

Well-Known Member
Has Anybody Had Problems With Nirvana??? Orderd 23 And 27 Of May Still Nothing .its The 12th Of June Ialways Split Large Orders And Never Has Taken More Than 14 Days.BUT MY LAST PACKAGE WAS OPENED AND JUST GLOVES AN YES I LOOKED GOOD TORE THEM INSIDEOUT?


Active Member
I'm in Australia, no sign of my seeds yet after 21 Days. I ordered more tonight cause I'm guessing Australian Customs wanted em more than me. If this lot doesn't show up then I'll consider flying over there to kick the owner of Nirvana in the balls, will post it on youtube for shits and giggles


Well-Known Member
Has Anybody Had Problems With Nirvana??? Orderd 23 And 27 Of May Still Nothing .its The 12th Of June Ialways Split Large Orders And Never Has Taken More Than 14 Days.BUT MY LAST PACKAGE WAS OPENED AND JUST GLOVES AN YES I LOOKED GOOD TORE THEM INSIDEOUT?
damn dude how much seeds did you buy? Mine came in like 3 weeks later from Nirvana...


Active Member
SOMEBEECH, did your seeds arrive? Both of my Nirvana orders never arrived, I contacted their arrogant support person and very politely asked if they'd send me an envelope or postcard just to see if that arrives, doubt they'll bother though.

South Texas

Well-Known Member
Yes I had Fucking problems.... Last Oct. Order arrived. Inside the envelope was a small box of little map pencils, no seeds. since then, I use NL & The Attitude.


Well-Known Member
SOMEBEECH, did your seeds arrive? Both of my Nirvana orders never arrived, I contacted their arrogant support person and very politely asked if they'd send me an envelope or postcard just to see if that arrives, doubt they'll bother though.

that sucks monkeys balls..........

stupid aussie customs


Well-Known Member
Hey OP I had the same exact problem as you and I made a big stink on the forums on accident because I was a newbie ordering seeds and didn't know their shipping methods. When I recieved those empty gloves I freaked out. Listen, email them and if they don't respond in a week. PM and I know something you can do; I'll tell you how I got my order redeemed.


Active Member
I don´t think Nirvana is husteling you though! I live where seeds are legal and always get my seeds within a week. Last time i got a postcard and a crazy blinking santa´s hat (or whatever u call em). And seeds.


Well-Known Member
I am ordering my second time with Nirvana, the first time got my package in like 3-4 weeks, i am now on my 6th week (thats business days only) nothing... i emailed them and and got no response, emailed them again 2 weeks later and this is all i got from some wise ass:


it might arrive soon ..that depends on US mail service

not us ! ;o(

peace John

Emailed them again... no response... just emailed again a couple of minutes ago..

If customs has it, will i find out? Will i get a letter or something? $100 bucks down the drain i knew 10 seed for $25 had to be to good to be true.... Can i get some names of reliable dealer, someone I WILL GET MY SEED FROM & fast... and not just the 1st or 2nd time?? I am soo pissed, i just put my last seeds in flower, no clones... I need to grow


Active Member
sensiseeds is probably one off the worlds best seedbanks, send an e-mail 2 em and ask if they can stealth up ur package. They do have an exelent support and top of the line seeds.


Well-Known Member
I was getting ready to order from nirvana, but I am glad I didn't now..damn that sucks man I feel your pain