News of the Warm

Not everyone adapts. Many die along the way.

We do fix our mistakes- but generally only when forced.

Mother Nature is an irresistible force.

I think there has been many times throughout history that catastrophic events thinned human civilization out and forced it to evolve. I watched a great documentary the other night on a people that retreated to caves because solar flares wiped out there civilization. Trying to find the exact one...
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The ocean is taking its sweet time to warm up but once it does...

Between warmer SSTs and slower jet stream winds due to Arctic warming, we're all but certain to see more Dorian style events as time goes on.

Maybe it's not a good time to retire in the tropics...
Not going to be much to it, but if your house just blew away. still a pain in the ass. And there is another just off Africa that looks to be coming their way.
Ice extent in the Arctic isn't setting a record low this year, but total ice volume is. There's almost no 4 year old ice in the Arctic at all anymore.

Paul Beckwith is a weather scientist who's put up a bunch of YouTube videos about climate change in general and warming in the Arctic in particular;
So is this the third or fourth 500 year flood in 4 years for South Texas? I lost count...

I think I saw animals pairing up in the Twitter clips. Has anyone seen a big boat driven by a dude with a long beard?
I think I heard two day totals of 28 inches. If this is the new normal, flood zones have to be updated.
And what are you doing to help?
I will bet more than you. Just the fact this guy has the balls to talk to people about topics that trigger brain dead fluoride drinking drones into attack mode, shows he’s doing more than you. Those folks repeat anything and everything the system has taught them to be true, even taking the stance of the CIA ( they coined the phrase conspiracy theorist after JFK researchers said it was leaders in government that did it) to moch those uncovering the lies. I love Chinese food. Mmmmm
Hey Neil deGrasse Tyson is an acquaintance of mine. How about we go to Twitter and I'll introduce you...
Go get asstyson as soon as possible. If you can get him to debate me openly on camera/video ( to prove it’s him) Do it! I will PAY you money. Seriously!!! But you know what, he won’t! Because he’s a hack! He’s an actor that went to university and learned all the same bullshit suedoscience the rulers teach. What has he made ? Did he invent anything? Has he made any scientific discoveries? No he’s a tv talking head, that gets air time to propagate the lie. I laugh at him when he try’s to explain gravity.
I would assume it means oval, with the bottom half being ever so slightly bigger... not the shape of a pear.
There is just no other way to communicate that in as few words that are understood b that many.
Lol so what the fuck is up with all the fake picture we have had of earth being a perfect ball. Remember those pics from Apollo? Oh wait they fucking faked them and it is on nasa video. Crickets..............
Ah you say so but can you prove it? Is it possible experimentally to prove the earth is turning? If so can you tell me the name of the experiment that proved it?, please and thank you.

I will bet more than you. Just the fact this guy has the balls to talk to people about topics that trigger brain dead fluoride drinking drones into attack mode, shows he’s doing more than you. Those folks repeat anything and everything the system has taught them to be true, even taking the stance of the CIA ( they coined the phrase conspiracy theorist after JFK researchers said it was leaders in government that did it) to moch those uncovering the lies. I love Chinese food. Mmmmm
Too many conspiracy theories in one post to respond to.

Go get asstyson as soon as possible. If you can get him to debate me openly on camera/video ( to prove it’s him) Do it! I will PAY you money. Seriously!!! But you know what, he won’t! Because he’s a hack! He’s an actor that went to university and learned all the same bullshit suedoscience the rulers teach. What has he made ? Did he invent anything? Has he made any scientific discoveries? No he’s a tv talking head, that gets air time to propagate the lie. I laugh at him when he try’s to explain gravity.
So does that mean your laughing prove something?

Lol so what the fuck is up with all the fake picture we have had of earth being a perfect ball. Remember those pics from Apollo? Oh wait they fucking faked them and it is on nasa video. Crickets..............
lol, lots of caffeine before this troll? Do you believe that Trump is going to bring about the apocalypse?

One of the stupidest post I’ve ever read... in fact still trying to figure it out.... did you get a bullet in your brain.
Think about it, you are in an airplane, that is moving very fast in one direction. Do you subtract the speed of the plane form the bullet or not? I didn't read the post he was responding to, but it seems pretty obvious to me.