way to deal with odour when the time comes btw? Cos all those plants will stink to high heavens unless you do something.


Well-Known Member
Or the simple option (and for some reason unmentioned) would be to switch off one of the lights till the plants can take/need it? Your humidity is WAY too low aswell, those plants will be transpiring WAY more than usual.

Is it possible that the cubes are too wet maybe? This will cause them to wilt.

Getting cooltubes and fans is no use if you cant exhaust the hot air somewhere by the way, an 8inch fan with carbon filter dumping the hot air outside will kill the odour and heat, but cooltubes dumping the air back into the room they're in wont help you at all.

You figured out a way to deal with odour when the time comes btw? Cos all those plants will stink to high heavens unless you do something.
A much more thoughtful recommendation. Props. Rep. And you're right of course.


To the Nasty,
Do as he says and turn off one of the lights and move it way way up as far away from your clones as possible. Keep your tent's flap open and blow a fan in there, but not directly on the clones... gentle breeze. That should buy some time while you figure something out. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
You could also try to just leave open containers of water in the tent to bring up the humidity until you get your permanent solution

The nasty

Ok so last night I put all thirty clones (even those that I'm fairly certain are not going to make it) into one tent (because I another tent with an identical set up), and then this morning turned off one light. So now they are all under one light and I also placed water cups and a wet towel in the tent as a band aid for now. The heat was around 80 this morning, which is a vast improvement over the 95 plus I was getting. But obviously I need more permanent measures.

Here are some pictures so that you can see the effects and perhaps offer more detailed solutions to my problem. I figured it's probably easier if you can see my set up for yourself rather than visualizing it.

So, are you guys saying it will be too hot still if I only vent out of the tent into the garage? And yes I will get a carbon filter, I just was in no hurry considering I'm in the vegging state.

So the first couple pictures are of my tent, with 2 1000 watt hps lights and an oscillating fan. Then I have a couple pictures of the effects on my babies, one that's looking relatively healthy (minus the yellowing, though it looks much more yellow in the picture from the light) and one that is definitely fried. I also included a picture of when I first got them.

Hopefully this helps you help me : ) Thank you all for the quick responses I really appreciate it.



Well-Known Member
Ok so last night I put all thirty clones (even those that I'm fairly certain are not going to make it) into one tent (because I another tent with an identical set up), and then this morning turned off one light. So now they are all under one light and I also placed water cups and a wet towel in the tent as a band aid for now. The heat was around 80 this morning, which is a vast improvement over the 95 plus I was getting. But obviously I need more permanent measures.

Here are some pictures so that you can see the effects and perhaps offer more detailed solutions to my problem. I figured it's probably easier if you can see my set up for yourself rather than visualizing it.

So, are you guys saying it will be too hot still if I only vent out of the tent into the garage? And yes I will get a carbon filter, I just was in no hurry considering I'm in the vegging state.

So the first couple pictures are of my tent, with 2 1000 watt hps lights and an oscillating fan. Then I have a couple pictures of the effects on my babies, one that's looking relatively healthy (minus the yellowing, though it looks much more yellow in the picture from the light) and one that is definitely fried. I also included a picture of when I first got them.

Hopefully this helps you help me : ) Thank you all for the quick responses I really appreciate it.
I think the first thing we need to consider is the type of environment your garage provides. When it comes to garages, they're usually concrete floor and a little cooler than the rest of the house. Unless you're in a really hot state. If you're in a cold state and your garage's air is pretty cold, you could vent your lights into the garage's air and it'll work beautifully. If you're in a hot state, you might just want to get extra long ducting and vent it out your garage into open air. That'll work too.


Well-Known Member
if you vent the hot air into the garage and are using a passive intake then all that hot air will be sucked back into the tent, ideally you want it sucked out the ten then have some ducting either taking it out the house or blowing it into another room.

damm that reply above wasn't there when i was typing this!

The nasty

Well I live in Western Washington and considering the time of year, I think i'll be ok with just venting it to the garage. I just transplanted to soil today, did some light watering and tomorrow will go solve this heating problem so I can actually turn on all my lights. Some of my plants are also turning yellow, is this attributed to the heat problem or is this a new one entirely? I've read some things but I haven't used nutes, have only lightly watered them since tuesday when I got them, and just put into soil. So I'm a little confused on what the problem could be.


Well-Known Member
Well I live in Western Washington and considering the time of year, I think i'll be ok with just venting it to the garage. I just transplanted to soil today, did some light watering and tomorrow will go solve this heating problem so I can actually turn on all my lights. Some of my plants are also turning yellow, is this attributed to the heat problem or is this a new one entirely? I've read some things but I haven't used nutes, have only lightly watered them since tuesday when I got them, and just put into soil. So I'm a little confused on what the problem could be.
Oh, shit. I should have examined your photos more carefully. The reason your clones are all wilting and yellowing is because the roots can't breathe in those cups. Did you intend for this to be a hydro or soil grow? I'm sure planting into soil will help a lot. Just leave them to happily veg in the sun or something while you sort your tent.

What would you say your average temps are at night in your garage? If it's pretty cold, you can just vent the sucker right into the garage, timing your light period to be on at night... especially if it's a decent amount of square footage in that cold garage.

oh, and if this is gonna be a soil grow (i don't know much about it), but I do know you should be careful not to let your pots dry out with all that light you got going... even when you have fans venting them. Use large pots and watch their moisture... transplanting gradually to larger containers as they grow. See? I know something about soil.