no signs week 3 flower


Well-Known Member
No problem dude!..Nice..i also dont trust it an i am there EVERY FUCKING DAY:p to be sure that everything is ok about this..maybe when i am not home the electricity drops down for 15 mins.<--- I WILL GET DESTROYED, maybe the plants dont, but i will definitely get..i will buy a digital timer with batteries and the problem will be solved once forever. :p

Well man, we are here to help you if you need anything else..

Good luck!
Don't trust the grid, if I were you I'd buy a backup generator asap!

EL Connoisseur

Well-Known Member
Plants at 12 hours and 5 minutes do not vegetate
This is an info which i take from the local hydrostore (who they are also growers 15+years) when they traveled for a seminar of a master grower and stuff like this..I dont say anything by my mind.. lol..
But i will not explain from when i learned anything i say..
So, let the trashes speak..
The results speak on their own!

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Well-Known Member
This is an info which i take from the local hydrostore when they traveled for a seminar of a master grower and stuff like this..I dont say anything by my mind.. lol..
But i will not explain from when i learned anything i say..
So, let the trashes speak..
The results speak on their own!

Yep, results do speak for themselves... I've got about 100 harvests and 1000's of successfully grown plants. Tell me again about YOUR experiance.


Well-Known Member
Had a whole crop go hermie when I shut
This is an info which i take from the local hydrostore when they traveled for a seminar of a master grower and stuff like this..I dont say anything by my mind.. lol..
But i will not explain from when i learned anything i say..
So, let the trashes speak..
The results speak on their own!

lol. The guys at your local hydro store are idiots. Stop going there, or better yet, stop making up shit. They didn’t tell you any such thing.


Well-Known Member
This is an info which i take from the local hydrostore when they traveled for a seminar of a master grower and stuff like this..I dont say anything by my mind.. lol..
But i will not explain from when i learned anything i say..
So, let the trashes speak..
The results speak on their own!

You're getting your info from the local hydro store!? Now I understand, thanks for sharing amigo, bueno suerte!

Edit: just keep the generator in mind, they probably can sell you one at the hydro store?


Well-Known Member
you keep linking the grow journal but it shows some pics of some plants a few weeks in and then journal abruptly ends. Guessing it wasn’t a spectacular finish. That was supposed to somehow be your evidence of 12 hours and 5 minutes keeping plants vegetating? I’m confused


Well-Known Member
you keep linking the grow journal but it shows some pics of some plants a few weeks in and then journal abruptly ends. Guessing it wasn’t a spectacular finish. That was supposed to somehow be your evidence of 12 hours and 5 minutes keeping plants vegetating? I’m confused
Confusion is almost always the result of talking with highly confused people.

For example...
I'm confused how he gets through his day been this "smart"


Well-Known Member
I was counting 60 days from germ..but i've seen vids and read about flowering at only 4 weeks into veg which is what most autos do how can a 60 day veg (or 46-53 days) be too short for a photo when it's not too short for an auto?..that doesn't make sense to me..but i suppose thats where genetics come in..maybe..I rarely ever go by what the breeder says bc not all grows are under optimum conditions..i only use it as a rough guideline and use a microscope to determine harvest time
You answered your own questions here, first Genetics will make the plants take different amounts of time. That is one main reason that counting flowering time from 12/12 start is WRONG and totally arbitrary. Different genetics take different amounts of time, especially from seed, if you are working from clones of a fully matured mother, things will usually happen faster in general.

Next you mentioned the other main variable that will effect the amount of time it takes for all plant processes to take place. Environmental conditions. I specifically mentioned the cold in my last post, but temps, RH, nutrients, or amount of water you give them will all effect how long things take.


watering is done every 5 days or so when the medium is dry enough..feeding is done every 3rd watering and only at 1/4 strength bc of my N issues before so i dont want to overdo it on the N again and end up with nute lockout which i had to flush twice to fix it so i had to let it dry for at least 10 days twice..2 of them were topped and lst'd..1 was topped twice at the 3rd and 5th nodes..i know they may need some light defoliating...before any ball busting be aware this is my first photo grow and am know they are not the prettiest..all i want is a half decent harvest bc im sick of paying for it after 25 years..not looking for the absolute best yeild or even the most i learning:) trying to get through this grow successfully..1 was leaf burned bc the small led bulbs dropped but i didnt notice until i checked on them the next day



Well-Known Member
No ball busting at all man, we are just trying to help. I will say that you are explaining your issues well though. You just told us you had 2 feed issues during veg. That slows growth and maturation. Flushing the medium with huge amounts of water is damaging to the roots, them staying wet for 10 days straight is not gonna be healthy either. So all those things slowed your plant. I would guess from looking at it, that if you have the environment and such fixed, I would think you will see flower signs in the next few days. The tops look like they are tightening up to begin flowering.


No ball busting at all man, we are just trying to help. I will say that you are explaining your issues well though. You just told us you had 2 feed issues during veg. That slows growth and maturation. Flushing the medium with huge amounts of water is damaging to the roots, them staying wet for 10 days straight is not gonna be healthy either. So all those things slowed your plant. I would guess from looking at it, that if you have the environment and such fixed, I would think you will see flower signs in the next few days. The tops look like they are tightening up to begin flowering.
ball busting was meant as a took 10 days for the medium to dry after flushing bc of a nitrogen toxicity during veg..its not like they were soaked for 10 days had to be done even though i didnt want to..i knew the issues were going to slow growth and i wanted to flip during the 5th week but thats why i went for 60 days to allow time to heal before flipping..the screen you see is the top of a bed i built for runoff during watering instead of moving the plants which i didnt want to do every time..drain pans slide in under the pots and removed when runoff stops..the environment is pretty clean overall.


Well-Known Member
Right on man, you are definitely moving in the right direction. I'm just trying to help you understand the answers to the question you asked in the OP.


Well-Known Member
It's really starting to piss me off bc this is supposed to be an 8-9 week strain but it looks to be taking a hell of alot longer than that and I can honestly see myself firing these fkn things out the door and growing some autos.
When you aren't growing auto's and a strain says 8 - 9 weeks it means 8 - 9 weeks starting the day of flower, it does not include any veg / seedling time at all. When growing autos and it says 8-9 weeks it means 8 - 9 weeks start to finish. So realistically for non auto's you could be looking at 3 - 7 weeks of veg (depending on methods and desired height) + 8 - 9 weeks of flower + 1-3 week harvest, dry, cure, so all around a 8 - 9 week regular seed will take you anywhere from 12 - 17 weeks start to finish

Autos are for quick low quality smoke
Regular seeds are for patient growers and potentially much higher quality bud.
hi guys..I have 4 green crack going..3 in promix,1 in miracle grow..all vegged for about 60 days and started bloom feed when flipped..temps around 60-65,rh is around 50-60,ph is normally between 6.3 and 6.8.
Using 2 300w leds calibrated mostly in the red spectrum at about 24 inches height and also threw in a few small led bulbs at 2700k when flipped.
I had some watering and N issues but they were fixed.

After 2 1/2 weeks with no signs of flowering I decided to put them in 48 hours darkness.
Today I turned the lights back on and are still absolutely no signs whatsoever ,vertical growth has pretty much come to a halt. Today marks the end of week 3.
Am I supposed to be seeing pre-flowers after this dark period or do I have to continue to wait.
It's really starting to piss me off bc this is supposed to be an 8-9 week strain but it looks to be taking a hell of alot longer than that and I can honestly see myself firing these fkn things out the door and growing some autos.
2 1/2 months wasted on these gd things..not to mention the electricity costs.
If there is a problem with the other 3, wouldn't the 1 in miracle grow soil still flower within the normal time frame bc it doesn't need to be fed?
I'm getting tired of putting all this work into something that is not giving back.
Please help! at my wits end.
Which Promix formula are you using?
I have not used promix but it looks like they have some with food already in the mix and some other mixes that are inert.

Already addressed by Thundercat, your temps are kind of low.

But there are some other factors here like Vapor Pressure Deficit, which is a compound measurement (temp/rh matrix) of your plant's atmosphere. Plants outside of their VPD comfort zone won't thrive and this will stunt/slow their growth. Stick your head in a tent with the proper VPD and its a wonderland that you'll never want to leave, I wish I could live in that kind of atmosphere.

According to the temps/rh you provided, your vpd is on the low side which can cause slower and even deformed growth. Depending on the surface temperature of the leaf (do you have one of those laser temp guns?) your VPD may be even farther from ideal. Your humidity and temps should try to stay relative to each other within certain bounds. Not taking other factors into account like leaf surface temperature, you should be at least 70f for 60%rh but ideally you'd want 77f - 81f. There are lots of VPD charts out there and some calculators if you want to fine tune it.

Also, be careful going too far into flower with rh that high and temps that low, those are good bud rot conditions and you don't want to lose all that hard work. If you can get your rh down in flower, like 40% you'll start to draw out that frosting. :weed:

Most importantly be patient, they will take the time they need and there isn't much you can do to rush things.

Everything else looks pretty good. Keep us posted!


Well-Known Member
Also, be careful going too far into flower with rh that high and temps that low, those are good bud rot conditions and you don't want to lose all that hard work. If you can get your rh down in flower, like 40% you'll start to draw out that frosting. :weed:

When you say like 40% RH, is 45% lights on 25-30% lights out a good range or should I adjust and try for solid 40% all day / night
When you say like 40% RH, is 45% lights on 25-30% lights out a good range or should I adjust and try for solid 40% all day / night
It all depends on your VPD. I keep 40% all the time but you need to maintain a temperature consistent with that rh and your plant on the VPD table otherwise you'll start to encounter VPD issues mentioned.

There will be less upward pressure on the rh over the dark periods, if you can lower it at night to account for lower temps and keep an optimal VPD that would help but my temps don't fluctuate much and my cheap rh sensor controller only supports 1 configuration at a time.

I grow in an area that has an abundance of dry air for most of the year, 20-30% indoors on average with the exception of late spring and summer.