Nirvana Shop Feminized Northern Lights w/250 Watt MH/HPS Growlight


Active Member
**UPDATE** Well both my plants have officially been under 12/12 flowering for 2 weeks as of yesterday. The new pictures were taken outside of the box hopefully giving you all a better look at them under normal lighting. They are progressing well with the fimmed plant showing 8 nice bud tops in all. The uncut plant now stands almost 23 inches tall with a very nice main bud that looks like it will be very nice when finished if it keeps going the way it has been. I have only been fertilizing once per week with MG Bloom Booster so could probably be better but all in all it looks to be doing excellent for what it is. Fertilizing again tomorrow and will update again in a few days of their progress.


Po boy

Well-Known Member
plants are looking really gooood! i love the northern lights autos. it's like a hassle free plant, and tough as hell with great yields and awesome smoke. GL


Active Member
Yeah if these girls stay healthy and keep going like they have been then I am thinking some good quantity as well as excellent quality. The smaller fimmed plant's bottom leaves were beginning to yellow which was from Nitrogen deficiency so I started watering more often and seems to be taking care of the problem so now I just gotta water every other day and check days in between as well just in case they get really thirsty. Can't wait to fertilize again tomorrow and see them get that weekly boost they like so much!! Thanks for all the comments and compliments as well brothers!! I am still new to this and learning everyday so it means alot to me that seasoned growers such as yourselves are impressed by my 2nd pair of plants I have ever grown.


Active Member
Well both plants are doing awesome with nice bud growth everyday it seems like. I look at them twice a day usually and seems like the buds grow nonstop because new growth each time damn near. Both these plants have produced well for only being in flowering a total of 18 days. I am hoping its a sign that they will harvest earlier than later but we shall see. Can't wait to see what they look like at the end of the week when I take new pictures!!


Active Member
What do you mean by dim? I bought a 50 ft. roll of 2mm Hydroponic Grade Mylar, but didn't use much of it to line the walls since my growbox isn't super big. I attached the mylar to the plywood using velcro which actually worked out awesome and also doesn't create folds/creases in the mylar. Thanks for checking my journal out and stay tuned because I post new pictures at the end of every week and update a few times a week as well.


Active Member
I guess I meant I was wondering what size you made your box out to be, I.E. 3X3, 4X4, etc. I am going to do the exact same thing and was just curious what size your box was relative to the amount of mylar you needed.

Thanks and I will be watching this closely!


Active Member
Originally I made the box only 4 foot high which was fine when growing with CFL's like I did on my first ever grow. Once I purchased my 250 watt MH/HPS light setup I had to add height to the box since the new light would run hotter and needed to be further away from the plants. The box now stands around 6 and half feet tall and each side is about 3 and a half feet wide. I just used 2x4's for framing and then painted them flat white because would have been too hard trying to cover them with mylar as well. I also installed 2 computer fans as exhaust but probably put them a little higher than I should have but they get the job done anyways. Don't really need a lot of mylar but I just got the 50 foot roll because I got a good price on it plus can use it for a little bit bigger grow in the distant future.


Active Member
What are you guys thoughts on pruning fan leaves to allow more light to the bud sites? If my tall, uncut plant keeps growing and gets too tall for my light setup, is it cool to bend it over that late in flowering or should I just move the plant from underneath the light? Any comments or suggestions are appreciated as always!! Both plants are doing fine though except I think the fimmed plant may be rootbound so I don't think it will be growing in size anymore and looks to be doing good in bud development anyways. The uncut plant is amazing looking and seems to just keep growing since it now stands at least 25 inches high if not higher and getting a little bushier as well with amazing bud growth.


Active Member
I am also wanting to know what fertilizers I should go with on my next grow for vegetative cycle on the Pure Power Plants I will be growing because since I am also growing Autoflower Bubblicious, I will have to run 18/6 light schedule till Autoflower's are done before I can switch to 12/12 light schedule for flowering the Pure Power Plants. The Fox Farms soil I will be using is good in nutes for the first 30 days which is usually all I would need before sending into flower, but I have read that Autoflowers don't do well in the 12/12 light cycle which is forcing me to let the Pure Power Plants veg longer than I would like so will need some sort of nutes to finish out the veg cycle on the Pure Power Plants before switching to MG Bloom Booster for flowering. I am just trying to get my ducks in line for the next grow so I can start it as soon as my current grow is ready to be harvested. Any and all comments, suggestions, or opinions appreciated as always!!


Active Member
**UPDATE** I decided to take new pictures today instead of tomorrow or Saturday because my uncut plant is starting to get really hard to take out of the grow box for good pictures so got some good pictures one last time before its too big to pull out until harvest. As you will both plants are pretty healthy and doing their own individual thing. The uncut plant stands 26 inches tall and bud growth is going awesome. The fimmed plant stands 13 inches at its highest top but all the buds are looking great and growing well. Will be fertilizing again on Saturday and just to keep the record straight for this journal.....tomorrow, Friday, will be officially 3 weeks of flowering.



Active Member
**:leaf:4/20 UPDATE:leaf:** Plants are doing great, but decided to wait till tomorrow to fertilize again because both plants are still fairly moist from yesterday morning. All the buds seem to grow each and every day so I am always looking forward to seeing them each and everytime now. Looks like the uncut plant is going to have a fairly large top bud from the looks of things which I cannot wait to see. The fimmed plant looks like it will have some pretty decent size buds too and way more of them also. I will update again in 3-4 days with progress, but more pictures will come at the end of the week as usual. Hope everyone stays tuned because this looks to be a promising grow if all keeps going the way it has been!!


Active Member
Well I can definitely see the hybrid side of things coming out in both of my plants because the leaves are taking on more of the sativa look being long and skinny. Both plants originally started out with your typical indica leaves being wider and more full. All the fan leaf stems are showing deficiency, but that is expected since the buds are sucking all their energy from the fan leaves. Officially as of today the uncut plant stands 27 inches tall so still hasn't stopped growing although it seems to be slowing down some which would be awesome since the plant is at a nice, manageable height.


Well-Known Member
damn I thought I subbed to this.. must have forgot.. looks great brother, budding up really nice. The uncut one looks greener, though not saying the other one is not nice and green to, just wondering ,does cutting it make it hungrier? Or maybe it's just a phenotypical thing


Active Member
No you are right, the fimmed plant is definitely always hungrier and seems to need feeding more often then the uncut plant. Being it has 8 top buds to feed instead of one like normal I am sure is playing a big part in it.


Active Member
plants look great, i'm still a total rookie, but, is there any use in trimming the very bottom fan leaves off to aid in bud growth? Seems like those lower yellow leaves aren't doing too much and are showing deficiency in their color...

Keep Growing!



Active Member
I usually just wait till the plant gives the leaves to me and try not to force them off. When they are ready to come off they will. For now I just tuck fan leaves away so they don't block buds so much. I can see red in all the fan leaf stems which means deficiency but that is expected since the buds are taking all the energy and nutrients now. I did trim all the bottom fan leaves off of my last plant I grew and it seemed to stress the plant more than I liked during flowering so I am really not wanting to do that again with how well the buds on these 2 plants are growing now.


Active Member
**UPDATE** I took both plants out of the box today, carefully I must add, to take good photos of them. Bud growth is still awesome seeing how the buds seem to double in size each time I take pictures. The fimmed plant looks the most awesome because of its 8 top buds, but the uncut 30 inch monster still looks pretty good herself with what looks to be one giant top bud. Both of their soils were still pretty damp so won't be fertilizing again till tomorrow when they will need watering again. The plants are 30 days into flowering now so halfway to the finish line give or take.
