Nicotine anyone tried it


Well-Known Member
So as usual I'm sitting at home bored and I get to thinkin in between verses of graffiti the world playing through in my head about how most people in third world countries grow tobacco not to smoke but basically extract the nicotine mix it with a solution and spray it on their crops as effective insect mitigation I would think no one here has ever tried this but from what I've heard it does no damage to the plant and kills insects on contact was thinking maybe broad mites something impossible to get rid of plus it's organic I was thinking about this when my "friend" bought a tube of nicotine to up his level of ejuice could easily be tried I found most of the information on Google scholar if you feel like delving in
They use 100% nicotine for poison. The stuff your friend has is way too low a percentage to do anything plus it's not just nicotine, it's suspended in a carrier liquid.
Now, 100mg/ml of nic will kill fruit flies but not much else.
So as usual I'm sitting at home bored and I get to thinkin in between verses of graffiti the world playing through in my head about how most people in third world countries grow tobacco not to smoke but basically extract the nicotine mix it with a solution and spray it on their crops as effective insect mitigation I would think no one here has ever tried this but from what I've heard it does no damage to the plant and kills insects on contact was thinking maybe broad mites something impossible to get rid of plus it's organic I was thinking about this when my "friend" bought a tube of nicotine to up his level of ejuice could easily be tried I found most of the information on Google scholar if you feel like delving in
Nicitinoid pesticides are horrible for pollinators. They actually just got banned/ restricted here
The Massachusetts Pesticide Board Subcommittee (in the Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources) has determined that current uses of neonicotinoid pesticides used in outdoor non-structural uses or outdoor non-agricultural uses, may pose unreasonable adverse effects to the environment as well as pollinators, when taking into account the economic, social, and environmental costs and benefits of their use in the Commonwealth. Therefore, the Subcommittee modifies the registration classification of pesticide products containing neonicotinoids that have outdoor non-structural uses or outdoor non-agricultural uses on the label from general use to state restricted use. These include, but are not limited to, uses on lawn and turf, trees and shrubs, ornamentals, and vegetable flower gardens. The reclassification shall begin July 1, 2022.
Wow I figured it wasn't a thing if it's the main pesticide used in 3rd world countries I'm just trying to figure out ways to mitigate since most new organic pesticides are even banned here
No it works and works good just that studies here showed to much adverse effects most likely from overuse and nicotine kills pollinators dead
I soak my butts and blunt guts in a gallon jug, strain it and make home made bug be gone. I had a potted pepper plant outside I wanted to bring it in but it was eaten up with fire ants and gnats and other shit. I watered with the juice 2 days in a row and it killed or ran off everything.
I’m thinking soaking cigarettes may be diff in some ways but neonicitinoids are insecticides with an active ingredient derived from nicotine
Yes they definitely are not the same as butt water but what else is in butts. Imo there’s better or atleast just as good options without risking pollinators
So as usual I'm sitting at home bored and I get to thinkin in between verses of graffiti the world playing through in my head about how most people in third world countries grow tobacco not to smoke but basically extract the nicotine mix it with a solution and spray it on their crops as effective insect mitigation I would think no one here has ever tried this but from what I've heard it does no damage to the plant and kills insects on contact was thinking maybe broad mites something impossible to get rid of plus it's organic I was thinking about this when my "friend" bought a tube of nicotine to up his level of ejuice could easily be tried I found most of the information on Google scholar if you feel like delving in

citric acid - 2 teaspoons per quart.

instant knock down killer

You’re welcome.
You could buy pure nicotine at the pharmacy in Walmart as recently as a few years ago, likely still like that. I quit vaping and haven't made any e-juice since so I don't know.

But if your looking to experiment I'd use the med grade stuff instead of half smoking cigars or cigarettes.