ThE sAtIvA hIgH
Well-Known Member
lol i still find it totally amazing that depending on what piece of ground you are standing on in america depends on how you are treated for having weed
LOL....I didn't rat on anyone dude. You can say what you want, but i gave no one up. Everyone I ever bought from over the years are all living life just fine without having to fear the cops are going to go after them.
don't bother with red1966, he's a bigger piece of shit then the heroin junkie who ratted you.
Hey man, I don't know you but I know how you feel man and the feeling ain't nice.
When a similar thing happened to me, not the ratting-out thing, but I got caught, I took the chance to acctually get my life together, started working out, hung a lot more out with friends, and acctually took some time to realize what's great about this world (I know weed is one of the greatest things but sometimes you have to be without it to enjoy the other greatest things). After a while you get used to being weed free and if you do what the judge says for a few months and acctually prove that you've stopped, they will stop testing you and let you live your life unwatched.
Sounds harsh, but it's something that has to be done and I PROMISE you, the first joint you smoke after you've proven yourself, maybe gained a few pounds of muscle, met 100s of new people, will be the BEST joint you've ever had in your life.
Yep, it's like that here in Iceland too, I'm forced to stealth-grow. People need to wake up and realize that the herb is helping people.
Everything was going smoothly with my little operation I had. I had just one plant in a locked room that only I had the key to. No one ever went in there except for me. I cut down half of the plant about a month ago and had it fully dried and I was already starting to smoke it. It was great and I still had half my plant growing and it was days from getting chopped down until the cops came looking for my plant....
I got ratted out by the worlds biggest piece of sh!t to walk the earth. It was my sister's ex bf who is down right heroin junkie who broke into my house, tore apart my sister's room looking for money. Found some, then came back looking for more. Tried getting to my plant but failed because he's a fuckin junkie. My sister came home and heard all of this noise and saw the loser with two knives trying to get upstairs. She held the door shut and called 911. He takes off and cops catch him pretty quickly with my sister's money, 4 bags of heroin, and some other nasty drug. While in jail, he ratted me out saying I had an illegal grow operation. This pos never saw it the operation. This fucker was banned from coming on my property, but my idiot sister (whp has a kid with) let him come around while I was at work, so he knew something was going on. He knew I smoked weed because i bought some off him years ago.
Cops came to the door and my 10 yr old nephew let them in. There was no search warrant... They came up to my room while I was on a call for work and said they were here to take my stuff. They read me my rights, then tore apart my room and took the stuff i had dried, my grinders, bong, scale, pipe, and seeds. Then I had to take them to my locked room and they went in there and took the light, bottles, plant, timer, and everything else. I was handcuffed and taken to the station and questioned for 3 hrs before they booked me. I have never been arrested nor had any criminal record. Cops were trying to get me to rat on other people, but unfortunately, I don't know any big dealers or anyone with hard drugs. Since I couldn't help, they hit me with 3 misdemeanor charges. I asked the cops what's going to happen when I go to court. They said 'if you ever had a traffic ticket, it's the same thing. You go and found guilty/not guilty and pay a fine'. Me being very leery of cops, I contacted a retired cop who used to work in my shitty town. He's been a friend of the family for almost 40 yrs and bending over backwards to help me out because he knows my family isn't trouble. He gave me a lawyer to call which I have contacted and sitting down with him next week. The lawyer isn't sure i'll need him since they are misdemeanors and I have no prior record, but I am still willing to pay his $1k retainer fee to play it safe.
My intent was never to sell (I told the cops this) and it was only for personal/help my mom with her cancer fight since my shitty state in the US hasn't legalized medical weed yet (2015 it will be legalized for medical). We wanted to see if the weed would help before she went for the medical card since she usually has a CT scan every 3 months. She is still applying for the card even after all of this.
Unfortunately, my growing days are officially over all because of a fuckin rat junkie. Moral of the story, DO NOT GROW UNLESS YOU LIVE ALONE. You can never trust anyone because all it takes it one piece of shit to ruin it. If this piece of shit ever gets out of jail (this is his 2nd felony) and I happen to see him walking down the street....I'm not sure what I will do....I just pray to god he gets his ass killed in jail for being a rat because I'm sure I'm not the only one who he ratted out.
All over a fuckin plant that grows naturally. I wasn't harming anyone. I wasn't trying to make a quick buck either. It was all personals and to see if this would help my mom and shrink her cancer tumor. What is so fuckin wrong?
Yeah it doesnt make sense, he says he is not there, but then he gets handcuffed?this part doesn't make sense
And thus the endless fucking circle is created. Seems the actual reason cannabis is still illegal in most states is that the sheer revenue created by prosecuting us "criminals". Everyone on the planet knows cannabis is not as harmful as alcohol or tobacco. It's purely a money thang.I'm in IL, burbs of Chicago. Avoid this state if you can. It's a fuckin dump. I was handcuffed and taken to the station all over one god damn plant. Fuck these stupid laws.
They are misdemeanors, but I still needed to get a lawyer and pay him $1500. God knows what these prosecutors would do if I showed up alone.
It's totally absurd. The entire nation should take a clue from Colorado and Washington. FAR too many people worldwide use our beloved herb and eventually we will win this stupid, oppressive and unjust war on consciousness. Everyone has (should have) a right to do what they do with theirs, i still find it totally amazing that depending on what piece of ground you are standing on in america depends on how you are treated for having weed
use the pain towards motivation to start a massive grow op. thatll show em
He's a stinking rat. These are his words: "Cops were trying to get me to rat on other people, but unfortunately, I don't know any big dealers or anyone with hard drugs." If you want to defend him, fuck you, too.Good luck man. Ignore the guy above, all I see him do is stop by people's threads just to talk sh*t then run off....
Again, sorry to hear about that and best of luck. Keep us updated.
I must have put a bad hurten' on your butt. Ain't even got the guts to bad mouth me with your own words.I'll quote FrosytPelican.
"Good luck man. Ignore the guy above, all I see him do is stop by people's threads just to talk sh*t then run off...."