Nikki haley’s $52,000 curtains

I'll answer your fair funding for schools problem.

The private school I went to that my parents paid for 100% now costs $7,000 a year, that's over $4,000 less than the minimum amount government pays each public school, while my private school got ZERO funds from the government. How about Robinhooding $2,000 to the school I attended to give those future me's a chance not to turn out like I did, and being even with public schools?

Yeah but all you got out of it was a job at Subway. Maybe you should have attended a well funded public school where they teach science and not creationism.
The Buckold said it so it most be correct because since he goes to such lengths to present supporting evidence for his claims.
It's too bad that most of his talking points of proof thereof seem to stem from Herb & Duds talking microwave
The Buckold said it so it most be correct because since he goes to such lengths to present supporting evidence for his claims.
It's too bad that most of his talking points of proof thereof seem to stem from Herb & Duds talking microwave
Aren’t you the guy who bases his whole worldview on YouTube videos made by convicted criminals?
Aren’t you the guy who bases his whole worldview on YouTube videos made by convicted criminals?
It must have you worried that those federal employee SDA members are so glib about not doing their jobs and defrauding you for your tax money in their own words that you want to spin the narrative.
Aren't you the girl that wants to take away guns so bad you'll kill for it?
It must have you worried that those federal employee SDA members are so glib about not doing their jobs and defrauding you for your tax money in their own words that you want to spin the narrative.
Aren't you the girl that wants to take away guns so bad you'll kill for it?

How’s your long girly hair, holocaust denier?
How’s your long girly hair, holocaust denier?
I'll take your attempt at insulting misdirection as an admission of your inability to think of something to CYA.
If all things on youtube are fake lies, you've based your world view on lies.

I'm just basing this on your opinions.
Quit giving me such easy statements to debunk and I'll quit showing everyone what a simple fool you are to believe anything that vilifies your favorite political party's propaganda. ;)
I'll take your attempt at insulting misdirection as an admission of your inability to think of something to CYA.
If all things on youtube are fake lies, you've based your world view on lies.

I'm just basing this on your opinions.
Quit giving me such easy statements to debunk and I'll quit showing everyone what a simple fool you are to believe anything that vilifies your favorite political party's propaganda. ;)
How many Jews died in the holocaust?
Then you can't.
A guess grammar is a lot like growing marijuana for you.
You try, but continuously fail.

Is that why you only post in politics?
It's the one place where you can get accomplished growers to pay attention to you?
You used infer incorrectly and you have sex with black men

They mistake you for a young girl
How many Jews were murdered in the holocaust?
Exchanging "murdered" for "died" doesn't change anything.
You're still to stupid to know anything about your adopted religious affiliation.
Asking the same question over and over and expecting a different answer just means you fit the classic description of insane too. :D
Exchanging "murdered" for "died" doesn't change anything.
You're still to stupid to know anything about your adopted religious affiliation.
Asking the same question over and over and expecting a different answer just means you fit the classic description of insane too. :D
Why do you refuse to say how many Jews were murdered in the holocaust?

Anyone who’s not a neo nazi should be able to answer that