No More Bush Tax Cuts for the Wealthiest

you can call the integrity of studies into question but to do so you need to do more than claim big pharma is bad and cite an alternative book

Thank you mr self appointed guardian of status quo. You have succeeded in making me refrain from speaking about the medical benefits of cannabis out of fear that a transcript of this forum could be used against me. Let's keep those medical benefits a secret forever. Cannabis can't save anyone's life. That is what the studies say, so it must be true. Cannabis kills brain cells, making you permanently stupider every time you smoke, says one study. Ronald Reagan even said "
“I now have absolute proof that smoking even one marijuana cigarette is equal in brain damage to being on Bikini Island during an H-bomb blast.”

He even had studies to back his claims. But I'm just a conspiracy theorist...
Benzopyrene is a carcinogen that is created when lipids combust.

in context
"Benzopyrene is a carcinogen that is created when lipids combust. Since all cannabinoids are lipids, cannabis will produce more benzopyrene the better it is. Those same cannabinoids have been found to have a range of anticancer effects. "
Thank you mr self appointed guardian of status quo. You have succeeded in making me refrain from speaking about the medical benefits of cannabis out of fear that a transcript of this forum could be used against me. Let's keep those medical benefits a secret forever. Cannabis can't save anyone's life. That is what the studies say, so it must be true. Cannabis kills brain cells, making you permanently stupider every time you smoke, says one study. Ronald Reagan even said "
“I now have absolute proof that smoking even one marijuana cigarette is equal in brain damage to being on Bikini Island during an H-bomb blast.”

He even had studies to back his claims. But I'm just a conspiracy theorist...

yeah instead of falling back on the "conspiracy theories why not point out where the studies went wrong.

that would be an honest grown up way of doing things?

isnt reagan dead now?
Take a fucking logic class moron now that you get it all you have to say is I'm dishonest and immature, after I put up with your shit, you're butt hurt is showing.


im sorry its been such an ordeal for you to be asked to back up the bullshit claims you have made in this thread