Deffinetly a new england state next possibly Rhode Island they are right behind california with there medicinal plant regulations which are VERY leniant
Hey thanks for this information. I haven't been able to make it to Michigan yet due to a very close family member's illness involving surgery and a month long hospital stay (my first exposure to seeing first hand what a lengthy healing process can be like). It has also been my sole responsibility to care for this person during recovery. That said, Michigan is still high on my priority list.
The only thing that I am wondering about is this statement: " If you have a medical condition that qualifies, you can be "legal" in less than a month."
From what I understand, a person first needs to establish residency, and then it takes a month after residency to become legal. Am I wrong in that a person *can* become legal in less than a month even after having *just* moved there? I also believe there is something regarding homeless persons not having to issue proof of residency; I suppose that I would technically be "homeless" at the beginning of a move.
PS Time to establish residency? Strategies (rent simple/single/cheap room in a renter's home?)?
idk man personally i see no logic involved....only cash flow and once these idiots find a way to make money and monopolize the sale of marijuana they will legalize it, i have no proof but seems to be the case for most products in America
LMAO!!! I know, I know... it's hard to believe. that's why i posted the official state website link instead of just a pdf of the bill. Texas NORML are a buncha crybaby bitches; refusing to even acknowledge this as a victory for our side cuz they didn't get full legal access, i say it's a first step in the right direction.^^^ some very interesting legislation, i don't know what to make of it
any other Texas residents that have some knowledge of this?
As of July 28th 2010 there are 8 states with pending legislation or ballot measures to legalize medical marijuana. Arizona, Illinois, Massachusetts, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania and South Dakota.
Alabama, Delaware, Iowa, Mississippi, Missouri, Tennessee, Wisconsin and Virginia all have movement attempts that were squashed.