No Consensus on 'Man Made' cause of Global Warming....


Well-Known Member
you claiming they're "Obama's windmills" is where you went wrong. You could've used a great talking point regarding "green" energy vs wildlife conservation, but you went the silly partisan route instead. And you wonder why no one takes republicans seriously
Get off your high horse. I'm not a big "R" republican. Everybody already knows Obama gave the 90 billion to "green energy" and subsidized the windmills with the stimulus package 2009. So yes, in essence they ARE Obama's Windmills. Just like Solyndra, he owns it. I don't just pop off and use words carelessly, unless sometimes if I'm joking around...


Well-Known Member


New Member
Get off your high horse. I'm not a big "R" republican. Everybody already knows Obama gave the 90 billion to "green energy" and subsidized the windmills with the stimulus package 2009. So yes, in essence they ARE Obama's Windmills. Just like Solyndra, he owns it. I don't just pop off and use words carelessly, unless sometimes if I'm joking around...
just a little "r" republican? I'm seeing why you like "tom cruise" now...


Well-Known Member
Leo's wife has the slender body of a little boy. Leo acts gay. Not that there is anything wrong with that. It's just not my thing.



Well-Known Member
I would be willing to bet that 1,700 of those 1,800 "scientists" are just mediocre idiots that sat through enough college classes to get a degree. The job title of "scientist" has to be the single most abused misnomer of the post-WWII era...

I have a friend in Philly who owns a business started by his dad............he calls himself the "Head Scientist" leading a business making products used by runners and such. He has no education whatever, and no relevant experience per se. I now run when I see the word "scientist", knowing more than likely it's a bunch of crap and used when all other credentials are lacking......


Active Member
I have a friend in Philly who owns a business started by his dad............he calls himself the "Head Scientist" leading a business making products used by runners and such. He has no education whatever, and no relevant experience per se. I now run when I see the word "scientist", knowing more than likely it's a bunch of crap and used when all other credentials are lacking......
I'm not surprised, but most pseudo-scientists will at least have some type of degree. People like your friend usually call themselves "engineer" which is the second most abused misnomer. (To be fair, there are more genuine engineers that did not attain a degree, than there are like scientists.)

Tell your friend that he should change his title to "Chief Scientist" or even "Chief Science Officer". More prestige! It is not for nothing that L Ron Hubbard named his invented religion "Scientology".


Well-Known Member
I would be willing to bet that 1,700 of those 1,800 "scientists" are just mediocre idiots that sat through enough college classes to get a degree. The job title of "scientist" has to be the single most abused misnomer of the post-WWII era...
I have a friend in Philly who owns a business started by his dad............he calls himself the "Head Scientist" leading a business making products used by runners and such. He has no education whatever, and no relevant experience per se. I now run when I see the word "scientist", knowing more than likely it's a bunch of crap and used when all other credentials are lacking......
I'm not surprised, but most pseudo-scientists will at least have some type of degree. People like your friend usually call themselves "engineer" which is the second most abused misnomer. (To be fair, there are more genuine engineers that did not attain a degree, than there are like scientists.)

Tell your friend that he should change his title to "Chief Scientist" or even "Chief Science Officer". More prestige! It is not for nothing that L Ron Hubbard named his invented religion "Scientology".
Reading is fundamental.

half of American Meteorological Society meteorologists
They are actually Meteorologists, bona fide.

Man you guys look kinda, well, you know.


Well-Known Member
Reading is fundamental.

They are actually Meteorologists, bona fide.

Man you guys look kinda, well, you know.
And you are... well you know... a liar. Your opinion means absolutely nothing. Shall I direct you to the aforementioned fact that supports my claim?

You ARE the weakest link. Goodbye.


Well-Known Member
And you are... well you know... a liar. Your opinion means absolutely nothing. Shall I direct you to the aforementioned fact that supports my claim?

You ARE the weakest link. Goodbye.
Hows that crush working out for ya?

If you want to call me a liar, thats fine, i could care less, but lets not forget, you also lied about the same exact thing, we can go back and review the posts and anyone can see you edited your number AFTER roli posted.
So when you call someone a Liar, you might wanna make sure you didn't leave all the evidence of your very own exact same lie for every tom dick and harry to stumble over.

My opinion means nothing to you? Oh darn, I could care less. Now if the facts were just as easy to dismiss. You can't always be wrong though, one day if you try hard enough you might actually win a debate in the politics section. someday.


Well-Known Member
Hows that crush working out for ya?

If you want to call me a liar, thats fine, i could care less, but lets not forget, you also lied about the same exact thing, we can go back and review the posts and anyone can see you edited your number AFTER roli posted.
So when you call someone a Liar, you might wanna make sure you didn't leave all the evidence of your very own exact same lie for every tom dick and harry to stumble over.

My opinion means nothing to you? Oh darn, I could care less. Now if the facts were just as easy to dismiss. You can't always be wrong though, one day if you try hard enough you might actually win a debate in the politics section. someday.
Actually, no I am in fact 400's, I was about to post 420, but in reality it is 421. But again, I have nothing to hide. You obviously do. Your rep power is 110, and I'm guessing your rep points in something like 10,000 or so. But you continue to dodge and then you inevitably lie... about everything.

Go ahead jackholio, find something I lied about.

Yes, your opinions mean nothing to me, or anyone else here. Your facts? You never ever bring any facts to the table. You either lie about everything or quote a lie you found from some right wing nut house blog.

Debates, when argued among intellects and civil people are never about winning or losing. It's about convincing the opposite position is 'more' correct. When those who engage in civil discourse, the participating parties need to come with an open mind, something you clearly lack.

A debate will never be "won" with you bro, you never have a premise or a way to argue it. You completely lack any understanding of what a debate really is.