Next and last state to legalize mmj?

Illinois is probably next up on the slate. Theyve been close to passing for awhile now.

I'd say Washington DC is the absolute last place in the US to get MMj, even though theyre not technically a state lol

Washington DC has been MMJ for a year or so, it had been voted in a number of years ago, but the barriers were finally torn down
interestingly, the OP's question has been answered, and the answer was Arizona
but still a good question, who's next stays a question until number 50 gets MMJ
Washington DC has been MMJ for a year or so, it had been voted in a number of years ago, but the barriers were finally torn down
interestingly, the OP's question has been answered, and the answer was Arizona
but still a good question, who's next stays a question until number 50 gets MMJ

Heh didnt know about DC thats a shocker lol. Grats arizona
Ohio might be the next. It has some of the most liberal possesion laws in the country.

My former home state of WV would be in the running for one of the last,which is highly ironic as it still has huge outdoor growing scene and has since the mid-60's. Most of the counties in the SW part of that state depend on illegal weed revenue to boost revenues via sales taxes after harvest season. A lot of growers back there consider indoor growing as close to a sin.
Illinois missed it by 4 votes in 2010 and i am hoping Indiana gets it soon it is killing me but there isnt even a poll yet:cuss::cuss::cuss::cuss: here is a pic that mite shed sum light on the subjectMedical-Marijuana-States.jpg i hope this helps out sum. seeing how my state cant and wont be voting it in anytime soon.:cuss::cuss::cuss::cuss: