No bra


Ursus marijanus
It can be nice in the summer. So long as the presentation isn't outright slutty, I generally applaud women who choose to flaunt it a little, even if the underlying substrate doesn't begin to conform to magazine-cover standards. cn


Well-Known Member
no but i don't mean what you like, i mean is it apropriate. like if u see peoope u know, is that acceptable?

my bf would say YES it is. but i don't see how it is. it's sort of tacky.


Well-Known Member
How do we define appropriate?

Does it look good? Maybe, maybe not. If you want to walk around naked all day long that's fine with me long as I'm not subject to some weird sexual perversion - you can be fat, have floppy tits, and have never shaved a hair on your body, I don't care. I'm shy of my own nudity (although I'm not sure why and wish I wasn't) but I'm not shy of someone elses nudity/body.

If you were to attend my grandmothers dinner - yes it is inappropriate.

Most of my friends think cannabis is inappropriate :(


Well-Known Member
no but i don't mean what you like, i mean is it apropriate. like if u see peoope u know, is that acceptable?

my bf would say YES it is. but i don't see how it is. it's sort of tacky.
I still like braless perkiness lol.

Ummm I guess it's not inappropriate. Unless it's like in the workplace.


Ursus marijanus
I guess it depends on what you mean by "in the middle of the day". Sidewalk? Gorocery store? No problem. Anything more formal? Maybe better strap'em in ... cn


Well-Known Member
i think guys think it's ok becase they prefer to see more boob than less boob. women may agree that it's not appropriate.


Well-Known Member
OK I need some thing to compare to some one please show me inappropriate and acceptable.
Remember I'm a Grandpa


Active Member
I teach at a school where all the granola girls run around without a bra... I personally think it leads alot more to the imagination when a woman wears a nice bra and tight fitting shirt.. now that gets me going....


Well-Known Member
We got these corn fed country gals up here in Burney and some er out right a pleasure to look at walking down the street!!


Well-Known Member
Todays society is more about what makes you feel comfy. If you like giving baristas and cashiers and coworkers a cheap thrill then let your boulders roll.

If you dont feel accepted when men are oggling your boulders, use a holder!


Global Moderator
Staff member
OK I need some thing to compare to some one please show me inappropriate and acceptable.
Remember I'm a Grandpa
Me too, and us old folks Rock !!!
Here's my idea of appropriate.


Well-Known Member
depends on the size/perkiness of em. my ex never really did it in public unless she had a jacket on but fuck was it awesome her walkin around like that in the house. when i wanted to feel boob i didnt have to feel through nothin and i liked that


Well-Known Member
As a woman I only wanna see attractive women without bras at walmart, but even if your tits are floppy I wouldn't say it is inappropriate...gross, and inattractive--yes, but I think it is appropriate for just doing errands around town...I wouldn't...but hey