next question, what drug would you really really like to try?

mushroom aborts
Azurescens, cyanescens mushrooms

hell who am I kidding I want to try it all from the first thread
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Drugs I'd like to try:
MDMA - one of these days
Heroin - probably would like it but probably a really stupid idea. Sticking to scripts but morphine is amazing
Qualudes - probably never happen

See I'm simply too lazy to source these things these days. Plus I avoid unnecessary risks. I don't know people who really are trustworthy anymore. I knew of a guy who always had exotic chemicals. Had a source who was a chemist. He really was in love with DOM. I could have tried that but the idea of tripping with him was undesirable. Too unpredictable for my comfort. Last I heard from him, he was shooting heroin and lost almost everything. Always the online markets I've considered, but again I can't afford some bad shit going down.
Oddly I'm kind of at the point I don't want to do any drugs, even weed is getting old

point taken. Treat sobriety as a high. Nothing like a cool morning after a good night sleep, a pleasant dump and warm shower. You and your straight thoughts.

and then there is the possibility of anticipation. The high of a freshly delivered UPS box. Hell, drugs can get you high without taking them.

I can recall the intense excitement I've had with a bundle of coke in my pocket, riding home on my bicycle. It was far better than snorting it.

or those two tabs of acid you spent days arranging to score. Sleeping in that foil in the frige. The sober excitement, the anticipation, the joy.

what fun.
point taken. Treat sobriety as a high. Nothing like a cool morning after a good night sleep, a pleasant dump and warm shower. You and your straight thoughts.

and then there is the possibility of anticipation. The high of a freshly delivered UPS box. Hell, drugs can get you high without taking them.

I can recall the intense excitement I've had with a bundle of coke in my pocket, riding home on my bicycle. It was far better than snorting it.

or those two tabs of acid you spent days arranging to score. Sleeping in that foil in the frige. The sober excitement, the anticipation, the joy.

what fun.

completely agree canndo.. many a time i'd be dope sick, and just having money in my pocket and on the ride to get some and suddenly the cold sweats, puking and anxiety would all go away even before i got close to the set.. just knowing i was on my way was often enough to get me feeling better..
"The high of a freshly delivered UPS box. Hell, drugs can get you high without taking them."
So true!
wish I had that feeling ahaha

i like to take 2 week breaks every now and then
that is about all I can handle
but it is worth it

go for it Bublonic!
I have sixteen mils of 20 mg per mil liquid morphine in my fridge. It sits, and every time i see it I grin. When I finally decide that the time is right o will say "Saturday morning". I will reflect on the prospect throughout the week and Friday night will be wonderful, sat morning before the ritual will be every bit as enjoyable as the drug itself. Next to the bottle sits a single 8 mg dilaudid. Imagine. An overcast day, a comfortable couch, perhaps a conversation or two with all of you. Yes, anticipation is a wonderful high