Well-Known Member
Hey all
We were sittin' and chillin' (as you do), and I was thinking about those mass mobile phone activism things. You know, where 200 people all meet at a train station and then at a given time freeze for five minutes or something similar.
Well, wouldn't it be a trip if you could organise something with smokers. To get the right impact, everyone would have to have a bong hidden on them and a chop ready to pack. Anyway, imagine 200 people at a train station, or in a mall at 4:20 (just for an obvious time example) all whipping out their bongs, packing one bowl/cone and choofin' away. Then all at the same time packing up their stuff and walking on.
Of course the big drawback with this plan is motivating enough smokers to get to the one place on the right date at the right time. Then you'd have to worry that due to paranoia, at the given time, everyone else will wait for someone else to pull their bong out first. I reckon the most likely thing that would happen is that a heap of people would want to do it, but then they'd all stay home so they could watch it on lone stoner in the middle of Times Square whipping out his bong and lighting up...and everyone walking right by ignoring him because that's the way things happen in Noo Yawk.
Sorry, just drifting.

We were sittin' and chillin' (as you do), and I was thinking about those mass mobile phone activism things. You know, where 200 people all meet at a train station and then at a given time freeze for five minutes or something similar.
Well, wouldn't it be a trip if you could organise something with smokers. To get the right impact, everyone would have to have a bong hidden on them and a chop ready to pack. Anyway, imagine 200 people at a train station, or in a mall at 4:20 (just for an obvious time example) all whipping out their bongs, packing one bowl/cone and choofin' away. Then all at the same time packing up their stuff and walking on.
Of course the big drawback with this plan is motivating enough smokers to get to the one place on the right date at the right time. Then you'd have to worry that due to paranoia, at the given time, everyone else will wait for someone else to pull their bong out first. I reckon the most likely thing that would happen is that a heap of people would want to do it, but then they'd all stay home so they could watch it on lone stoner in the middle of Times Square whipping out his bong and lighting up...and everyone walking right by ignoring him because that's the way things happen in Noo Yawk.
Sorry, just drifting.