NO defoliation appreciation thread.

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Apparently with increased calcium uptake the sugar content will be so high insects won't recognise the plant as food...which doesn't sound right but I can do the same thing I'm doing with no defol and no pruning and test it out.
I know for sure my plants are mould resistant but I'd like to test the results from the study that insects won't go crazy on them.
That would be easier than the bug thing as I'd have to go out and find them...not even sure if they're native in my country
Would mould from an old orange do? If I wiped that on parts of the plant and it be fine a week later...would that be enough to convince you morons?
Look guys...this is your best chance at me being wrong...I won't touch these water droplets that have been on the plant the past couple of weeks. You'll see me get mould because yous ALL were right and I was wrong
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That right there is a microclimate between leaf surfaces.

in the article I copied from Urban Garden Magazine about positive stress etc it mentions the first thing you need to do is perfect your environment before attempting anything within the article.

we’re not doubting that increased levels of calcium absorption can increase a plants resistance to pest or mould. Fuck man Silica can do that!!!

but the overall point we’re making is that if your environment is near perfect and you train your plants a little to embrace the articifical lighting source you won’t need to worry about What you can feed them to make them resistant!
Exactly right...It'll take a couple of days to get the mould and You will have your PROOF soon enough
Please... don't. Like the whole fucking point of offering you advice in the first place is so you DON'T fuck up your garden... what kind of retard would purposely introduce mold?

Email fucking Harvey you can find his Email. I've chatted with the cats at RAW before, they return emails quickly. Ask YOUR source before going out of your way to be fucking retarded.
Please... don't. Like the whole fucking point of offering you advice in the first place is so you DON'T fuck up your garden... what kind of retard would purposely introduce mold?

Email fucking Harvey you can find his Email. I've chatted with the cats at RAW before, they return emails quickly. Ask YOUR source before going out of your way to be fucking retarded.
So what would happen if the mould spores on my plant don't germinate and spread through my whole garden?
Nope you fuckwit...this has been my argument the entire time if you paid attention. You're the VERY first person to say calcium is good

Hang on a moment here! Fuckwit seriously?

dude if you live in the U.K. let’s meet up would love a face to Face with you.

not once have i called you anything or been derogatory to you.

In one of my posts I even stated that I’m not trying to invoke an argument with you.

calm the fuck down or let’s meet and see how many fuck wits you have to say then.
You're all completely convinced the mould spores will spread if I introduce them directly onto the plants, even when I gave you the reason for why it is unlikely I'll see any kind of systemic spread. That's PERFECT.
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